[1.3 VIDEO GUIDE] PoE Beginners Build The Carpet Bomber, Fireball Witch EB, AA [HC/SC viable]
" I don't want to mislead you, so I would suggest you use another build for Atziri farming, such as SRS for instance :) Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting |
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" Fireball deals 50% projectile damage and 50% explosion damage. The explosion damage is not based on the projectile damage :) Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting |
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so I guess I can link my gear as well :)
im currently 77 and doing 72 maps without a problem, not died 1 time since I entered maps. this build is great and with allot of escape / Maizu
Witch: Maizu_Fireball - 85 - Standard Shadow: Maizuva - 51 - Standard Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1286674 |
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" I would swap gems between The vertex mask and your boots; arctir armour does not benefit from reduced mana gem and from vertex mask reserved mana reduction. Instead, you could put your clarity+discipline+purity of fire on vertex mask, put AA+reduced mana+empower+ herald of lightining on boots. Even better, with 50% reduction of Vertex mask you could try to put haste aura on it, putting clarity on boots,so: AA+reduced mana+empower+clarity on boots, and discipline+purity of fire+haste+reduced mana on vertex mask. |
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Hello dear firball witches,
first of all thank your very much LiftingNerdBro for this superb build. After a year or so i came back with 1.3 to poe and started this build. Im playing the crit variant of the build and having really good times. But i have some questions, what is the best 5L and 6L gem setup for the crit variant? Im currently running 5L with Fireball-Spell Echo-Concentrated Effect-GMP-Power Charge on Crit. And what gear should i try to change into what? thank you all very much=) |
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Hi LiftingerdBro,
In your guide you have added a passive tree build called "Finished Build 114 pts" You havent taken the node near templar that gives 20% mana regen and 14 life. May I ask why? Also, how carefully have you been thinking through this passive tree? I need to know because I am a full time bomber right now and I need to make it as efficient as possible. BR |
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" I can tell you your gear is very good. I would just replace gloves; of your gloves bonus you just "use" life and lightning res, so you could change it with another item with better bonuses. Beside that, you should really try to find a 6L chest, of course; maybe even with worse bonus than your actual chest: you could compensate lost bonuses of chest on gloves, and enjoy a 6L chest. I would use fireball-spell echo-conc effect-gmp-power charge on crit- faster casting. Or you could put fire penetration, that has the added bonus to be changeable with life leech gem(fire pen gem would give you better damage with res fire monsters, while faster casting would be better on any other encounter) |
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First off, i want to tell that this build is amazingly easy and fun to play. You did a very good job organazing all the information in this topic, basically every aspect of the build is fully explained. WELL DONE!
Now to my question. I'm back to PoE after 1 year rest(back when Piety was final boss) and having really good time in bloodlines league. I'm farming ledge on merc ATM but don't see a lot of benefit in it for me atm as i'm very unsure about if i can find any upgrades there. So the question is, do you think i can make it, let's say, to the merci docks with my current gear? The gear is almost everything selffound, so i'm very lucky:
With this i have about 2300 hp and 950 ES + 700 mana (500 reserved for clarity and discipline) Also can you suggest what i should focus on? I'm still very nooby with game mechanics and such. I'm kinda poor currency-wise. Big thanks. |
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" So, if I understand this correctly, if the tooltip of Fireball says 10k, 5k of it is from the Fireball projectile and 5k is from the explosion after the Fireball hits something and explodes? |
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