Translation Preview (FR, DE, PT)
" Beh, dovresti tradurre anche i nomi propri. Ovviamente non mi riferisco ai nomi dei personaggi come Tarkleigh o Dominus (devono restare così come sono), bensì Mud Flats o Blackguards vanno tradotti. Altrimenti non tradurremmo neanche il nome delle skill/support gems o i nodi passivi/ascendancy, ecc... Invece, secondo me la classe "Shadow" dovrebbe rimanere così: non va tradotta imho. Last edited by Serge91#5363 on May 7, 2016, 5:12:35 AM
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I'm French and I just cant wait any longer for a french translation... I just read that 4 months ago it seemed to be ready. Did they give up ?... :/
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no update ?
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I would love to start playing PoE but only with my friends.
I personally am indifferent to the language of a game (I even played some japanese ones), but unfortunately my friends are not comfortable with anything but german. They understand english (even though they have very bad 3rd grade "general school" education) but they simply don't like interacting with it when there are other german options (from Blizzard etc.) - probably due lack of habituation. As soon as there's a german version, I'll play this game with my crew. |
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" Well, since I am fluent in german, because I lived there for quite a long time, I guess I can provide some feedback on this. " "Angetan" is a term usually used, when something has been done to a person the speaker was kinda close with, so I wouldn't use it in such a context at all. I'd much prefer: "Ich habe gesehen, wie du da draußen mit Hillock umgesprungen bist." Or the simple way: Ich habe gesehen, was du da draußen mit Hillock gemacht hast. The former would be much closer to the context of dealing with a menace that the exiles in lioneye's watch were frightened of, while also showing some minor form of appreciation for what the exile has done. " Do it the the way around: "[...]durch die Brandung taumelnd[...]", because it makes more sense. " "Rinde" translates to bark, so I wouldn't use that word here. "Planke" translates to planks, which is what ships are made of. As is common in german poems, people at times "skip" letters for the sake of "flow" or for the sake of "rhyming". My suggestion for the entire line is: Trotz gesunker Crew und geborstener Plank', überlebt Bestel... Tarkleigh sei Dank. Notice that I "skipped" the "e" here. The problem here is that this line would not deliver a sense of Bestel being a goofball as much as I would like it to. So I guess it's probably a good place to let the voice actor do some of his magic. " (1) "Gute Arbeit mit Hillock da draußen." (2) Wir im Exil [...] " There is a logic error here. The translated part in bold letters refers to a location rather than an origin, which is what Eramir is talking about in his original english text. I suggest: "Nicht vom ewigen Kaiserreich." It is the most literal and most faithful translation of the original you can possibly get. " "zermalmen" sounds a bit more dramatic, and closer to what "crush" means, when it comes to human bones. [quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.
But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote] Mors edited this post first. |
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Hi there GGG. I just came here to give my opinion about the brazilian portuguese translation(I am brazilian). I have read only Nessa so far, the translation is fine for the most part, but the meaning is slightly different. Here's my version of it in portuguese, I tried not to change the original translation as much as possible.
Nessa, on meeting the Witch
Vi o que você fez com o Hillock lá fora, Bruxa. Sua arte negra é o motivo de você estar aqui, no exílio. Também pode ser a única coisa que a ajude a sobreviver mais um dia. Meu nome é Nessa. E suponho que devo agradecer por você ter acabado com aquele gigante podre. Em Oriath eu condenava seu tipo de gente sem hesitar.Em Wraeclast, não posso me dar ao luxo. |
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" Some valid points, but you are overlooking a lot ("Exilanten" ist Schwachsinn, "Artgenossen" benutzt man nur für Tiere, diverse groß/klein Schreibung..uvm) ...but I doubt it is relevant anymore, anyway. It's been over two years since that post, some lines of the dialogue don't make any sense anymore (no more waypoint in the mud flats for example). Last edited by Unhold#1533 on Nov 9, 2016, 4:07:36 PM
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Hi there !
Can I suggest something ? Is it possible to split story translation and gameplay translation ? Let me explain why it would be great : - Focus on story translation. The game will more immersive in native language basically. - This will (I hope) reduce the waiting time (at least for the story translation). - This part don't need a retranslation at every patch so I don't think it is very expensive for GGG . - Gameplay translation is more difficult and confusing for gameplay mecanism understanding (exemple with more/increase, on hit/when hit ...). - It is not necessary and ,to share community content, even a disadvantage. I don't think it is attractive for an English guy to watch a full French translated build all fun/powerfull it can be for exemple... I really don't know so tell me if I'm wrong (GGG do you hear me ?) but I don't think it is difficult to create 2 separated scrolling option : Story/Subtitle Language and Full Content Language. Tell me what do think about it. I apologise myself for english mistakes if any (find my native language). Thanks and enjoy the game ! |
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There is still no plan on translations (FR, DE...)?
The first post date since 2014 and we are in March 2017, and English is a big problem for me, because I'm not good (sorry, im french and i use google translation) and I would like to understand the story by playing. GGG, do we have a chance to see the translation in 3.0? Thx! Last edited by shivae#0999 on Mar 2, 2017, 6:39:09 AM
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"Schwarzwachen" ist ein bisschen komisch...."Die schwarzen Wachen" ist besser formuliert.
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