Cheap, Tanky, DPSy: Summon Raging Spirit [not updated for 1.3+]

20% reduction of Spirits at level 20. I wonder how that effects the later levels at level 23-26. I recall the buff from previous patch was 66% at level 20 but more than that at higher levels.

Still should do very well


Hmm Generosity effects allies.

Reduced Mana - Generosity - Hatred

I would Not put haste on generosity. The cast speed and move speed is for you and will still grant attack speed and move speed to your minions. Not at all worth giving that up for a few extra percent attack speed.

edited to remove Heralds. THey won't work on minions :(
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Last edited by Madcow1120#4324 on Aug 19, 2014, 1:25:05 PM
Alpah's: Red Mana + Clarity + Haste + Discipline (+ Grace?)

5L chest: Red Mana + Hatred + Herald of Ash + Harald of Ice + Generosity

The Herald auras are 25% base reserve each, so much lower requirement than the others. Depending on Clarity's new increased reserve requirements, Grace may not fit. Almost certainly not for anyone not taking EB.

Contemplating this link as well: Arc + Curse on Hit + Elemental Weakness + Flamability.

With CoH now be 100% chance to curse, self casting arc to double curse and EE will be very strong, and gets two to three buttons into one.

sherkhan wrote:
alt0172 wrote:
MatrixFactor wrote:
If generosity works with minions I will put it in my calculator and see whether the intuitive generosity-hatred only is better than generosity-hatred-haste.

It should: "Generosity, and the Auras themselves, specify allies. Your minions are always your allies"source

I'm thinking of putting in Generosity with Hatred on a separate 3L, but it might be a waste of space. Probably better to do a 2-man party SRS and spread the auras.

Current thinking on gem setup:

Gloves: Red Mana + Clarity + BM + Arctic Armor
Helm (assuming Alpha's for now): Red Mana + Haste + Discipline + Purity of (whatever's OP).
Chest (5L easy?): Faster Casting + Inc Duration + Vaal Haste + Flesh Offering + Elemental Weakness (maybe swap out Faster Casting for Vulnerability for dual curse?)
Boots: Spell Totem + Arc + Blind + Lightpen/Added Lightning. (or ball lighting + blind + knockback)

sherkhan wrote:
Madcow1120 wrote:
Comments on Heralds

Heralds are self-buffs, as far as I understand them. The effects don't apply to allies/minions.

EDITED for my misinterpretation of heralds

I want to keep a fair amount of unreserved mana for MoM. Also, I don't think I want to use Alpha's Howl because it has less resists, no mana/es, mana regen and no life.

4L: RM - Generosity - Hatred - Elemental Weakness
4L: RM - Clarity - Haste - Arctic Armour
4L: Spell totem - Arc - Blind - Faster Casting (or culling strike - item rarity : OR Curse on Hit EW)
chest: 4L: Increased duration - flesh offering - vaal haste - immortal call 2L: CWDT - Enduring cry

I generally only have a 5L staff because the RNG gods are unkind to me so I'd have my SRS in there with another curse or portal gem as the 6th stand alone slot.
SRS - Melee Physical - Multistrike - Minion Damage (more important with the 20% nerf) - Echo
(6th would likely be added fire. lvl3 empower would be nice but is not something easily obtainable so I don't count on it.)[

I don't have Discipline listed because even though it adds ES for mana regen it also will leave you with Less unreserved mana. Reasoning is that each aura takes more mana because they are percentage based (except clarity).

Cloak of Defiance would be the chest. Only requiring 4L and 2L. ES boots, gloves and helm with life and resists. Either Mana and/or mana regen would be preferable. Same with rings/ammy. Leather belt with high life roll.

It'll be fun to see people's progress. I have wife, kid, job and a 2 trips planned within the next 35 days I may not have the time for rampage and may just continue this character in standard (using gear that can be found in beyond; no legacy gear). Heck, beyond may be easier with the killstreak bonus.
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Last edited by Madcow1120#4324 on Aug 19, 2014, 1:23:48 PM
I think I'll play this build in the new leagues, do you think it'll still be strong enough to do atziri/high tier map bosses with the 20% nerf to SRS?
Shadowbladerz wrote:
I think I'll play this build in the new leagues, do you think it'll still be strong enough to do atziri/high tier map bosses with the 20% nerf to SRS?

I actually do. Increased duration from tree will help make up for some of that. Currently I'm level 89 and have a 5l +3 staff. I ran courtyard double boss with extra damage last night I took out Minion damage gem and put in item rarity and cleared the map no problem. Also used that for palace dom (single dom).

What I am curious about is the later levels of SRS. Previous patch they buffed it 66% at level 20 but was actually more than that at levels higher than 20. I wonder if it's 20% above level 20 or if that nerf increases/decreases.

my staff. Item rarity in with minion damage out.
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Last edited by Madcow1120#4324 on Aug 19, 2014, 11:59:19 AM
I think heralds are self-buffs, not applicable to minions.

I don't think cloak of defiance is a good option compared to other high-end options. It may be a good budget option.

If the nerf is only 20% at all levels past 20 it will still be more than enough to do atziri easily.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
MatrixFactor wrote:
I think heralds are self-buffs, not applicable to minions.

I don't think cloak of defiance is a good option compared to other high-end options. It may be a good budget option.

If the nerf is only 20% at all levels past 20 it will still be more than enough to do atziri easily.

They are self buffs.
IGN: Srslyagain
PM me bins on items I bid on if you have one.
MatrixFactor wrote:
I think heralds are self-buffs, not applicable to minions.

I don't think cloak of defiance is a good option compared to other high-end options. It may be a good budget option.

If the nerf is only 20% at all levels past 20 it will still be more than enough to do atziri easily.

yeah, I edited my post to fix that. Too bad. Thanks all for pointing it out.

Why do you think cloak is not a good option? Are you planning to reach for MoM or use lightning coil?

I think reaching for MoM is wasteful, lightning coil requires purity of lightning and now we have less max resists on tree (in fact likely +0% lightning resist from tree). This will reduce its effectiveness and is only good against physical damage. I tried it for a bit with this build and switched off of it.

Worth noting, I have never used IR on this build.

Life on chest was great and is what I use now (rare chest) but with higher life/level you require less life on tree and the tree I posted has More life. So, removing the chest piece for cloak actually doesn't hurt, you will still get more life.

What do you plan to use for damage mitigation?

and yep, I agree the nerf isn't that bad and should be fine. I do think it makes minion damage a stronger option.
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Last edited by Madcow1120#4324 on Aug 19, 2014, 1:26:54 PM
HELLO MatrixFactor

i am a fresh player and i would like to follow your build as its funny.

however i got frustrated with the 1.2 skill tree.

could you please share the partial skill point e.g. 60 / 80 / 100 of your #3attempt tree

as a reference ?

also can we run hatred , discipline , clarity and haste at the same time without alpha's?

thanks a lot!
Madcow1120 wrote:
MatrixFactor wrote:
I think heralds are self-buffs, not applicable to minions.

I don't think cloak of defiance is a good option compared to other high-end options. It may be a good budget option.

If the nerf is only 20% at all levels past 20 it will still be more than enough to do atziri easily.

yeah, I edited my post to fix that. Too bad. Thanks all for pointing it out.

Why do you think cloak is not a good option? Are you planning to reach for MoM or use lightning coil?

I think reaching for MoM is wasteful, lightning coil requires purity of lightning and now we have less max resists on tree (in fact likely +0% lightning resist from tree). This will reduce its effectiveness and is only good against physical damage. I tried it for a bit with this build and switched off of it.

Worth noting, I have never used IR on this build.

Life on chest was great and is what I use now (rare chest) but with higher life/level you require less life on tree and the tree I posted has More life. So, removing the chest piece for cloak actually doesn't hurt, you will still get more life.

What do you plan to use for damage mitigation?

and yep, I agree the nerf isn't that bad and should be fine. I do think it makes minion damage a stronger option.

I plan to use a life/es hybrid build. Not going to take Eldritch Battery. Then I will use AA and Immortal Call. I'm not planning to get either one of IR or MoM from tree.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265

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