Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Thoughts on replacing



Mainly curious if the shock stuff is worth it?
Last edited by jujib3z on Dec 15, 2018, 2:13:10 PM
Skrible wrote:
hello, it's my second league playing and i'm trying your build this league. there's a few questions about mods affecting this build that i would like to ask.

1) in your guide, there's some items with +#% increased attack speed (gloves and weapons). how does this build benefit from it? or is attack speed the same as cast speed?

2) for the weapon mods, how are the +#% lightning/elemental/spell damage weightage like? or are they equal weightage? what about flat +# - +# lightning damage to spells? which one should be my priority?

3) how important is +# maximum mana in this build?

4) in this season, rings and belts can craft the mod +#% increased damage, should i always be trying to craft this mod as much as my other stats allow?

Thanks for thanks for reading. hope you can help me clear some doubts.

also, if you have plenty of time, can you help me check my gear and let me know which are the pieces that need immediate changing? i just finished epilogue last night and spent about 20c buying my full set of equipments. would be great if there's some pointers!

thanks in advance!

blg_RealiZe wrote:
GibbyPlayer wrote:
I don't understand the crafting piece. You say you need a ring, an orb and a wand to create a +1 lightning wand. That doesn't make sense to me. The only method I'm aware of for crafting is using individual crafting materials on it. As I understand it, this is not like Kanai's cube in D3. What am I missing? Thanks.

sell them together to any vendor

AH! Thank you.
A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules, often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians. -- Frank Zappa
Ditto on the fusing randomness. Just got my Inpulsa today. This league took ~300 fusings for 6L Inpulsa. Previous leagues had 1k and one close to 2k. 5L adds more than enough damage and clear speed to make up for it until you can afford the 6th link. Damage % on shock is fairly close to Hypothermia without the defensive stats. But the increased effect of shock and explosions take it up several notches (I REALLY wish the explosions matched alternate skill effects). Still not necessary for red tier, but helps a lot.

jujib3z wrote:
Mainly curious if the shock stuff is worth it?

Short answer, yes replace. Longer answer, they are both okay, but 1 of your rings will get replaced by Essence Worm eventually. So you'll want a rare ring stacked with HP and resists (chaos too) to make up for it. The flat dmg craft is also not far off that shocked dmg and shock chance is fairly null.

Skrible wrote:

1. Whirling Blade for movement and dodge. You're still using scepters so it would affect your Leap Slam (not as good, but still affects it).
2. Too much math for me. You scepters are fine if you're able to avoid with Leap Slam. I'd switch to daggers for Whirling Blades with Shaped elemental as extra chaos. Ideally with lightning, light to spells, and cast speed, but just the first 2 probably minimum if you have enough cast speed elsewhere.
3. Mana is our extended HP with MoM. So gear with both HP/MP and like double HP. And then bonuses to Arcane Surge and other % based regen.
4. Fully depends on your other gear. HP, max resists and chaos resist should come before damage, imo. Flat damage is also nice on rings if you need fire/cold for elemental procs. My only damage crafts atm are rings and weapons, but that is just what I opted for.

Lacking chaos resists and flasks would be my first upgrade. HP, Sulphur, Basalt, Atziri, and MP is a good starting point and at least 2 should have bleed/freeze removal (optional curse removal is nice too). Once chaos resists are up a bit, next save would be Shaped, Temple, or crafted daggers for the 5-25% as extra chaos (prices fluctuate).
Skrible wrote:
Skrible wrote:
hello, it's my second league playing and i'm trying your build this league. there's a few questions about mods affecting this build that i would like to ask.

1) in your guide, there's some items with +#% increased attack speed (gloves and weapons). how does this build benefit from it? or is attack speed the same as cast speed?

2) for the weapon mods, how are the +#% lightning/elemental/spell damage weightage like? or are they equal weightage? what about flat +# - +# lightning damage to spells? which one should be my priority?

3) how important is +# maximum mana in this build?

4) in this season, rings and belts can craft the mod +#% increased damage, should i always be trying to craft this mod as much as my other stats allow?

Thanks for thanks for reading. hope you can help me clear some doubts.

also, if you have plenty of time, can you help me check my gear and let me know which are the pieces that need immediate changing? i just finished epilogue last night and spent about 20c buying my full set of equipments. would be great if there's some pointers!

thanks in advance!


1) Attack speed is important for the main movement abilities in the build (Leap Slam or Whirling Blades, depending on your choice). It makes them faster which in turn keeps you safer and lets you clear with less downtime.

2) Think of any affix worded like "increased ... damage ..." as a common pool, where you add all the values that apply to the damage source you're using on your gear/passives/buffs/etc. together and multiply your base damage by that percentage. The dotted parts determine whether that component gets added to the damage source or not. Say, if you can have "20% increased damage to attacks" on your gear somewhere, that would get added to Whirling Blades but not Arc, since it's a spell. Another example: "20% increased spell damage" would increase Arc's damage, but not the damage from Inpulsa's explosions, since it's not a spell, but a secondary damage source. The same logic of wording applies to flat added damage as well. For damage calculation details, I suggest you visit the PoE wiki, a forum post on that topic would be unnecessarily long.

3) Mana is part of your life due to Mind over Matter, so you should always have enough to let you use skills even when you're near death. This works out to be about 40% of your life, so if you have less unreserved mana than that, you might find yourself unable to use skills to escape after getting hit by a strong enemy attack. Thankfully mana is easier to replenish than life, so make sure you have the means to do that.

4) See the answer to 2) - it's just another component in the same additive pool of bonuses, so use it if you don't have a higher "increased" type of damage bonus for that slot, otherwise go for one that improves the main damage sources (Arc and Impulsa explosions) more. Whether you want to sacrifice survivability for damage - and how much - is a choice you have to make for yourself for each upgrade. If you're killing things too slowly, you probably need to stack more damage overall, but if you keep dying repeatedly to random things, maybe you're too glass cannon and could use more life/mana/resistances.
Last edited by sny83 on Dec 15, 2018, 2:50:23 PM
How required is inpulsas? Im finding it very expensive.. and my current chest seems solid.

What upgrade should I focus on next? My profile is public.

I haven't found good daggers..
Impulsa is expensive...
I can just about afford a watchers eye with wrath/leach.

Why not using Herald of Thunder?
How do you know hypotermia works? I read on wiki that in order for chill to appear on enemy, cold damage has to hit for atleast 0,33% of max health. That means you have to deal 66k cold damage per hit to Shaper to chill him.
I have had my fill of words and tearful farewells. I desire blood and cries of our enemy.

NobodySuper wrote:
How do you know hypotermia works? I read on wiki that in order for chill to appear on enemy, cold damage has to hit for atleast 0,33% of max health. That means you have to deal 66k cold damage per hit to Shaper to chill him.

Beacon of Ruin will take care of that.

r4plez wrote:
Why not using Herald of Thunder?

Because you need enough mana for Mind over Matter, if you are out of mana but not dead, it sucks!
So i've been having an issue and my issue is what base to choose for my daggers. There is the Sai, Platinum Kris and Imperial Skean.

Now the Sai from my newb understanding has block as implicit and if you dual wield it you get an additional 15% Block Chance.

The Platinum Kris has 50% Global Critical Strike Chance and the Imperial Skean has 30% Global Critical Strike Chance.

To my eyes it seems that the Kris clearly beats the Skean, yet in the Path of Building link you only have the Skean as your dagger of choice. The Sai is not included which shall we say is the defensive weapon.

My question is would one be able to clear all end game content with the Sai and how much of a loss is it to not go for the Kris instead of the Skean. Maybe there is something im missing.

Thank you guys for you help on the forums and thank you Enki having alot of fun with the build :)

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