[1.2] KuteKitteh’s Tanky Arcer, 20k+ Effective DPS, Atziri/HC-viable. Poor-man’s BM Arc included

Really liking the build so far! Was wondering what the endgame gear cap looks like. Do you consider what you currently have as best in slot or are there items you would buy if you had the currency? What areas do you think you could improve on with different gear?

That being said, what are your thoughts on Cloak of Defiance vs ES chest and Doryani's invitation vs. stat belt?
Been using this build thus far, and it is *awesome*. Got really lucky and had a Shavronne's drop at level 75, so I sold it and have been gearing myself up for lategame maps.

My Gear:


Needless to say, I'm wrecking face, even though I have some more upgrades to make (belt, chest, ring). This character is way more fun than my blender duelist in Domination. Thanks for the guide!
Porterhouse wrote:
Hey Kute, recently started using this buiild and it is awesome. I am starting to think about running some Atziri and wanted to get some clarification on this part of the guide.

Do you run dual curse for any part of apex or a boss?

Your base gear shown has a cast when stunned instead of CWDT is this just a leftover from the 2B/2R totem for Atziri fight?

I see you use high level CWDT for the Desecrate/Dev Totem/Skele combo but what level of cwdt on CWDT/IC/EC/Enfeeble setup?

If you are only running one curse should we use spell+curse on hit+conductivity(why not ele weakness?)+faster casting on our normal 4 blue setup?

atziri setup says spell totem/inc duration/fast cast/curse.....do you chrome this BBRR before the fight on the RRRB CWDT boots or just leave out fast cast if you dont feel like chroming?

What exactly is your 5 flask setup for Atziri?

and just to be sure the 4 links are?....

mob clearing
Spell/COH/Curse/(FC or Curse2??)

Double Vaal:
Same as above?

Same as above?

Spell Totem/Inc Duration/Fast Cast/Ele Weakness
CWDT(high lvl)/Skeles/Desecrate/Dev Totem
Flame Totem/Added Chaos/Fast Cast/GMP

Thanks alot for the spec and I appreciate any time you spend answering. I really wish you were able to throw together a video of Apex!
Dual curse is perfectly fine for Vaal fights (EW + Conductivity) and the trio (EW + Enfeeble). For Atziri herself, I would definitely run the EW spell totem and a leech Lazhwar. Dual curse is OK if you have a Doryani belt and a curse removing flask, but that's not in my comfort zone.

Yea, the CWS was from the 1.1 build that I used for atziri, which didn't have unwavering stance. I recommend something like a level 7 CWDT, level 9 EC, and level 8 IC (I didn't flip the numbers there, right?)

The 5 flasks I use for Atziri herself vary. I usually bring a Panicked life flask, 1 ruby, and 2 Topaz flasks, and a really darn good mana flask. Having a good mana flask and really high mana regen is necessary for the 4-form because the reflect drains mana like crazy.

And yea, that's pretty much the setup I use. You can always change things around, preferences will vary. Just because I use a setup doesn't mean it's the most optimal at all. I would also now run warlord's mark on spell totem (in addition to EW, non-dual curse) on her 4-form to offset reflect.
[2.2] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!: /1625757
Last edited by KuteKitteh#5381 on Aug 29, 2014, 11:12:10 AM
Ticina wrote:
Hi KuteKitteh,

I've been following your build a while now and I must say I was sold when I first came across it. So far I am loving it. Personally, I think it is a much better alternative to FoxTactics's arc build simply because of the survivability...not just that, I can use Auresize and Item Quantity without risk of getting killed.

However, I do have one question. For some reason I can't get the 74% block and 75% spell block. I only have 67% block and 68% spell block with tempest shield up. I am using a Rathpith Globe with 51% block conversion but I still can't get it up. I have the exact same tree as you except I went up to get the additional curse as I can't get hold of +1 curse lazhwar (maybe because your build is so popular everyone is buying them ^^). Am I forgetting something or do I need to get a higher rolled Rathpith or go into the block/spellblock cluster in the witch section?

Here is my gear and passive tree:


P.S. Thanks a lot for sharing this guide with everyone else on poe!
Hey there, thanks for the feedback!
You seem to be missing the shield nodes to the left of Golem's Blood. That gives 7% block for 4 points, which is why you're 7% short of 74%.
KondzioxD wrote:
Is there any posiibility to run with 3 auras? (discipline, clarity and haste) even with alpha howl or not?
This build places no emphasis on auras because of MoM, so you're hard-pressed to run even one 60% aura, never mind two of them. So no, I could not and would not run 3 auras.

Ceuro wrote:
Really liking the build so far! Was wondering what the endgame gear cap looks like. Do you consider what you currently have as best in slot or are there items you would buy if you had the currency? What areas do you think you could improve on with different gear?

That being said, what are your thoughts on Cloak of Defiance vs ES chest and Doryani's invitation vs. stat belt?
The chest is really darn good. It was a craft-in-progress and I ran out of exalts to finish it, so it's not bis but if I had ~60 exalts I could recraft it using my imprint. The boots are amazing (self-found + crafted too) and the belt is good. Both rings are great but not dual-T1 life/regen, which I would love to have. Helmet's decent because it's got 98 life and 85 res along with some good mana fodder. Gloves are absolute junk and I've been meaning to get a high-ES T1 life + dual-T1 res gloves for a while.

As for CoD vs ES, if it were a new league I would opt for the CoD for two reasons: 1, dual-curse will be available primarily through a Doedre's which means I lose out on a mana regen roll, and 2, it saves 4 points which I can throw into life. With the current chest I have, it's no competition though.

For Doryani belt vs rare belt, Doryani gives that precious 1% leech for better sustain as well as more DPS so it will be an optimal choice for many. However, a rare belt with over 100 life and good resists gives better resilience versus DoT and extremely hard hits. I run 1% leech and it's perfectly fine for me so I opted for a bigger safety cushion.
Myrkabah wrote:
Been using this build thus far, and it is *awesome*. Got really lucky and had a Shavronne's drop at level 75, so I sold it and have been gearing myself up for lategame maps.

My Gear:


Needless to say, I'm wrecking face, even though I have some more upgrades to make (belt, chest, ring). This character is way more fun than my blender duelist in Domination. Thanks for the guide!
Thanks, glad you're having fun with it! And kinda jelly about your shav drop too :P
[2.2] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!: /1625757
Last edited by KuteKitteh#5381 on Aug 29, 2014, 11:04:41 AM
came back recently and decided to go with your build and i´m loving it big thumbs up was a bit of a hassle to start gearing as i only started with 21 exalted when i came back :p but managed to make the most of it. but i cant seem to achive that 4,5k hp so easily even when i use the max hp on each slot that i´ve got i just get to 4050ish do you have extra hp nodes or something ? :D


is what i´m using atm and i know the chest is horrible without a life stat but compensate with nice es stats just wondering what you think i should go for next. i got some semi decent gloves i use when i think a map will be tougher but i tend to stick with the aurseize and use a andarius ring with it seems easy enough up to lvl 75 maps but sometimes taking a pounding
Zippaca wrote:
came back recently and decided to go with your build and i´m loving it big thumbs up was a bit of a hassle to start gearing as i only started with 21 exalted when i came back :p but managed to make the most of it. but i cant seem to achive that 4,5k hp so easily even when i use the max hp on each slot that i´ve got i just get to 4050ish do you have extra hp nodes or something ? :D


is what i´m using atm and i know the chest is horrible without a life stat but compensate with nice es stats just wondering what you think i should go for next. i got some semi decent gloves i use when i think a map will be tougher but i tend to stick with the aurseize and use a andarius ring with it seems easy enough up to lvl 75 maps but sometimes taking a pounding
Rings are OK, as long as 85% mana regen isn't giving you too much of a hassle then it's fine. The only thing i would improve here are the boots since they're a little lacking in mana/ES, otherwise the rest of your gear looks OK.

4.5k hp is using minimum health nodes but maximum HP on gear (including HP gloves and HP chest), that's probably where the difference is.
[2.2] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!: /1625757
Last edited by KuteKitteh#5381 on Aug 29, 2014, 6:24:11 PM
Hi, very fun gameplay, thank you.
I am following the poor-man's path and all is great so far.
What would you say are the two masters one should focus on?
Using your build with a few differences to more fit my playstyle, it makes everything almost too easy. I use the MoM chest instead of the MoM skill, which is the main difference. I also use a arc totem with prolif, and am only using 1 curse (mainly because I hardly ever solo).

The only thing I have a problem with is half regen and no regen, but I could just stop being lazy and get a mana flask... With TS/Haste/Clarity/Herald of Ice I only have 150 mana that is not reserved. On top of that I run a fairly leveled Arctic Armour.

Overall this build is just plain stupid (in a good way), 7k sheet DPS on arc, not counting chaining and my prolif arc totem shocking every mob in the radius, while having max block/spell block and 3.2k life is absurd.

Level 85 currently and have been doing 78 maps in my group. Here are my current items, if you see any items I should 100% upgrade right away let me know. I'm looking into an Alpha's Howl but am holding off until I get more currency, it's gonna take a lot to get the right colors.

Note this is in Rampage, so I did trade a little survivability for damage, but I haven't died since early in the leveling process and I've done 78 maps regularly. Also I know MoM doesn't do much with only 150 mana not reserved, but it's a work in progress, i'm getting alpha's howl and planning reduced reserved mana nodes for 87-92.

I used to put my characters down here.

The list became so long, and I've had to DELETE over 50 characters to make room for others, that I've stopped updating it.

#firstworldproblems give me character slots free or WAY cheaper GGG ;(
Last edited by Semune#5578 on Aug 29, 2014, 11:19:42 PM
scorburel wrote:
Hi, very fun gameplay, thank you.
I am following the poor-man's path and all is great so far.
What would you say are the two masters one should focus on?
Jewelry and Armor. They help a ton.

Semune wrote:
Using your build with a few differences to more fit my playstyle, it makes everything almost too easy. I use the MoM chest instead of the MoM skill, which is the main difference. I also use a arc totem with prolif, and am only using 1 curse (mainly because I hardly ever solo).

The only thing I have a problem with is half regen and no regen, but I could just stop being lazy and get a mana flask... With TS/Haste/Clarity/Herald of Ice I only have 150 mana that is not reserved. On top of that I run a fairly leveled Arctic Armour.

Overall this build is just plain stupid (in a good way), 7k sheet DPS on arc, not counting chaining and my prolif arc totem shocking every mob in the radius, while having max block/spell block and 3.2k life is absurd.

Level 85 currently and have been doing 78 maps in my group. Here are my current items, if you see any items I should 100% upgrade right away let me know. I'm looking into an Alpha's Howl but am holding off until I get more currency, it's gonna take a lot to get the right colors.

Note this is in Rampage, so I did trade a little survivability for damage, but I haven't died since early in the leveling process and I've done 78 maps regularly. Also I know MoM doesn't do much with only 150 mana not reserved, but it's a work in progress, i'm getting alpha's howl and planning reduced reserved mana nodes for 87-92.

Glad you're having fun with the tankiness. It does get kinda stupid at times.
150 unreserved does nothing for MoM, you definitely want to take HoI off if possible. The build is designed for strong solo-play so I'm glad you made some party-play modifications to suit your tastes.

I would get life boots.
[2.2] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!: /1625757
Last edited by KuteKitteh#5381 on Aug 30, 2014, 8:35:00 AM
Semune wrote:
Using your build with a few differences to more fit my playstyle, it makes everything almost too easy. I use the MoM chest instead of the MoM skill, which is the main difference. I also use a arc totem with prolif, and am only using 1 curse (mainly because I hardly ever solo).

The only thing I have a problem with is half regen and no regen, but I could just stop being lazy and get a mana flask... With TS/Haste/Clarity/Herald of Ice I only have 150 mana that is not reserved. On top of that I run a fairly leveled Arctic Armour.

Overall this build is just plain stupid (in a good way), 7k sheet DPS on arc, not counting chaining and my prolif arc totem shocking every mob in the radius, while having max block/spell block and 3.2k life is absurd.

Level 85 currently and have been doing 78 maps in my group. Here are my current items, if you see any items I should 100% upgrade right away let me know. I'm looking into an Alpha's Howl but am holding off until I get more currency, it's gonna take a lot to get the right colors.

Note this is in Rampage, so I did trade a little survivability for damage, but I haven't died since early in the leveling process and I've done 78 maps regularly. Also I know MoM doesn't do much with only 150 mana not reserved, but it's a work in progress, i'm getting alpha's howl and planning reduced reserved mana nodes for 87-92.

I am LvL 83 and doing 72 solo maps.

How do you not die ? Is that because you are in a group ? I have capped resists 3.7k hp and 2k-unreserved mana and I die. If the map is -regen -resists then I get wrecked by physical heavy mobs. Huge skeleton guys takes %75 of my hp in 1 shot.

Only difference you and I have is armor. But if I go for armor, whats the point of going for MoM.

Last edited by arteqt#2893 on Aug 30, 2014, 11:23:10 AM

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