Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

hello, it's my second league playing and i'm trying your build this league. there's a few questions about mods affecting this build that i would like to ask.

1) in your guide, there's some items with +#% increased attack speed (gloves and weapons). how does this build benefit from it? or is attack speed the same as cast speed?

2) for the weapon mods, how are the +#% lightning/elemental/spell damage weightage like? or are they equal weightage? what about flat +# - +# lightning damage to spells? which one should be my priority?

3) how important is +# maximum mana in this build?

4) in this season, rings and belts can craft the mod +#% increased damage, should i always be trying to craft this mod as much as my other stats allow?

Thanks for thanks for reading. hope you can help me clear some doubts.

also, if you have plenty of time, can you help me check my gear and let me know which are the pieces that need immediate changing? i just finished epilogue last night and spent about 20c buying my full set of equipments. would be great if there's some pointers!

thanks in advance!
Little end game dagger crafting tips, even i know you dont want it. :D

1. Ideally, you need item level 85+ shaped kris (copper, golden or platinum) or sai dagger base, but any other will be ok.

-why shaped? only shaped daggers can roll elemental damage to chaos prefix we need
-why ilvl 85? that is the minimum for t1 tier elemental to chaos damage.
-why kris and sai? sai is the best defensively with block chance, while platinum kris has highest crit chance which helps elemental overload to proc more often. but again, any dagger base will work.
- what about other bases i can use?
1. stiletto, poingard or ambusher - 1.5 base attack speed for faster whirling blades
2. imp, fiend or demon dagger - good budget choice if shaped kris is unavailable or too expensive

2. You have your base. What now?
Well, depends on your budget. If you dont want useless stats on your dagger, multiple crafted mode is a way to go.

A) more budget friendly option. (added and tested by big_realize)

Aim for single stat yellow crafting base (elemental as extra chaos).

Crafting process:
- use alterations on your dagger untill you get tier 1 elemental as extra chaos damage (16-20%)
- when you get it, use regal orb
- after that use orb of annulment to remove everything you don't need.

Useful stats:
-high lightning damage to spells
-high cast speed
-elemental penetration

Useless stats:
- everything else

Your dagger should look like this:
16-20% elemental as extra chaos damage (prefix)
-multiple crafted mod- (suffix)
flat lightning damage to spells (prefix)
15-18% cast speed (suffix)
6-7% chance to deal double damage (suffix)
spell damage/non chaos hybrid mod (prefix)

Estimated expenses:
dagger base - from 10c to 2exa
crafting currency (alterations, annulments, regals, scourings) - 1ex
multiple crafting mod - 2ex
max cast speed - 1ex
double damage mod - 1ex
flat lightning and hybride mod - few chaos

Total: dagger base + 5ex

B) less budget friendly but slightly higher dps

Aim for 2 stats yellow base (elemental to chaos damage + elemental penetration).

-why elemental penetration? elemental penetration and cast speed are optimal suffixes when it comes to damage output. cast speed is easy to craft on our hideout crafting bench while elemental penetration is obtainable only as rng currency crafted stat.

Crafting process:
- use alterations, augments and regals until you get those two stats
- after that, use annulment hoping it will delete third, unwanted, stat. Chances you will fail miserably are 66% :D But that are pretty good odds considering all other rng this game has to offer.

Your dagger should look like this:
16-20% elemental as chaos damage (prefix)
9-10% elemental penetration (suffix)
-multiple crafted mod- (suffix)
flat lightning damage to spells (prefix)
15-18% cast speed (suffix)
spell damage/non chaos hybrid mod (prefix)

If you hit good rolls you will have the most optimal weapon for this build. Crafting something better would be extremely difficult. It would require hundreds of exalts and it isn't suitable for temporary leagues.

Estimated expenses:
dagger base - from 10c to 2exa
crafting currency (alterations, regals, scourings, annulments) - from 1 to 5+ex, depends on your luck
multiple crafted mod - 2ex
max cast speed - 1ex
flat lightning and hybrid mod - few chaos

Estimated total: dagger base + 10 ex


Which dagger should I craft? A or B?
I would recommend dagger A in 90% cases. Crafting process is shorter and consumes less currency. Damage difference between A and B depends on the rest of your gear, but it averages around 5-6% per dagger.

Why should i craft my own dagger?
1. Good self-cast arc daggers are pretty much non existant at the moment. Those available on poe trade are bad or too expensive.
2. So you can post it here and brag about it.

Thats all folks. Good luck and have fun.

Last edited by PerkyPsycho on Jan 5, 2019, 11:08:36 PM
-double post
Last edited by PerkyPsycho on Dec 15, 2018, 4:35:49 AM
PerkyPsycho wrote:
Little end game dagger crafting tips, even i know you dont want it. :D

1. Ideally, you need item level 86 shaped platinum kris or sai dagger base, but any other will be ok.

-why shaped? only shaped daggers can roll elemental damage to chaos prefix we need
-why ilvl 86? that is the minimum for t1 tier elemental to chaos damage.
-why kris and sai? sai is the best defensively with block chance, while platinum kris has highest crit chance which helps elemental overload to proc more often. but again, any dagger base will work.

2. You have your base. What now?
Well, depends on your budget. If you dont want useless stats on your dagger, multiple crafted mode is a way to go.

Aim for 2 stat (prefix and suffix) yellow base. Ideally elemental to chaos damage + elemental penetration.

-why? we need two open prefixes to craft multiple crafting mode + juicy syndicate spell damage/chaos conversion prefix for max damage output. (item can have max 3 prefixes, first is elemental to chaos, second multiple crafting mode, third spell damage/conversion hybride)
-why elemental penetration? ele pen and cast speed are optimal suffixes when it comes to damage output. ele pen is not craftable on our hideout bench.
-how can i get those two stats? alteration, augmentation, regal, annulment.
a) you can get those two stats instantly by spamming alterations, then regal
b) you can get elemental to chaos or elemental penetration as single stat then augment hoping for other -> regal
c) you get elemental penetration then augment and regal hoping one of two prefixes you get will be elemental to chaos (do this only if youre extremely rich)

After that, use annulment hoping it will delete least desireable stat. Chances you will fail miserably are 66% :D But that are pretty good odds considering all other rng this game has to offer.

3. If you manage to do that you will have your yellow base with elemental damage to chaos (prefix) and elemental penetration (suffix). Yaaay, you did it!!! Now goes the juicy part. You can craft the rest from your crafting bench. It should look like this:

16-20 elemental to chaos damage (prefix)
8-10 elemental penetration (suffix)
multiple crafted mode (prefix)
spell damage + non chaos damage to chaos damage hybrid (prefix)
cast speed (suffix)
lesser lightning damage or mana regeneration (suffix)

Estimated expenses:
ilvl 86 crafting base: 30c to 1.5ex
- alterations, regals, scourings, annulments: anywhere from 0 to 4ex
i needed 3000 alterations to achieve this on my dagger, but i was unlucky - managed to hit annulment on my fifth attempt. one exalted is 1450 alterations at the moment.
multiple crafting mode: 2ex

Total: anywhere from 2-7ex, depends on your luck.
That is awesome price for absolute end game piece of gear.
(note - dont do this if youre unluckiest person in the universe and need 5000 fusings to 6L your armor every league :D in that case, it can cost more)

If you hit good rolls, only mirror worthy dagger can be better becouse it could have lightning damage to spells instead of multiple crafting mode prefix. Creating a dagger like that would require hundreds of exalts and isnt suitable for temporary leagues.

Thats all folks. Good luck and sorry for bad english. :D

Multi crafted mod is a suffix. Good guide anyway
Link your dagger btw. I got this one for 10 ex today, but I don't have all veiled mods unlocked to craft something similar

16% crafted "extra" is 6% with 43% spelldamage + 10% extra, both prefixes
btw, don't understimate t1 flat lightning damage, it's very strong too
Last edited by blg_RealiZe on Dec 15, 2018, 5:31:00 AM
Damn, i spent whole hour reading and informing myself and still got that wrong.
I was hoping to help some new player like myself with that "guide", becouse i think spell stat-stick daggers on poe trade are overpriced. :D

Didn't use multiple crafted mode on my daggers yet becouse i need to upgrade my hybrid stat yet. Dont want to waste 2 multiple crafting mode exalteds on tier 2 stats.

Dagger 1:
20% elemental damage as extra chaos damage / 9% elemental penetration
Dagger 2:
18% elemental damage as extra chaos damage / 6% elemental penetration (t2, but will be ok)

Since multiple crafting mode is suffix after all - my dagger will be even better then i thought.

20% elemental damage as extra chaos damage
spell damage + 6 no chaos as extra chaos damage
flat lightning damage
multiple crafting mode
cast speed
9% elemental penetration

Even less "shitty" stats.
BTW. Your dagger is awesome. :)
Last edited by PerkyPsycho on Dec 15, 2018, 6:06:09 AM
Quick question, and sorry if this has been answered.

Is a 5L The Queen's Hunger more dps than a 6L Tabula Rasa? I assume the cast speed + offerings wind up being more dps than the hypothermia link, but not sure since hypothermia's added dmg doesn't show in tooltip.

Or does it somewhat depend on my other gear?

Too poor to afford an Inpulsa's anytime soon, but have decent starter gear in my other slots. Wondering if I should invest in The Queen's Hunger (5L) soon or not.

Thanks. :)

Currently lvl 89 .. going good so far. saving for inpulsa
PerkyPsycho wrote:
Damn, i spent whole hour reading and informing myself and still got that wrong.
I was hoping to help some new player like myself with that "guide", becouse i think spell stat-stick daggers on poe trade are overpriced. :D

Didn't use multiple crafted mode on my daggers yet becouse i need to upgrade my hybrid stat yet. Dont want to waste 2 multiple crafting mode exalteds on tier 2 stats.

Dagger 1:
20% elemental damage as extra chaos damage / 9% elemental penetration
Dagger 2:
18% elemental damage as extra chaos damage / 6% elemental penetration (t2, but will be ok)

Since multiple crafting mode is suffix after all - my dagger will be even better then i thought.

20% elemental damage as extra chaos damage
spell damage + 6 no chaos as extra chaos damage
flat lightning damage
multiple crafting mode
cast speed
9% elemental penetration

Even less "shitty" stats.
BTW. Your dagger is awesome. :)

Did you edit your crafting guide post according to this?
If not, would you be so kind and do it?
Would evade alot of confusion for a noob like me! :-)
Thx for the craft "instructions" anyway you made me read more detailed into crafting for the first time now :)
Last edited by Etralis on Dec 15, 2018, 6:58:19 AM
Another noob question: (i'm sure i read it somewhere here before, but i really cant find it anymore, sorry!)

If a dagger has "Adds x to x Lightning Damage"

This works just the same as good as "Adds x to x Lightning Damage to SPELLS", right?

Only "Adds x to x Lightning Damage to ATTACKS" would not work for Arc, correct?

Someone confirm please :-)
PerkyPsycho wrote:

Dagger 1:
20% elemental damage as extra chaos damage / 9% elemental penetration
Dagger 2:
18% elemental damage as extra chaos damage / 6% elemental penetration (t2, but will be ok)

Just spent 3k alterations and 70 regals - got t1/t1 once, then annuled penetration :D

you got very lucky with your daggers

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