Cheap, Tanky, DPSy: Summon Raging Spirit [not updated for 1.3+]

Dmillz wrote:
Based on the information we have right now this is what I think the new tree should look like. This is obviously subject to change as we get more information (as Matrix just said).

It looks pretty good, however we won't be able to run 3 60% auras + MoM anymore.

Yeah I like your idea of taking lots of life. You probably won't be able to use MoM without full aura.

I encourage people to post their version of a 1.2 tree and explain the reasoning they have for making key decisions!!!
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
POEBuilder isn't calculating some stats correctly.

I was looking at the tree and mana regen was incorrect. So beware using poebuilder with new tree at this moment. I didn't check all the other stats.

Pacific (GMT -8) Time
so, I've been running these spirits since the buff. Had posted in the headbang gang thread when that was developing (and before).

My build has been slightly different from these by a little. I don't have 117pts (107). I just hit level 88 with an old character (time constraints suck).

my gear for reference and current tree

I don't take cast speed from the tree (only 6%) and can still max about 15-16 skulls and about 22 with vaal haste. I don't use IR either. I was using lightning coil for a while but just switched to MoM on tree so I could get more life on gear and I like that all damage has mitigation rather than just physical. Lightning coil was ok but you need good lightning resists (high max) which will be harder now since EA is gone.

Without much cast speed I think it'll be fine. Less mana reservation on tree is scary and we may be forced to use the coil. But with life/level change the switch to Cloak (losing life on chest) is ok since we'd gain mana regen (which is also slightly nerfed with clarity and nodes). Problem I tend to have with coil is that I feel like big hits can shock you and it only works against physical and we kite around.

This is what I'm looking at. I'm not using 117pts cause that's too high level. 104 should be about level 85. That makes more sense.

Life will change from 8 per level to 12. That means you don't need 200% life from the tree to get the same life you have now (with same gear). I have 200% from tree currently. My life at level 88 is about 4400. After the life/level change I would only need 145% to reach the same life. However, losing life on chest I think Flapdrool has the right idea to invest those MoM and IR nodes into something else.

I'm working on the tree now. Had to redo some because poebuilder was giving wrong values for mana regen now checking them through.
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
There is increased skill effect durations near ancestral bond, is it worth taking?

near the path you can also get +1max fire resist
Giving out all my luck to my teammates D:
^i was on that as well :)
the fire resist is a bonus what I wanted was skill effect (90%) and life.

that's 155% mana regen I believe. That tree at the bottom would have 175

Here's one at 106pts. I picked up a little more cast speed because with this it's likely haste would be dropped.

at 117 you could grab inner force and maybe charisma for more mana reservation (perhaps get haste back)

Or you could do this to get more life and mana/manaregen

The idea would be to use a cloak of defiance.

Battle Rouse was also tempting. You'd gain 3% damage taken as mana (keep in mind you still take that damage but it would synergize well with MoM). It's 4pts to reach and maybe that'd be better if going over 106.
If you really want haste and hope that there's enough free mana then this is another variant. Taking cast speed away and some life/manaregen nodes above EE. Only 115 mana regen though :/

116pts you get mana regen back and battle rouse
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Last edited by Madcow1120#4324 on Aug 14, 2014, 12:16:02 PM
Didn't see it posted yet, just so everyone is aware if you aren't already. We are now capable of getting +90% Skill Effect Duration! (The 3 just under Scion & 3 more Along the Far Left Wall).
Grownupfun wrote:
Didn't see it posted yet, just so everyone is aware if you aren't already. We are now capable of getting +90% Skill Effect Duration! (The 3 just under Scion & 3 more Along the Far Left Wall).

my post above has that included. 90% skill duration 177 life using the 1st tree. bottom 2 trees has 163 life. All have 90% skill duration.
Pacific (GMT -8) Time

My take at a revised tree for 1.2

I tried to stick to the original tree and i think it looks pretty well. Everything is there, so i guess we can always back up to this one.

The scion tree that has been posted by Do_odle may be actually better than my witch one even if i feel it may be improved (i don't like picking up the whole life wheel in the middle)

In short: a new tree can be arranged very similar to the actual one. Changes in skills themselves could impact way more than the new skill tree.

Last edited by ThePlash#0157 on Aug 14, 2014, 12:21:04 PM
Clarity OLD
Lvl Reservation radius regen
16 360 36% 20.8
17 380 37% 22.0
18 400 38% 22.9
19 420 39% 23.7
20 440 40% 24.6

Lvl Reservation radius regen
16 424 36% 19.971198
17 448 37% 21.131268
18 472 38% 22.301338
19 496 39% 23.481409
20 520 40% 24.651479

So, clarity now reserves more for same regen...........
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Am I understanding this wrong, or is Mind Over Matter + Battle Rouse essentially a 1% flat mitigation?

The question is: is 1% less damage taken and 28% maximum mana worth 4 points?

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