Translation Preview (FR, DE, PT)
" It's very common to say that in that way in french. It's just more an old manner to say it and in a more formal way, indeed by that way the talk seems from the past. I'm sure that caracters from "Game of Thrones" or "Lord of the Rings" use that way to present themself in the french translation (i will check it), but for me it's sounds good. Last edited by thyrion#7596 on Oct 29, 2014, 10:05:15 PM
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I can understand that you translate to Brazilian Portuguese due to their society, but translating to French and German is a waste of resources. If a German or French child doesn't speak English then they wouldn't be able to handle a hardcore game like PoE anyways, right?
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Given the suggestions I suspect something else Quebec french?
When did Quebec adapt the language reform from 1992?(I am currently looking for that, those equality reforms in the 90s in Europe added several grammatical rules/words to remove the "grammatical patriarchy" You use a restrictive clause, the object is still the witch(f) and the apposition is still socière(f). While speaking your don't hear the differences, but there are written differences. Same goes language reforms in other countries.Such as abolition of ß in most cases, additional letters/removed ones in German. "J'ai vue ce qu'elle avait fait." Similar example: "Troisièmement, en évitant l'excessive concentration d'objectifs que j'ai vue annoncée pour le Cinquième programmecadre." |
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Hey Rhys,
Here's some feedback on the Portuguese translation: Nessa, on meeting the Witch 1. Scratch "E" in "E acho que devo agradecer...". Even though the English version has "And", it sounds wrong in Portuguese unless you add the previous sentence to it (Ex: "Meu nome é Nessa e acho que..." or "Meu nome é Nessa. Acho que..."). Bestel, on meeting the Shadow 1. Replace "Ai de mim" with "Infelizmente". The former makes no sense in that context; 2. Replace "Mas o meu cérebro está aqui..." (which translates to "but my brain is here") with "Mas o meu juízo se mantém...", which is a much more accurate translation; Bestel, being poetic I translated the poem to Portuguese and made it rhyme. Show it to the translators, maybe they will like it. If so, feel free to use it! "O Tarkleigh resgatou das ondas, Um Bestel ferido, à mercê do destino. Sua tripulação está desfeita assim como seu embarque, Mas o Bestel continua vivo, graças ao Tark… leigh." Tarkleigh, on Lioneye's Watch 1. Replace "faquinhas enferrujadas" with "punhais enferrujados"; 2. Replace "lá está o ponto the passagem" with "a gente tem o ponto de passagem"; Eramir, on the Fellshrine 1. Replace "de quanto" with "de quando"; 2. Replace "Pros" with "Para os...". Abbreviations don't suit Eramir's elaborated speech; 3. Replace "dos Oriath" with "de Oriath". Eramir, on the Vaal Ruins entrance 1. Replace "museum" with "museu"; 2. Replace "melhorzinha" with "melhor fundamentada". Yeena, on the Great White Beast 1. Replace "que a diz para fazer isso" with "que lhe diz para fazer isso". Hope this helps. Also, being a native Portuguese speaker, I gladly volunteer to help you with the rest of the translations if you so desire! Last edited by ReddoHoku#3065 on Oct 29, 2014, 10:17:20 PM
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" The same goes for the german translation. Especially the use of the informal "du" as translation for "you" is absolutely unfitting in a fantasy game like poe. For example:
Original Nessa, on meeting the Witch
Ich habe gesehen was du Hillock da draußen angetan hast, Hexe. Deine Schwarze Kunst ist der Grund, warum du hier im Exil bist. Sie ist es aber womöglich auch, die dich den nächsten Morgen erleben lässt. Ich bin Nessa. Ich schätze ich schulde dir Dank dafür, dass du uns von diesem grässlichen Riesen befreit hast. Damals in Oriath habe ich deine Artgenossen, ohne zu zögern, verurteilt. In Wraeclast habe ich diesen Luxus nicht.
sounds imo much better this way:
Altered Nessa, on meeting the Witch
Ich sah was Ihr da draußen mit Hillock gemacht habt, Hexe. Eure schwarze Magie ist der Grund, warum Ihr hier im Exil seid. Sie ist womöglich aber auch das Einzige, das Euch hier den nächsten Morgen erleben lässt. Ich bin Nessa und ich schätze ich schulde Euch Dank dafür, dass ihr uns von diesem grässlichen Monstrum befreit habt. In Oriath habe ich Euresgleichen ohne zu zögern verurteilt. Hier in Wraeclast ist mir dieser Luxus nicht vergönnt.
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When will we have a spanish sample, Rhys? :P
Add a Forsaken Masters questline |
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Are the translations something you can set in options?
I am Portuguese and Brazilian is literally cringe-worthy. Would destroy immersion completely. Please dont make it forced. I know a lot of game companies like to shove BR lingo translations into Portuguese releases, and frankly, it sounds almost like an insult. I understand that you chose BR version because you want the broader audience, but please dont force this onto the Portuguese. You have no idea how different the language is. Oblivious Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Oct 29, 2014, 10:26:21 PM
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" Ok my then how about use passé simple instead of pc if you want to make it sound old mannerish. That could be challenging even for native speakers if you use medivial french. Perfect for quebec, who refused every anglycism ;D " Well there are some less educated regions in France and Germany others are so special they are even not likely to play PoE at all because of cultural heritage. The largest target audience would be East Germans born around 1960-1975 because they never learned English they learned Russian. In France there are regions like Limosin with a really low education level but they also have a horrible infrastructure and 56k modem internet at Best. " If you translate MTX Ads with "du" you will end up just like Gameforge and a meetup in Germany will end up in arrest on the Airport. Advertisements possibly targeting children is something condemned after the mobile phone ringtone marketing wave in 2001-2004 making children accept ToS with a SMS and parents ended up paying 3-5 digit sums. @Mini_Me Using honorifics doesn't change the fact that you use a Grammer forms of the 20th century. If you want to use something fitting a fantasy game you have to use: Habet instead of habt. befindet instead of seid. " While possible it's really uncommon to use Sie. Better use Hexerei earlier and "Eure Magie" instead of sie. Then you have to use dass/daß(blame the language reform of the 90s :p) and lasset instead of lässt. The next phrase isn't wrong but leaves a horrible taste. Similar if somebody writes a report like: First I went to x, then I did y, then I did z, and then I did xx and then I did yyy.... Better would be:"Ich werde Nessa genannt. Ich bin euch des Dankes verpflichtet, Dankes dafür, daß Ihr uns vor diesem riesigen Scheusal befreit habet. Euresgleichen hat meine Wenigkeit in Oriath leichthin verurteilt. In Wraeclast wird mir diese Annehmlichkeit nicht gewährt. Hopefully the correct display. Best(Sadly not the desired Displayform, for whatever reason the Forumsoftware interprets those old symbols as greek letters): 𐌸𐌷 𐍃𐌰𐌷, 𐍅𐌰𐍃 𐌷𐍂 𐌳𐌰 𐌳𐍂𐌰𐌿𐍃𐍃𐌴𐌽 𐌼𐌹𐍄 𐌹𐌻𐌻𐍉𐌸𐌺 𐌲𐌴𐌼𐌰𐌸𐌷𐍄 𐌷𐌰𐌱𐌴𐍄, 𐌴𐍇𐌴. 𐌿𐌸𐌷𐌴 𐌴𐍇𐌴𐍂𐌴𐌹 𐌹𐍃𐍄, 𐌳𐌴𐍂 𐍂𐌿𐌽𐌳, 𐍅𐌰𐍂𐌿𐌼 𐌹𐌷𐍂 𐌴𐌸𐌿𐌷 𐌹𐌼 𐍇𐌹𐌻 𐌱𐌴𐍆𐌹𐌽𐌳𐌴𐍄. 𐌿𐍂𐌴 𐌰𐌲𐌹𐌴 𐌹𐍃𐍄, 𐍅𐍉𐌼𐍉𐌴𐌲𐌻𐌹𐌸𐌷 𐌰𐌿𐌸𐌷 𐌳𐌰𐍃 𐌽𐌶𐌹𐌲𐌴, 𐌳𐌰ß 𐌴𐌿𐌸𐌷 𐌳𐌴𐌽 𐌽𐍊𐌸𐌷𐍃𐍄𐌴𐌽 𐍉𐍂𐌲𐌴𐌽 𐌴𐍂𐌻𐌴𐌱𐌴𐌽 𐌻𐌰𐍃𐍃𐌴𐍄. 𐌸𐌷 𐍅𐌴𐍂𐌳𐌴 𐌴𐍃𐍃 𐌲𐌴𐌰𐌽𐌽𐍄. 𐌸𐌷 𐌱𐌹𐌽 𐌴𐌿𐌸𐌷 𐌳𐌴𐍃 𐌰𐌽𐌺𐌴𐍃 𐍈𐌴𐍂𐍀𐌻𐍆𐌹𐌸𐌷𐍄𐌴𐍄, 𐌰𐌽𐌺𐌴𐍃 𐌳𐌰𐍆𐌿𐌴𐍂, 𐌳𐌰ß 𐌷𐍂 𐌿𐌽𐍃 𐍈𐍉𐍂 𐌳𐌹𐌴𐍃𐌴𐌼 𐍂𐌹𐌴𐍃𐌹𐌲𐌴𐌽 𐌸𐌷𐌰𐌿𐍃𐌰𐌻 𐌱𐌴𐍆𐍂𐌴𐌹𐍄 𐌷𐌰𐌱𐌴𐍄. 𐌿𐍂𐌴𐍃𐌲𐌻𐌴𐌹𐌸𐌷𐌴𐌽 𐌷𐌰𐍄 𐌼𐌴𐌹𐌽𐌴 𐌴𐌽𐌹𐌲𐌺𐌴𐌹𐍄 𐌹𐌽 𐍂𐌹𐌰𐍄𐌷 𐌻𐌴𐌹𐌸𐌷𐍄𐌷𐌹𐌽 𐍈𐌴𐍂𐌿𐍂𐍄𐌴𐌹𐌻𐍄. 𐌽 𐍂𐌰𐌴𐌸𐌻𐌰𐍃𐍄 𐍅𐌹𐍂𐌳 𐌼𐌹𐍂 𐌳𐌹𐌴𐍃𐌴 𐌽𐌽𐌴𐌷𐌼𐌻𐌹𐌸𐌷𐌺𐌴𐌹𐍄 𐌽𐌹𐌸𐌷𐍄 𐌲𐌴𐍅𐌰𐌴𐌷𐍂𐍄. |
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" We are currently pushing these languages first, but it will still be some time before they are ready. We would like to include more languages, including Spanish, but there is no concrete timeline yet. " Yes, you will be able to change the language in the options if you prefer English or whatever. Code warrior
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Just had a quick glance at some of the German texts.
They are OK as for grammar, as for style they sound a bit like translated word by word and then German grammar is applied. As mentioned some posts above some parts could sound better: Maybe split the topic language wise and have native speakers correct/improve/translate on volunteer base (or offer some translator MTX/forum tag to the most dedicated helpers). Then have 2 or 3 choices per dialog/item and some strawpolls maybe and have the native speaker choose, for example for fowl there are two translations in German and each would give a different flavour to the text: fowl = Geflügel or Federvieh As for me in the given context Federvieh sounds more stylish, but i guess allready here different native speakers might have different opinions what is better. However, you are far away from something ridiculous like "all your base are belong to us" but I guess atmosphere of the game could be transported better. P.S. Very critical post from a guy that does not read dialogs and does not mind about not having a translation to German, would not use it anyways, even though native language. P.P.S. I hope it won't be forced regional language packs. TLDR: Good work as for poeple who dont understand English, it's all correct and such....But please keep the original language available in mentioned regions. Edit: Thanks, concern about optional language was answered while writing the post ;) Last edited by boesersven#5678 on Oct 29, 2014, 11:54:16 PM
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