[2.2] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave

i have 42k dps and 5k4 hp, using bino and no problem with both phy/ele ref, i feel like i have no ref at all, dont know why you can drop more than half of your hp pool, maybe the Abyssus is the reason
Any way to make a 6l voll's protector work with this? It's what I have atm and trying to get a 6l belly is too much hassle atm.
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candoerfer wrote:
7thFullMoon wrote:

Melee Damage on Full Life isn't really an option for me since I run blood rage for both an offensive buff and the leech and I'm already using Faster Attacks and Vaal Reave (which does iAoE's job).

Vaal Reave is not even compareable to inc AoE. Vaal Reave does need a build up time, while iAoE doesn't (and it also works for evey attack unlike Vaal Reave, where you have to maintain the charges to eep the AoE). Since this build is capable of 1-shotting packs endgame, every attack needed to "build up" the vaal AoE could be another killed pack and goes wasted.

7thFullMoon wrote:

Here's my final gear set with all gems socketed: I run quite a different setup, extremely offensive in comparison.

Your level is quite low and everything works at that point. I can guarantee you that once you become dependant on a stable build, your build will look much more like my version again.

I levelled to 87 and took vaal pact.

I swapped ICD for iAoE and still use vaal reave, making the aoe the entire screen.

Here's a short video with headhunter (despite it not being a part of the build, just a fun thing I tried).
xfatal wrote:
i have 42k dps and 5k4 hp, using bino and no problem with both phy/ele ref, i feel like i have no ref at all, dont know why you can drop more than half of your hp pool, maybe the Abyssus is the reason

- adds 40- 60 pDmg
- 100 - 150 CitMulti
- 40-50% inc. phys dmg taken

With Abyssus your biggest enemy will be yourself. Also 42k DPS is kinda low so no wonder you don't experience any issues with reflect.

Gensou wrote:
Any way to make a 6l voll's protector work with this? It's what I have atm and trying to get a 6l belly is too much hassle atm.

Voll's destroys your mana pool (already only ~100 unreserved) and does not provide any defences which is crucial for melee builds.

@7thFullMoon: My comments on Vaal reave were based on mapping 76+ in 6 man parties, where sustaining reave charges is significantly harder. I can see it working for solo play, you will still need iAoE though

Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474
EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431
Hey candoerfer, I was thinking about making a reave character with a duelist though, what would you say for this:

Pretty much the same build, but for duelist. Also one thing, if we start with pure phys nodes at both duelist/shadow, then duelist is superior choice due to giving 3% greater phys damage(lol). I do realize that at a high level like yours, shadow start is superior, but I'm unlikely to level past 92/93, and I already have an 87 duelist to respec.
For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
Etherfire wrote:
Hey candoerfer, I was thinking about making a reave character with a duelist though, what would you say for this.

It's completely viable to play this build as duelist, I would skip the 0.6 Life regen node though.
Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474
EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431
Alright, thanks!
For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
Is there any other good gloves to use? Or whats the important things to look at?
candoerfer wrote:
Badass_Bunny wrote:
Thanks for the input, I've been testing out playing without Vaal Pact a bit and it just doesn't seem safe really to me also I running reflect maps has me dropping down more than half my HP constantly at least for Phys reflect maps since ele reflect is much easier to deal with.

In your previous post you claim to counter Abyssus extra dmg with EC, now you are suddenly dropping low and feeling insecure? You seem to contradict yourslelf here.
My advice: Drop suicide helmet
This allowas you to swap LL gem for an additional DPS gem (Crit dmg), drop VP for more Crit/Life nodes (Fencing, Scion wheel, Blood Drinker, etc.) and you will also be overall safer du to the missing drawback, while still overcapping life leech.

Edit: If you really fancy DPS uniques, you can get A Rat's Nest instead of Abyssus. IT provides nice MS and makes it easier to crit cap.

I don't contradict myself, I never said I'm dying cause of Abyssus I just have issues with dropping low on reflect maps and sadly even Immortal Call can fail sometimes Vaal Pact just makes it feel more secure for me. I do have Blood Drinker probably missed it when I made the tree on poebuilder. Anyway I've been playing last few days without Vaal pact and I've changed my gear up a bit

I wanted to test out Dual Curse set up so I got that as well as I set up my Reave:
Reave>Multistrike>Melee Damage>Faster Attacks>Increased Critical Strike chance

The only times I die with the build are when I use my Vaal Cyclone at the wrong time.

Anyway I cap out crit while dual cursing and still having 52k DPS. My pDPS is 27k so with 5% Life Leech I'm not sure if I'm leech capping. The rings I've been using were given to me by a friend who ran ele crit something. So I would be better off with getting Flat Phys and accuracy on my rings?

BTW I lose 20k DPS with Rat's Nest so I really don't wanna do that since it would feel so inferior.

EDIT: Also I do plan to get Fencing by level 90
Last edited by Badass_Bunny#4971 on Jan 22, 2015, 4:04:44 PM





My problem: DPS. It feels lackluster. I'm feeling pretty tanky, except those random times when I get 100 to 0'd through IC. It just feels like I should have more than 45k dps, more like 50-60k. Also, mana issues are a thing. 15 mana/sec regen just doesn't suffice. What would you say my weakest link as atm?
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