[0.10.3b] What's cooler than being cool? Ice Cold Templar
" How do you have so much mana without Eldritch Battery? My templar has EB and life. Oodles of mana and regen, but only 2.2k life and 1.5k armor (2.5k buffed) using hybrid armor/ES gear. I'm not fond of CI, but taking EB seems to make you pretty squishy too. Running Discipline, Purity, Determination, Tempest Shield. His gear is still pretty crap for Lev 65 (act 3 mercy). Your freeze pulse DPS is quite good, what you using? Perhaps it's lack of cold nodes but my templar's DPS on freeze pulse (dagger/shield) blew chunks with: FP + LMP + Added Lighting (I have a leveled Faster Projectiles but didn't have the links). I switched to Ice Spear + LMP + Crit Damage + Added Lightning which seems to work better. Would like to swap lightning for Faster Casting. I also have a Skellie totem with a Minion Life gem. Thinking on switching to manual skellies and putting a another multi projectile Ice Spear on totem. Shrug maybe it's just that his gear still sucks and he doesn't have a lot of damage nodes yet, but he's struggling. DPS is low, life is low, and armor is low... though he does have 2.2k mana, 112 mana regen, and max resists. IGN: Friar
Knight of Guild Medieval http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/545783 Game Mechanics http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/11707 Recipe Book http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/15223 Quest Reward List http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/36776 |
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" I should have clarified, the 1600 mana was with EB. I've specced out of it however, while it was fine for most of Act3 Merci, things started to get a bit tough in Piety's temple and the gains from running more aura's just wasn't worth the loss of 1200 ES, effectively double my hp. This is my build now, after regretting out of EB. Since I was relying on EB previously, my mana is a bit low now, roughly 700, so I'm only able to run Clarity & Discipline. As a result, I'm running with a resists shield to make up for no longer being able to run Purity, and to max out resists. My Freezing Pulse is down to 1450x3 now, I'm running a 5L with LMP, Increased Crit (will be faster casting once it's leveled), Added Cold and reduced Mana. I have skele's on my spell totem as well, I quite like it. I noticed from your build that you picked up the two dex nodes, glad to see I'm not the only one that had to do that! Procurement : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/172710/page/1 Github : https://github.com/Stickymaddness/Procurement/ |
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" Mind explaining why you go for that combination? Personally I'm running FP+GMP+FasterCasting+FasterProjectiles on my 4L armour, and when I get a 5L, I will also run Cold Penetration, at 6L Increased Crit %. LMP gives less DPS than GMP from my experience, Added Cold dmg is less potent than Cold pene, and Reduced mana is not needed considering the insane mana regen you have already. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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Hi, im thinkin to respec my melee shield templar to caster, since toe toe foes is really hard in PoE :/ but my LS atm does with weapon ele dmg 1200dps without any aura and if i just "test" freezing pulse without any spell dmg weapon or great its 227.
Can anyone post great for level 60+ so i can find some equip for me before i respec? thx in advance |
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" Ok that makes more sense. While my build has significantly more more mana regen (plus some on gear) dunno if dropping EB would be an increase in EHP or not, would have to run the numbers. Yah templar is pretty dex starved and you need it to level up dex gems. This way I can also use a lot of the daggers for extra crit as well. " I'd use GMP if I had it as mana regen is a non-issue :) ... for sticky it might be an issue now that he's dropped EB. IGN: Friar Knight of Guild Medieval http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/545783 Game Mechanics http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/11707 Recipe Book http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/15223 Quest Reward List http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/36776 Last edited by FriarJon#3710 on Feb 8, 2013, 3:05:52 PM
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" Yep, right on the money, my mana/regen is a bit sub-par now, due to ES stacking, once it's evened out a bit I do intend to switch to GMP! " Faster projectiles is a few levels behind added cold, so for me it works out less damage. I do have a 16% FP which adds projectile speed. I haven't actually tried cold pen, I'll try get hold of a leveled gem and see how it performs. The reduced mana gem is a combination of always rolling at least one red socket when choming the 5L and speccing out of EB which left me a bit mana starved, so essentially I'm only running a 4L in terms of damage. Life leech or quantity can be quite handy in its place, but obviously a damage support would be preferable. " What level are you now? I pretty much thought I'd be rolling EB indefinitely, but once I got to the final areas of Act3 and maps, I needed the extra defence, granted that spec wise I've been pretty greedy in later parts of the spec, in terms of damage/crit nodes over survivability nodes. Procurement : The Ultimate Exile's Companion! Forum Thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/172710/page/1 Github : https://github.com/Stickymaddness/Procurement/ Last edited by Stickymaddness#7243 on Feb 8, 2013, 7:13:15 PM
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I like this build very much. I'm playing on HC and i would like to know if it is viable for HC, if not, what should be changed?
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" L67 now. Actually he's doing fine atm. I've been having some horrible latency issues which were resolved yesterday by restarting the modem (yay!). Apparently that was a big part of the problem as I plowed through act 3 up to the Luneris waypoint last night. It's back to snap, crackle, pop! :) Luneris 1 and 2 were fine, but I don't think he's ready for the act 3 boss just yet though. I found a nice amulet with spell dmg, crit, and +life but he's still only at 2.4k life. Added lightning is working pretty good actually. I think it's shock stacking. Considering going for "Shocking Blows" at higher levs after I've got the goodies from the shadow start area. Running: Ice spear + LMP + Added Crit Damage (13 qual) + Added Lightning DPS is 700ish x 3 on 25% crit (67% 2nd form) with 475% multi. DPS doesn't seem that great at first glance but whites almost get 1 shot with crit. Most stuff just shatters. I lay a skellie totem and perma-freeze from range with IS 2nd form. EDIT: yah got schooled by the act 3 boss at L69 LOL. Might be doable but can't get caught in the open. The cold damage is 3-hit kill with 71% resist and I took it from off-screen while dealing with adds. IGN: Friar Knight of Guild Medieval http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/545783 Game Mechanics http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/11707 Recipe Book http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/15223 Quest Reward List http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/36776 Last edited by FriarJon#3710 on Feb 9, 2013, 8:20:12 PM
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Im in my 60's on this build.
I went to CI when my Health pool couldn't take a chaos hit and survive. 1900es atm 3 granites I added an added lightning gem to freezing pulse. Quality adds shock chance. It really chunks down large packs fast on that 3rd stack wow. This was a LIGHTNING fast build to level.. LMP freezing pulse and faster proj is AWESOME..Quality FP even better. |
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Could use some help here folks. I've now started several different templar builds and played with no problems up into Act3 (level 30ish). The only one I've had continued success with is the Mace/Shield lightning strike build. However, it's not my play style. I really like this build and the play style. But ....
Having issues staying alive. Have focused on the +dam nodes so far and haven't used any respecs at all. Should I go for some defenses/life instead? Going toe to toe with bosses/mini-bosses can be very painful now. Is it a gear problem maybe? Any advice would be really appreciated. I did just start doing some grouping but would prefer to be able to go through the game solo with some sort of build that I enjoy! |
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