Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

SauSage4201 wrote:
I would guess to say that it is more for boss damage since most trash dies from the first explosion.

But %damage only affects explosions damage and does nothing to arc damage itself.
Or am I missing something?
blackdeath101 wrote:
Etralis wrote:
If a dagger has "Adds x to x Lightning Damage"

Adds X to spells - good
Adds X - bad

Adds X OR adds X to spells and attacks - good
Adds X to attacks - bad

Arc is a Spell, so anything "with attacks" is bad. And on weapons specifically, any flat damage is implied as "with attacks". On other slots as flat damage, it can be applied to either if it doesn't specify "with attacks".

You say this is SSF friendly! How does one go about getting enough currency to be able to craft gear when currency is still RNG based! That could take weeks to get enough currency to craft 1 piece of gear! Chancing for inpulsa is almost impossible and not to mention the ring! How is this SSF friendly?

No uniques are needed for this build. They are just QoL upgrades at end game. I was clearing red maps fine with no uniques equipped and a 5L rare armor. Slower? Of course. But still very much not necessary.

So i can do this build complete all content on rares alone?
Hmm, there's a lot of discussion about daggers and sceptres. I'm far from needing it (or seeing a difference in game), but with 3.5:

Whirling Blades

Now uses weapon attack time +0.6 seconds, rather than overriding your base attack time. While base weapon speed will have some effect, this change is intended to reduce the travel speed difference between characters using weapons local attack speed modifiers and characters who are not.

Leap Slam

Now uses weapon attack time +0.55 seconds, rather than overriding your base attack time. While base weapon speed will have some effect, this change is intended to reduce the travel speed difference between characters using weapons local attack speed modifiers and characters who are not.

Given a 1.5aps Sceptre and a 1.5aps Dagger, Leap Slam should be faster, shouldn't it? If it's not, why?

Hi, I post my profile to know what I could improve in my build, thanks :)

On the leveling section it mentions to keep Cast when Damage Taken on lvl 7 but on the gem section it says to keep it at lvl 1.

Which one is the correct way? Thanks!

EDIT: If this helps, I play on HC, thanks!
Last edited by TentouEXE on Dec 16, 2018, 4:54:44 PM

On the leveling section it mentions to keep Cast when Damage Taken on lvl 7 but on the gem section it says to keep it at lvl 1.

Which one is the correct way? Thanks!

EDIT: If this helps, I play on HC, thanks!

One for Immortal Call and Cold Snap is lvl 1, another for Enfeeble is lvl 7.
Last edited by Seniobob on Dec 16, 2018, 5:05:29 PM
Hey guys, so im trying this build right now and its fun and all, dealing good damage, but i have very low life, i mean im onlt at act 8 and already 1-2 hits get me to 15% HP.

i got plenty of resistance, but my HP is only 1700.

Now all the gear i have is not end game of course but still i dont know where and what should i change to get more HP and keep my resistance and damage.
Hello, I am very new to this game. I started with this guide and I like it, however I saw people talking about 300-400k dps, mine is way way off that number, around 30-40k. Could anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong or where could my character be improved? Thank You!

Rudlowas wrote:
Hello, I am very new to this game. I started with this guide and I like it, however I saw people talking about 300-400k dps, mine is way way off that number, around 30-40k. Could anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong or where could my character be improved? Thank You!


I would upgrade the flasks, switch ring to essence worm with wrath, change belt to stygian vise with a decent jewel which shouldnt come too expensive. Also the amulet to include some lightning damage %, and a bone helmet for that nice 40% damage to minions buff (mine cost like 10c if you take the time to look for one that matches your resistance needs). The details you will find in the main guide under "Gear".

Im sitting at 50k tooltip DPS and my gear is pretty much how I put it out for ya (you can see my profile if u like), but the real damage is much higher. You would have to see your character on Path of building to have a better approximation.
Last edited by HugoVR on Dec 16, 2018, 5:44:38 PM
Hey great guide! Been playing it for hours and you really explain things nicely..One question: I see that clarity is mana reserve skill and CwDt cannot trigger that which I tested it..And enfeeble doesnt cast for me with CwDt..I only got to work Immortal Call with CwDt..Whats the prob? (also have the right levels so I dont know what's going on)
Last edited by Reith542 on Dec 16, 2018, 6:51:05 PM

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