[1.3 VIDEO GUIDE] PoE Beginners Build The Carpet Bomber, Fireball Witch EB, AA [HC/SC viable]
" Hey man! Yes they are really strong and one of the best ways to gain tons of crit for a caster. With all 7 charges you will have an additional 300% increased critical strike chance, soo pretty good :) Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting |
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" thanks a lot for the reply. I am new to the game, so please forgive me, but I literally don't get it how to use those power charges. I see a gem only for endurance charges? Is there one for obtaining power charges ? if not, how to gain and use them ? Last edited by stefanaki#6858 on Dec 18, 2014, 2:09:17 AM
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Power siphon lets you gain a charge if you hit / kill a target
there is a gem called Power charge on Critical which also lets you gain charges several unique items have interactions with PC's, there is a wiki page for it: pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Power_charge IGN: WildTortillaFart
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" Power charge on crit is a support gem. If you have it linked to fireball, then every time Fireball crits you will gain one of these power charges. The power charges is a passive temporary buff to your characters critical hit chance. With the crit build variant you can reach 7 of these :) Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting |
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Hi Lifting!
Just wanted to add to the plethora of congrats on such a successful build. Currently playing this build on Torment league and having a blast with it. I hit the 40's recently without too much difficulty, leveling with Fireball+LMP+Fire Pen so far and using Raise Zombies as meat shields and have reached a point recently where I can safely use this build without the zombies most of the time. The only difficult part for me is keeping my gear up to date, as it seems I just level too fast! I'm constantly like 5 levels over the recommended level for the content I'm doing! XD Thanks for the fun build! Hoping to get the rest of the gems I need to make this build work to its max potential soon! Edit: This is also the first character I've taken passed normal difficulty! Only been playing this game for a couple of weeks, so the fact that this build is beginner friendly is a huge plus to me! So once again, thanks for the fun and easy build! Last edited by Kibaikasu#4110 on Dec 18, 2014, 2:47:25 PM
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Thanks for the build !
I am wonder if I can kill Atziri with this build. I'm current Lvl 77 and my gear is ------- IGN : SiconIsME (Domination League)
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Just wanted to post and say I'm about to join the club and start a fireball build. I'm just coming back to PoE again and haven't played since Nemesis; traditionally I've always played as a ranger or sword & board templar so this is a departure for me but after watching the guide video I'm super excited to get started! My whole goal is to finally get a character into maps, and I think this build is just the ticket. Thanks for the inspiration :)
"Accountability is the perfect counter-weight to ambition." -Dominus, High Templar
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So curious about Fireball's mechanics.
Fireball is a Projectile, Fire, AoE spell gem. My question is, does the "Explosion" damage from Fireball derive from the "Projectile" damage of fireball? |
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Thanks a lot Chronodroid and Lifting. Now I get it how it works. This looks like works great with a 6L though.
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" So good to hear man, thank you for telling me. Congrats on getting to cruel! :) Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting |
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