[2.2] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave
![]() Changes in 2.2: After being overshadowed by Rangers for several expansions, the time has finally come to step into the spotlight and once again claim the title of being the Nr.1 class for melee phys attack builds. With the introduction of the Assassin we are no longer forced to plan our skilltree around on taking every single crit node, but can instead focus on other important stats such as life. Critical Strike Multiplier on items got a huge nerf. Since our overall crit multi value is now significantly lower, the Increased Critical Damage gem finally is good again. The Addition of Blasphemy in patch 2.1 is a significant buff for this build. While aurafying Assassin's Mark might appear to be an obvious choice at first glance, the limited AoE does not allow a consistent PC generation. Therefore using a defensive curse in combination with Blasphemy is a superior choice, since it is not only more reliable than the often used CwDt setups but also offers higher damage mitigation than Fortify (which we can still apply with Whirling Blades). 2.0 introduced the era of Dual Wield. Going dual wield is now strictly superior to 1h & shield in every aspect. The main reason for this is the very convenient location of Twin Terrors combined with the shortened path to the Duealist starting area. It basically comes down to getting a 32% multiplier for free.
New Skilltree for 2.2
Normal: Oak +40 Life is clearly the superior option here Cruel: Kraityn/Oak The rewards from Kraityn and Oak are DPS wise almost identical. Merciless: Kraityn Frenzy Charges are incredible powerful now, which makes Kraityn the best choice.
Levelling & Skilltree Progression
You can tremendously accelerate your levelling speed by starting as a Trapper. After you got Multistrike from killing Malachai in Normal, you can switch to a pDPS weapon and start using Reave. While it might seem tempting to rush towards the Scion life cluster, those life nodes merely function as a safety net when pushing for endgame content and are not generally not needed before lv.90.
The ingame DPS tooltip is highly inaccurate for DW builds, since it calculates the DPS for alternating weapons and does not take into account that we are using a Reave incompatible offhand weapon. Also, many perks of the Ascendency classes are contingent on the situation (e.g. monster health) and as a reslut cannot be captured by the ingame tooltip. Therefore I decided to create a tooltip calculator that represents your actual DPS based on your gear&passive nodes. You can find the Excel sheet here. The calculator assumes you are using Deaths Hand, a 6L with 20/20 gems as well as Bloodrage and Ice Golem. Depending on wether you are using ICD or FA, select Sheet1 or Sheet2 for your calculations.
Calculated DPS using my example gear
![]() Edit: Crit multi nerfs happened. Down to ~290k DPS.
This build does not have any armour nor significant amounts of evasion/block, however this does not necessarily mean that we are not tanky! By combining a Basalt Flask with Taste of Hate, we achieve 38% physical damage reduction. Since we are also permanently applying Enfeeble thanks to Blasphemy, our physical damage mitigation rises to incredible 59%. This is equivalent to 144k armour, when taking a 10k phys. damage hit! On top of that we have a 40% chance to not even get hit by attacks (30% for spells) in the first place. Oh, and did I already mention that this build also has over 6k life?
For gems, go to the "Gem Setup" section below Please note: You need neither Acuity nor a mirrored Dagger! When I started the build I was using Bino's + Maligaro's and it was still ridiculous strong. Choice of off-hand weapon: 2.1 has not only had an influence on our gem setup and skilltree pathing, it also significantly influences our item choice for the off-hand weapon slot. While 2.0 offered a great variety of endgame off-hand weapons with similar powerlevel, 2.1 has a clear favourite: Death's Hand.
Good stats for a jewel are: - life - dagger specific mods (phys dmg/ iAS) - crit multi Decent stats for a jewel are: - one handed mods (phys dmg/ iAS) You should aim for a high life roll + two useful damage mods.
New Patch & new Items
The changes to poison in 2.1 resulted in a passive nerf to this item. If you are playing in a temporary league, there are however still very few ways around this item, due to the horrible crit dagger supply. The poison caster meta forced another nerf onto Bino's in 2.2. Unless you can get it for really cheap, a rare dagger will offer you more value for your currency. As already mentioned in the gear section, 2.1 made Death's Hand BiS for off-hand weapons. Initially Belly of the Beat was needed due to the severely limited amount of life on the skilltree. Since we are now able to get more %life passive nodes, the %life mod from Belly becomes consequently slightly less efficient, which makes room for other options, namely Daresso's Defiance or Lightning Coil. The choice ultimately depends on personal preferences, all three chests are insanely strong in their own regards.
Gem Setup
Main Attack [6L]: Reave - Multistrike - IncMeleeDmg - ICD** - Inc. AoE - PCoC*** Movement [4L]: Whirling Blades - FA - Fortify - Vaal Reave Opening Attack/Finishing Move [4L]: Leap Slam - FA - Fortify - Culling Strike Buffs [4L]: Inc. Duration - Vaal Haste - CwDt* - IC* Buffs [3L]: Bloodrage - Enhance - Ice Golem Auras [3L]: Hatred - Blasphemy - Enfeeble * Gem is not fully levelled ** If you have problems dealing with reflect, replace ICD with FA *** If you mainly play in mid tier maps, you can swap out PCoC for a different gem, since at that monster lvl Death's Hand will completetly take care of your PC generation. How to play this build: Be confident in your power level. Once you have the right gear, you will be able to outleech almost everything. That is why you are the most vulnerable, when you are not DPSing. Don't try to run away in a sticky situation, when you don't have a clear escape path! More often than not you will be able to turn the tables, if you stay your ground.
Player Feedback
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When should I get Vall Pact (VP)? This build no longer has a VP version. I have to few Int to equip my Dagger. Depending on the base type of your dagger, you might need to get additional int. Getting a Lapis Amulet can help solving the issue of missing Intelligence. Benchcrafting is another way to obtain the required stats. If I have 280kDPS, will I not constantly oneshot myself at reflect? This build reaches it's DPS level by having insane attackspeed and not by mindlessly stacking critmulti (Abyssus says hello), so reflect rares are no problem at all. You are not using EC, how am I supposed to obtain Endurance Charges for IC? I don't generate endurance charges, in fact IC is only used as reflect countermeasure: 1 sec phys immunity protects me from the immediately following attacks, which is enough to leech back/kill the reflect mobs. Changelog: 15/08/14: Added alternate Skilltree 17/08/14: Added final Skilltree 19/08/14: Added Bandits 22/08/14: Added Leveling Progression; Added situational nodes 05/09/14: Added Dual Wield version; Added FAQ section 07/09/14: Added gear + ingame stats; Updated Bandits 05/12/14: Updated for 1.3 prepatch 13/12/14: Updated for 1.3 14/12/14: Added New Leveling Progression 24/12/14: Added Gem setup section 05/01/15: Updated Gear section 08/03/15: Slightly improved the Skilltree 13/07/15: Added 2.0 Skilltree; Added item discussion 14/07/15: Updated Gem setups; Added Strategy section 19/07/15: Transformed the build into Dual Wield; New Skilltree & New Items 26/07/15: Added Jewels to Gear section 30/08/15: Added Skilltree progression 08/12/15: Updated for 2.1 prepatch 09/12/15: Updated items; Added Player Feedback 02/01/2016: Updated for 2.1 postpatch 29/02/2016: Updated for 2.2 prepatch; Released DW Reave Tooltip Calculator 03/03/2016: Updated for 2.2 13/04/2016: Added section Defences Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow [2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474 EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431 Last edited by candoerfer#1562 on Apr 13, 2016, 2:25:32 PM Last bumped on Jul 20, 2017, 5:16:19 PM
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Nice tree, I will most likely use this or a variant of this tree for my new build. Thanks :)
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tree looks good
i want to play something very very similar, but i am thinking about going CI with this patch |
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I think this is a better build:
"What have you become when even nightmares fears you ?"
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" I didn't get the hybrid accuracy/ crit cluster, because it is ineffecient: I have to waste a point on stats to get it and only has 3 nodes. As I have mentioned in the introduction part of the guide, I am using this build for my reave shadow. This is why I did not take ballistic mastery. You skip Aspect of the Panther which is HUGE: 16% phys, 6 AS, 4% MS, +10 life. You also waste points on int nodes in the top area, where you could have gotten a power charge instead, which is crucial for reaching crit cap. Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474 EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431 |
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I really like your tree. If you are going IR I think it's probably the best I've seen so far. However overall I think something like this: https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgIAm40ILu2DGY4AXtN-eK5I7hutPeK309fLo4oj9u4OTZKNfVb6MHz8xX8rUUdnoNaK51SNv4d2JP0FtUp9_97UI-jWtMUwcSLqmyZirN2o2j0yAZ2qbIxLeAkhW_eyGTY9OkJSDc96bWzssLVIjAvz6rl8KgtwUonTcNVd8g5IY0MRlvLhkBsHHkcGd_1wVpUu2Hbb1JoT8NW5Plb1SVGsZttuLOGX0H3jjooegUuN_xymf-1BfXX-urvjxKKxsxa_JpVh4lVLjDb2_Kc0Yet6U-d0gOG3FziW4l4=
Will be stronger defensively and offensively. You have 30% less life and 4% less block, but you you gain acrobatics + ondars guile for defense (I think this is stronger, physical isn't the big killer in Merc/maps and can be mitigated with CWDT + 1 flask). Additionally this tree has 130% more crit chance and 25% more crit multiplier. Also it's 3 less nodes. What do you think? IGN: Dmillz
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I personally don't really like Acrobatics on melee builds as they have to tank alot (exception: Lightning Coil builds, then its pure awesomeness). Since your playing ranged (hence the balistic mastery pickup) I would definetly recommend your version as well.
Also my build is still work in progress (see notification in the intro), so I will probably modify it a bit when I can finally use DPS calculation tool from poebuilder.com. Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474 EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431 |
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" That makes a lot of sense. I'll be keeping an eye on this to steal the IR version as an alternative in my ST build :P. IGN: Dmillz
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Hi I would like to join the conversation :)
I was thinking about a dual wield version maybe you guys can give me your thoughts. https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgYAsNii2VHZsJL_kxa_sbMmle1BYeKmf1VLtUhtbPPq53Q2PSoL6NadquywcFIi6psmYqxsjIwLidMhAzIBBfm5fHDVu3yyGRXwXfJl8c96-WMOSNAJo4pjQxGWLVUj9u4OTGDy4ZAb6f5Nko19VvoEsUcGcFYFffzFlWbQ0Nh29vyaE2eg3Q0Dh8_puT5W9ac029SHdluvcHIbrYJT646sZttuSn0Y204q034uCJP8LOGX0MGLFfa2QX11feOOitunYnk0k_66CVgABmNwXLDv49P8vqeMNm5phNllTRRSR34= i do about 340k dps (including power charges and hatred and yolo abyssus helm) with two good binos (didnt have any better on standard to put in) its with dual strike, multistrike, melee phys, faster attacks, melee splash, increased crit damage with my gear it was at 3700 life but you should probably do it as a ranger and get close to 4k life. I also have an acrobatics version (which is prbably better) please gimme your thoughts :) |
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" Your tree seems to be invalid. Check your link again. Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474 EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431 |
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