Translation Preview (FR, DE, PT)
One of our long-term goals for Path of Exile is to provide translations in different languages. This post is to share some of the progress towards our French, German, and Brazilian Portuguese translations.
This is an opportunity for the community to provide us with valuable feedback on translation quality, terminology, character speech mannerisms, etc. If you can read (or better yet, are a native speaker of) one of these languages, then please take a look at the following NPC text samples, and let us know what you think. Any feedback, suggestions, or issues will be passed along to the translation teams. These samples are not final and may well change in the future. Also, they still need proper formatting, line-breaks, etc.
An aside on issues of grammar
Unlike English, these languages contain such diabolical features as multiple genders, and requiring adjectives to match their corresponding nouns. This entails several complications for dynamically created names, such as magic item names, rare monster names, etc.
Also, our English NPC dialogue was carefully written to avoid mentioning the player character's gender, however, this is not really feasible in other languages that don't have a natural, genderless second-person pronoun. Therefore, the samples below may not be equally applicable to all player classes. We're currently working on a way to deal with this.
English (for comparison)
Nessa, on meeting the Witch
I saw what you did to Hillock out there, Witch. Your black art is the reason you're here, in exile. It may also be the only thing that allows you to see another dawn.
I'm Nessa. And I suppose I should thank you ridding us of that putrid giant. Back in Oriath I judged your kind without hesitation. In Wraeclast, I don't have that luxury.
Nessa, on Rhoas
Don't tell Tarkleigh, but they're the foulest fowl I've ever tasted. Still, exiles can't be choosers.
Bestel, on meeting the Shadow
A sodden Shadow staggered from the surf and surveyed the somber strand. That's the first line of the poem I'm writing about you, exile.
Easy, lad. You could poison a bloke with a look like that. The name's Bestel, captain of the good ship 'Merry Gull'. Alas, my Merry Gull is gone. My crew is gone. But my wits remain... after a fashion.
Bestel, being poetic
Tarkleigh rescued from the waves
A stricken Bestel, fate's slave. From fallen crew and broken bark, Bestel lives, thanks to Tark... leigh.
Tarkleigh, on Hillock
Fine work with Hillock. Where'd you learn to fight like that? No, don't tell me. We exiles have no history. Dominus took it from us the moment his Blackguards dumped us in the water out there. It's just live or die, now.
Here, have one of these, and no need to thank me. I'm thinking of myself, and the others here. The longer we fighters live, the longer everyone lives.
Tarkleigh, on Lioneye's Watch
The walls of this old ruin, Lioneye's Watch... defensible enough with a few stout, well-armed veterans. But what have I got? Starving exiles with driftwood clubs and rusted dirks.
Still, there's the waypoint. A piece of locomancy. Couldn't use it until I found another one out in the Mud Flats under a rhoa's nest. Step on that one and you're back here in a flash... though I spill my lunch every time I use the damn thing.
Eramir, on the Fellshrine
The Fellshrine is a shadow of what was once good in Wraeclast.
That sigil etched into its stones? It's a Descry, from when the Templar truly stood for something. To the ancestors of Oriath, the Descry was a flickering torch in the night. A source of inspiration and comfort. Sad thing about torches... they go out.
Eramir, on the Vaal Ruins entrance
That ancient gateway to the northwest, it's a peculiar thing. Not of the Eternal Empire. It could be Vaal in origin... a culture I've seen mentioned here and there in some of the most antique of texts.
It is the Vaal who began the use of Virtue Gems, well before our imperial ancestors. Little else is known about them. If only I had my old museum archives, I could have given you a more tempered theory.
Yeena, introducing herself
I am Yeena, Keeper of the Spirit.
Are you a kind exile, like Eramir? He is good to us... helps us. You will stay and help us too, yes?
Yeena, on the Great White Beast
A beast hunts us in her dreams. A great, white beast, tortured and maddened by bad men, a long time gone.
She will come here one night, to tear, crush, and eat. Her pain tells her to. Find the white beast and end her pain, before she shares it with us.
Nessa, on meeting the Witch
J'ai vu ce que tu as fait à Hillock, sorcière. Ta magie noire est la raison de ton exil… mais c'est aussi elle qui te garde en vie. Mon nom est Nessa. Et je suppose que je devrais te remercier de nous avoir débarrassés de ce géant putride. À Oriath, je jugeais ceux de ton espèce sans la moindre hésitation. Je ne peux pas me permettre ce luxe à Wraeclast.
Nessa, on Rhoas
N'en souffle pas un mot à Tarkleigh, mais je n'ai jamais rien mangé d'aussi ignoble. Malheureusement, les exilés ne peuvent pas faire la fine bouche.
Bestel, on meeting the Shadow
Ô belle ombre, où plongent tes songes devant les sombres ondes de cette plage ! C'est la première ligne de mon poème en ton honneur, exilé. Hé, tout doux ! Tu pourrais empoisonner quelqu'un avec un regard pareil. Moi, c'est Bestel, capitaine de la Mouette rieuse. Hélas, mon bateau a sombré et mon équipage est mort. Mais mon esprit est resté vif… en quelque sorte.
Bestel, being poetic
Le Bestel que Tarkleigh a secouru un matin Était un homme dévasté, esclave du destin. Sans équipage et privé de barque, Bestel survit grâce à Tark… leigh.
Tarkleigh, on Hillock
Bien joué avec Hillock. Où as-tu appris à te battre ainsi ? Non, ne me dis rien. Les exilés n'ont pas de passé. Il nous a été volé par Dominus à l'instant où sa Garde noire nous a jetés à l'eau. À présent, nous n'avons plus d'autre choix que de vivre ou mourir. Tiens, prends ceci, et ne me remercie pas. Je pense seulement à moi et aux autres exilés de l'avant-poste. Leur survie dépend de guerriers comme nous.
Tarkleigh, on Lioneye's Watch
L'Avant-poste de Lioneye… quelques vétérans forts et bien armés suffiraient à défendre les remparts de cette ruine. Mais qu'est-ce qu'on me donne ? Une poignée d'exilés affamés, équipés de gourdins en bois flotté et de poignards rouillés. Heureusement, il nous reste le point de téléportation. Une dalle de locomancie. Je n'ai pas pu l'utiliser avant d'en trouver une autre dans la Vasière sous un nid de rhoa. En marchant dessus, tu reviens ici en un éclair… évidemment, tu risques d'y laisser ton déjeuner.
Eramir, on the Fellshrine
Le Sanctuaire déchu est un vestige de ce qu'il y eut un jour de bon à Wraeclast. Le sigil gravé dans les pierres ? C'est un occulus qui date de l'époque où les templiers défendaient de vraies valeurs. Pour les ancêtres d'Oriath, l'occulus était telle une torche vacillante dans la nuit. Une source d'inspiration et de réconfort. Le problème avec les torches, c'est qu'elles finissent toujours par s'éteindre.
Eramir, on the Vaal Ruins entrance
L'ancien portail au nord-ouest est très spécial. Il ne remonte pas à l'Empire éternel. Je pense plutôt qu'il vient de la civilisation vaal… J'ai vu des références à cette culture dans plusieurs textes très anciens. Ce sont les Vaals qui, les premiers, ont utilisé les gemmes de vertu, bien avant nos ancêtres impériaux. On en sait peu sur eux. Si seulement j'avais accès à mes anciennes archives du musée, je pourrais te proposer une théorie plus précise.
Yeena, introducing herself
Je suis Yeena, la gardienne de l'Esprit. Fais-tu partie des exilés, comme Eramir ? Il est gentil et nous aide beaucoup. Vas-tu rester nous aider toi aussi ?
Yeena, on the Great White Beast
Dans ses rêves, une bête nous poursuit. Une grande bête blanche, torturée et rendue folle par des hommes mauvais, il y a longtemps de cela. Une nuit, elle viendra pour déchirer, écraser, dévorer. Sa douleur l'y oblige. Trouve la bête blanche et mets fin à sa souffrance, avant qu'elle ne décide de nous la faire partager.
Nessa, on meeting the Witch
Ich habe gesehen was du Hillock da draußen angetan hast, Hexe. Deine Schwarze Kunst ist der Grund, warum du hier im Exil bist. Sie ist es aber womöglich auch, die dich den nächsten Morgen erleben lässt. Ich bin Nessa. Ich schätze ich schulde dir Dank dafür, dass du uns von diesem grässlichen Riesen befreit hast. Damals in Oriath habe ich deine Artgenossen, ohne zu zögern, verurteilt. In Wraeclast habe ich diesen Luxus nicht.
Nessa, on Rhoas
Sag es nicht Tarkleigh, aber das ist das schlechteste Geflügel, was ich je gekostet habe. Dennoch haben wir Exilanten nicht wirklich die Wahl.
Bestel, on meeting the Shadow
Ein aufgeweichter Schatten, taumelnd durch die Brandung beobachtet er den düsteren Strand. So heißt die erste Zeile des Gedichts, welches ich über dich Schreiben werde, Exilant. Sachte, Kumpel. Mit diesem Blick könntest du jemanden vergiften. Der Name ist Bestel, Kapitän des Schiffes „Merry Gull“. Leider ist meine Merry Gull dahin. Und meine Crew dazu. Aber mein Verstand ist noch da...zumindest einigermaßen.
Bestel, being poetic
Tarkleigh hat einen verwundeten Bestel aus den Wellen gerettet. Ein Sklave des Schicksals. Aus gesunkener Crew und zerborstener Rinde geht Bestel als Überlebender hervor Dank Tark...leigh
Tarkleigh, on Hillock
Bravourös gekämpft gegen diesen Hillock. Wo hast du so kämpfen gelernt? Nein, verrate es nicht! Wir aus dem Exil haben keine Geschichte. Dominus hat es uns in dem Moment entrissen, als uns seine Schwarzwachen ins Meer geworfen haben. Es geht nur noch um um Leben oder Tod. Hier, da hast du eine Kleinigkeit. Dafür musst du mir nicht danken. Ich denke an mich und die anderen hier. Je länger wir Kämpfer am Leben sind, desto länger leben auch alle anderen.
Tarkleigh, on Lioneye's Watch
Die Mauern dieser alten Ruine, Löwenauges Wacht, kann man mit ein paar robusten und gut bewaffneten Veteranen verteidigen. Aber was habe ich? Verhungernde Exilanten mit Holzschildern und rostiger Ausrüstung. Immerhin gibt es ja noch den Wegpunkt. Ein Werk der Lokomanzie. Konnte es nicht benutzen, bis ich noch ein weiteres draußen in der Morastebene unter dem Nest eines Rhoas gefunden hatte. Betrete es und bist in Windeseile wieder zurück hier...Leider zermatscht mir ständig meine Mahlzeit, wenn ich dieses gottverdammte Ding benutze.
Eramir, on the Fellshrine
Der Fellschrein ist ein Schatten von dem, was es einst im guten alten Wraeclast war. Dieses in die Steine eingekratzte Siegel? Es ist ein Descry, aus Zeiten als die Templer noch wahrhaftig für etwas standen. Für die Vorfahren von Oriath war die Descry eine flackernde Fackel in der Nacht. Ein Quell an Inspiration und Behaglichkeit. Das Traurige an Fackeln: sie gehen aus.
Eramir, on the Vaal Ruins entrance
Das Uralte Tor steht im Nordwesten und sieht sehr sonderbar aus. Nicht im Nordwesten des Ewigen Kaiserreichs. Könnte vom Ursprung zu den Vaal gehören...eine Kultur, die hier und da noch in uralten Texten Erwähnung findet. Es waren die Vaal, die sich die Fertigkeiten-Edelsteine zuerst zu Nutze machten. All das geschah lang vor unseren kaiserlichen Nachfahren. Viel mehr ist darüber nicht bekannt. Wenn ich doch nur meine alten Museumsarchive hätte...Dann hätte ich dir eine ausgefeiltere Theorie liefern können.
Yeena, introducing herself
Ich bin Yeena, Hüterin der Seele Bist du ein freundlicher Exilant, so wie Eramir? Er ist gut zu uns und hilft uns. Wirst du auch hier bleiben und uns helfen?
Yeena, on the Great White Beast
Eine Bestie verfolgt uns in ihren Träumen. Eine große, weiße Bestie, die vor langer Zeit von abscheulichen Menschen gequält und in den Wahnsinn getrieben wurde. Sie wird eines Nachts herkommen, um zu reißen, zu zerquetschen und zu fressen. Ihr Schmerz befiehlt es ihr. Finde die weiße Bestie und beende ihren Schmerz, bevor sie diesen über uns bringt.
Brazilian Portuguese
Nessa, on meeting the Witch
Vi o que você fez com o Hillock lá fora, Bruxa. Sua arte negra é o motivo de você estar aqui, no exílio. Também pode ser a única coisa que a ajude a sobreviver mais um dia. Meu nome é Nessa. E acho que devo agradecer por você ter acabado com aquele gigante podre. Se estivéssemos em Oriath, eu a condenaria sem hesitar. Em Wraeclast, não posso me dar ao luxo.
Nessa, on Rhoas
Não conte para o Tarkleigh, mas nunca provei nada tão ruim na vida. Ainda assim, exilados não podem ficar escolhendo.
Bestel, on meeting the Shadow
Um Sombra miserável cambaleou da maré e observou o fim do mundo. Esta é primeira linha do poema que estou escrevendo sobre você, exilado. Calma, rapaz. Você poderia envenenar alguém com esse olhar. Meu nome é Bestel, capitão do bom barco “Gaivota Alegre'. Ai de mim, meu Gaivota Alegre se foi. Minha tripulação se foi. Mas meu cérebro está aqui... de certa forma.
Bestel, being poetic
Tarkleigh resgatou das ondas o Bestel, escravo do destino. Apesar de tudo, o cara ainda vive, graças ao Tark...leigh.
Tarkleigh, on Hillock
Bom trabalho com o Hillock. Onde aprendeu a lutar assim? Não, não me conte. Nós exilados não temos passado. Dominus nos privou disso no momento em que seus Guardas Negros nos jogaram na água. Agora é viver ou morrer. Aqui, pegue um desses, e não precisa me agradecer. Estou pensando em mim e nos outros daqui. Quanto mais tempo nós guerreiros vivermos, mais tempo todos vivem.
Tarkleigh, on Lioneye's Watch
As muralhas dessas ruínas, Vigília Olho de Leão... boas de se defender com um punhado de veteranos bem armados. Mas o que eu tenho aqui? Exilados famintos armados com clavas de madeira e faquinhas enferrujadas. Ainda assim, lá está o ponto de passagem. Uma peça de locomancia. Não pude usá-la até encontrar outra no Lamaçal, debaixo do ninho de um rhoa. Pise num desses e você vai estar de volta aqui rapidinho... Mas eu vomito o almoço toda vez que uso esse negócio.
Eramir, on the Fellshrine
O Santuário Caído é uma mera sombra do que já foi bom em Wraeclast. Sabe aquele símbolo gravado nas pedras? É um Descry, de quanto os Templários lutavam por algo de verdade. Pros ancestrais dos Oriath, o Descry era uma bela tocha na noite. Uma fonte de inspiração e conforto. Mas sabe o que é triste sobre tochas? Elas apagam.
Eramir, on the Vaal Ruins entrance
Aquele portal no nordeste é bem peculiar. Não é do Império Eterno. Pode ter vindo dos Vaal... uma cultura que já vi ser mencionada de vez em quando nos textos mais antigos. Foram os Vaal que começaram a usar as Gemas Virtuosas, bem antes dos nossos ancestrais imperiais. A gente sabe bem pouco sobre eles. Se eu tivesse meus velhos arquivos do museum, eu podia te dar uma teoria melhorzinha.
Yeena, introducing herself
Eu sou Yeena, Guardiã do Espírito. Você é um exilado gentil, como Eramir? Ele é bom para a gente... ele nos ajuda. Você vai ficar e nos ajudar também?
Yeena, on the Great White Beast
Uma fera nos caça nos sonhos dela. Uma grande fera branca, torturada e enlouquecida por homens ruins, há muito tempo. Ela virá aqui em breve, para destruir, esmagar e comer. É a sua dor que a diz para fazer isso. Encontre a fera branca e acabe com sua dor, antes que ela a compartilhe conosco.
Code warrior Last edited by Rhys#0000 on Oct 29, 2014, 7:31:27 PM Last bumped on Aug 31, 2017, 7:24:22 AM
This thread has been automatically archived. Replies are disabled.
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Looks good, keep up the great work GGG!
Last edited by DestroTheGod#5470 on Oct 29, 2014, 5:16:19 PM
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will orbs names be translated.. if yes, how are they linked in chat.. i dont want to see some.. ass weird german orbs being linked to me, seriously lol. dialogues are fine, itemnames aswell, as long as they are local, not global.
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" They will be translated, and when linked in chat, they will in appear in whichever language your client is set to. To clarify, it won't matter who links the item, or what language they are using, it appear correct for you. Code warrior
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" ty for the quick answer, so as in diablo 3 i guess. might still try it on german for some funny times haha :D will you have to download the language files each time you change the language or do you have all languages installed? |
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Maybe make a duplicate thread in the "feedback" sub-forum Rhys, some people never set foot in GD and are extremely help-full. You might get more result's then.
My french is horrendous so i wont even attempt to help. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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I think items, orbs, locations, skills names (and possibly mod names?) etc should not be translated. It creates lot of confusion
I remember a conversation with my RL friend about our D2:LoD builds. We were both very good at game mechanics, but he was playing a version localized (including all names) to our language. I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.. IGN: Eric_Lindros CET: Timezone Last edited by Ludvator#6587 on Oct 29, 2014, 5:53:48 PM
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Summoned Rhys!
*Wrong thread. |
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I was prepared for the worst, but i only needed to read the first few French ones to see that the quality is extremely high. It's flawless, so, well done, to whoever your French translator is.
Phrecia: 85 Scavenger P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96 (dead) Last edited by unsane#5479 on Oct 29, 2014, 5:51:26 PM
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" Hey Rhys, Your guys did an awsome job with the translations so far, i am very impressed. I am a native German-speaker and allowed myself to correct some little mistakes. I also made some stylistically changes in some wording done by you to make it sound properly in German (i marked it for you here in the spoiler)
Tarkleigh, on Hillock
Eindrucksvolle Vorstellung im Kampf gegen Hillock. Wo hast du so kämpfen gelernt? Nein, verrate es mir nicht! Wir aus dem Exil haben keine Geschichte. Dominus hat uns jene in dem Moment entrissen, als uns seine Schwarzwachen ins Meer geworfen haben. Es geht nur noch um Leben oder Tod. Hier, da hast du eine Kleinigkeit. Dafür musst du mir nicht danken. Ich denke an mich und die anderen hier. Je länger wir Kämpfer am Leben sind, desto länger überleben auch alle anderen.
If you guys need any kind of help, i will be glad if i can help you out - please feel free to contact me. |
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