Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Soul of Solaris Capture Shadow of the Vaal - i cant find hem in poe wiki write what this boss in maze map but then i open atlas no Shadow of the Vaal in this map( can some one say pliz where can i find hem.
Last edited by Heding on Dec 15, 2018, 4:49:25 PM
toxic678 wrote:
How required is inpulsas? Im finding it very expensive.. and my current chest seems solid.

It is not required. I've done a T15 with no expensive gear and a 5L this league. It just takes a good few more hits and kiting.

You have no freeze removal flask and 2 bleed removal.
Your armor is honestly so defensive that I would focus Jewels first (HP + 2 dmg, shock effect, etc.. more specifics in guide).
Then go into shaped daggers for elemental as extra chaos with combination of lightning dmg, light to spells, cast speed, etc with ideally spell damage and more elemental as extra chaos craft. Prices fluctuate, so you may have to buy them at another time or yolo Annul one.
Alleviating your STR requirement means you can upgrade left ring for better stats and fine tuning other slots to add chaos resist. Enchanted boots if they are cheap enough too.
Can also move your 10 STR passive (after dagger swap) towards a 2-point jewel instead of a 3-point jewel. And move up to 5 of the 5% HP wheel to Purity of Flesh wheel for added chaos resist at cost of a little HP.

And then you're pretty much smooth sailing until you can get the expensive uniques like Inpulsa, Watcher's Eye w/ Wrath leech, Clear Mind, etc.

Thank you guys for you help on the forums and thank you Enki having alot of fun with the build :)

If you are buying daggers, go with whatever has better stats. If you're crafting it, then it is up to you. Just remember that we only go extra crit for Elemental Overload 40% damage. We have 5% base and have to get over 100% crit strike chance stat to get higher than 5% (Controlled Destruction). Nothing wrong with going the base 5%, but it just means less Overload proc.

Once you're better geared, I would probably pick Sai because of the high tier Betrayal bosses and this build has a lot of damage already. But it will cost a very large amount of currency to craft a really nice Shaped Sai (see a few pages back).
BigJobless wrote:

How important is the 5l/6l Inpulsa's? Currently, I have 3 exalts in spare and I have many areas to improve. I'm using 6l tabula and thinking about saving 3 exalt more and buy an inpulsa(then try my luck 6l'ing) or get a +1 level tabula for cheap( 60-70C). Also, 6l inpulsa will take time but 5l inpulsa is possible. Which one is better for def/dps 5l inpulsa's and +1 Tabula?

I want to improve my daggers but don't have 4-5 exalt for each dagger? Is there any "cheap" crafting for better daggers? Maybe not for end end game dagger but a very solid good ones.

About jewels do you think we can craft with fossils or just buy them from market? Targeted crafting with fossils sounds good to me, how did you get your jewels, what's your strategy?

I'm open to every comment. Appreciated a lot.


Is it worth adding a chance to shock to our weapons or do we have enough shock already?

I have+47% spell power but can pay 8c to change that to 45-52% lightning damage and 11% chance to shock.

Edit: Also just dropped watcher's eye, with 53% increased damage with Wrath. Sell or worth using?
ign: prodster
Last edited by prod44 on Dec 15, 2018, 5:40:53 PM

r4plez wrote:
Why not using Herald of Thunder?

Because you need enough mana for Mind over Matter, if you are out of mana but not dead, it sucks!

I dont get it. Herald of Thunder adds tons of damage to arc - so we have more DPS to kill monsters faster. The faster mobs dies the less damage we take. Am lvl 58 now with 90/s mana regen and 1200 mana pool my survivability is more than sufficent at current state.
Last edited by r4plez on Dec 15, 2018, 5:43:46 PM
Last edited by HardKor182 on Apr 5, 2022, 12:48:39 PM
BigJobless wrote:

Missing 1 passive quest.
I would roll Basalt into another suffix. Longer duration will be better during boss fights.
Daggers are a good start, but lacking in overall damage. Only cold to spells on left dagger and that doesn't get multiplied by our lightning damage multipliers. I would aim for spell dmg, high light to spell, and cast speed at minimum on both if not able to find a decent shaped dagger. Use the non-chaos as extra chaos on both replacement daggers too, especially if non-shaped.
Tabula is fine for farming currency, but 6L rares are dropping in prices until you can get Inpulsa. Extra HP/resists to put more damage rolls on other gear.

Starter jewels I just found cheap ones on the market and slowly upgraded them as I found better/cheap ones. Fossil farming is too much work for me, easier to farm the chaos for a decent jewel with HP + dmg mods. I also spammed a few jewels with alterations + Regals and ended up with some jewels for other builds that I sold to buy better gear. Pure RNG.

Other upgrades to work for before Inpulsa: Better resists on helm (opens up excess for other slots) oots with enchant, Gloves with damage (atk/cast speed, Minion damage craft, or Fingerless Silk), 20% Whirling Blades for faster movement/dodge, chaos resistance (Purity of Flesh on tree, trade 5 5% HP), etc.

prod44 wrote:
Edit: Also just dropped watcher's eye, with 53% increased damage with Wrath. Sell or worth using?

Don't add more shock. Stick to spell damage until you unlock spell damage w/ non-chaos as extra chaos.
Definitely use Watcher's Eye.

r4plez wrote:
Am lvl 58 now

Quoted for emphasis. Use whatever you want to for leveling up. Eventually Herald of Thunder will not be worth the 500+ mana you give up for it when Betrayal bosses are hitting you for 6k+ eHP.

HardKor182 wrote:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Can easily be played in SSF. But I'm not so sure how well in Hardcore with all of the new Betrayal bosses. I've been 1-shot several times and this build only has a few ways to deal with high damage numbers (Basalt + Fortify). Shield and more HP/MP highly advised in gearing and routing.

No idea for other HC SSF guides. I lag too much and enjoy buying/selling too much to try it :)
Anyone try using brotherhood with this build? I bought one but not sure if it's beneficial in any way. With it on my resists are still capped. Life goes down by 200 though.
This question has probably been answered NUMEROUS times but searching through 700 reply tabs is hell of a pain. My question is what gems should I be using for my 5l before switching to a 6l?
You could probably replace the boots, belt and amulet rather cheap, jewels and flask could also need a little work. After that go for an Inpulsa's.

It's a waste, mobility is a huge factor to defense in this build and you just won't have any good mobility with PoH. The Queen's Hunger is a nice chest for defense, together with Sai Daggers you can reach some decent block chance whenever Bone Offering is up, which also grants life on block.

Easiest way to get a 6L would be farming Emperor of Purity cards, it drops from Fungal Hollow and Overgrown Ruin and guarantees you to get a 6L that should be rather easy to color. the ilvl is fairly low, but you can still get a good life roll through essences or benchcrafting. Other than that i'd recommend to work on some daggers, for SSF HC i'd recommend to look out for two Sai and then either use the spell damage recipe and aug/regal until you hit something usable, or once again essences. The new "trigger socketed spells on skill use" veiled suffix is also really good, if you manage to get it unlocked check out my gem setup in Betrayal and switch to that.

You'd have to compare in PoB to know for sure, out of intuition i'd say the 11% mod is better.

Herald of Thunder is honestly really bad, a 20/20 gem + another average rare jewel just gives as much damage as Clear Mind does but also reserves lots of mana, especially with Essence Worm. Aspect of the Spider gives about 5% more damage than either choice while also slowing the enemy, but once again at the cost of our hitpool.

Disable Herald of Thunder and quality your gems, that would be a start. You're also currently missing Fortify for another 20% damage reduction, and a Sulphur instead of Quicksilver Flask will also help.

Just try to slowly complete your atlas, there's an extensive mapping guide in the mapping section if you're unsure about all the mechanics. Your gear looks alright for a start, i'd recommend to work on flasks first and then start going after some of the more impactful uniques like Essence Worm, maybe also a Queen's Hunger to get started.

Attack Speed is for Whirling Blades or Leap Slam, Cast Speed is for all the spells.

Orb of Storms is a spell gem that you could've gotten from an earlier quest as reward. If you haven't, then simply get the Storm Brand spell gem and use it from now on.

Daggers or Sceptres, Wands aren't good due to lacking a movement attack skill to proc Fortify.

Mostly for Whirling Blades, it just feels much better to play with. Another advantage is the extra block we can gain through Sai Daggers.

Alchemist nodes, properly rolled 20% flasksand maybe farming glove/boot enchant should be next on your list.

Basically daggers similar to your sceptres. There will be a slight damage loss due to implicits, but it's negligibly and the mobility gain is much more valuable. My personal priority would be flat lightning to spells > cast speed > ele gained as chaos > attack speed > damage%.

1) Attack Speed is just for the movement attack skill and makes a huge difference.

2) We get exactly the same damage increase from lightning/elemental/spell damage %, so whatever value is higher is better in this case. Only difference is when using Inpulsa's, where lightning/elemental damage% will affect the explosion damage, but spell damage% doesn't. Flat lightning damage to spells applies directly to our base damage at 90% value (due to Arcs damage effectiveness), before all damage multipliers, and is extremely strong at high values. It would take comparison in Path of Building which gives you more damage in your current setup.

3) Quite important, a bit lower priority than +max life. For endgame, i'd recommend to have atleast 2k unreserved mana.

4) Only if there really is nothing better to craft, and you don't lose out on better damage affixes on other slots due to having to make up for what you could've crafted instead.

Your focus gearwise should be on flasks right now, they will make a huge impact. Check the flask section and go by the crafting advice to get the correct flask setup rather easily.

Thanks for that guide, will see if i can link to it in the main post so it doesn't get buried in here. Btw you still refer to multiple crafted mods prefix when mentioning that only a mirrored dagger will realistically be better.

DPS should be a bit lower, but you gain some defenses or speed depending on which offering is up, and two veiled mods (mine is missing them for some reason).

PoE is a bit unintuitive here, the wording "Adds x to x Damage" is local on weapons, but global anywhere else. So to clear that up, on a weapon it won't affect our Arc, but rather any hits done with the weapon itself.

Haven't had much time to play around with it yet, it only got fairly accessible this league but i'll consider adding it to the guide later on.

That is the entire challenge of SSF. Matter of fact is, this build has very low requirements on the gear side and the new Crafting Bench makes it easier than ever to get really good gear. No need to craft everything from scratch, you will get items drop and some things are farmable, if you inform yourself how. Inpulsa is a luxury, not a necessity to play this build. Even mana sustain is easier than ever with Storm Brand, and optionally the new autocast veiled suffix. I've played the build to 100 and done all content in SSF Incursion myself, when it was much harder to do than it is now.

I'm 99% sure you can't change the mods.

Halcyon is pretty bad for us, a simple rare will be overall better.

That thing is beautiful!

Both the implicit and crafted mod apply to Arc, increased damage% modifiers are always global EXCEPT for increased physical damage% on weapons, which is local. Flat damage is always local on weapons unless it specifies "to spells".

Inpulsa will greatly boost your clearspeed and as others said, the stats on it bring a 5L Inpulsa close to a Tabula in terms of damage, probably not a +1 Tabula tho. Another thing that shouldn't be underestimated is the shock immunity.

Dagger crafting comes down to luck, you could try out essences or fossils and hope for something great. The most budget method I can think of is using the spell damage recipes with rare chain belts, aug/regal and if three good mods, add a fourth with the crafting bench.

I personally just alt/regal craft my Hypnotic Eye jewels, bit unlucky with that in this league so far and it's limited to 3mods without exalting. Fossil crafting is a viable option, but you probably need to plan in quite some investment unless you farm everything yourself.

It's more of a luxury item, great to have but not required at all. Your current chest is pretty good, should be more than fine until you eventually can afford an Inpulsa's.

The dagger market is currently in a bad spot, there's just too much demand and not enough supply. Your best bet would be spamming some essences or using the spell damage recipe with rare chain belts and aug/regal until you hit something decent, then benchcraft. This is also what i'd recommend you to focus on next, and then either Watcher's Eye or Inpulsa's.

HoT + an average rare jewel just adds as much damage as Clear Mind does, but also lowers our survivability by reserving mana.

I'd recommend Sai for this league, their block helps greatly and they have decent base attack time too.

You can look for it with the search function in your atlas, it will highlight the correct map.

Not too important, but it doesn't hurt to add. Better would be the spell damage + damage gained as chaos mod once you unlock it.

That Watcher's Eye would basically be a really good rare jewel right now, good to use unless you can use those 2ex+ it would sell for for something better.

If you are looking for something very similar to this build, only thing I could think of would be an Arc Occultist, although that would require you to farm some specific stuff such as Shavs (through Div Cards) or a good chest first.

CotB cuts down the effectiveness of our Lightning Penetration, and without crit or high freeze chance we don't really benefit much for it. Imo this ring is better for an Inquisitor setup, or when using Shroud of the Lightless.

Leave out Hypothermia, or if you have Beacon of Ruin and Cold Damage to Spells somewhere then leave out Added Lightning Damage.

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