[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds
" Hi! To solve the issue of not having enough SRS you must take the "Exceptional Performance" nodes (the ones giving Increased Skill Effect Duration below the Scion starting wheel. You have taken the western ones, but you'll need the ones below as well. Regarding the gems, everyone else is correct, minion damage IS better, but if you want to optimize your overall performance, added fire is better. The explanation is in my guide but here we go again: Added Fire = Red Socket Minion Damage = Blue Socket We use Melee Splash (Red Socket) for optimized AoE DMG by replacing the WORST RED support gem, in this case it would be Added Fire. If we were to use Minion Damage, we would have to remove Empower for the Melee Splash and lose A LOT of AoE dmg output. Also, the difference between Minion Damage and Added Fire is MUCH smaller than you think. SRS does 100% Physical DMG that is later converted into 50% fire 50% physical. This means that the dmg provided by Added Fire is based on 100% of SRS dmg. Would also like to point out that Melee DMG when full life is a great gem instead of Added Fire vs single target boss fights that do not have a lot of AoE/colateral splash dmg. Just remember that the dmg multiplier is only applied per SRS as long as they have FULL life. (If 1 has taken dmg that single spirit will not recieve any dmg increase from that gem, but every other spirit that has 100% hp will have a LOT more dmg). So therefor it is not recommended to use for map clearing. Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Hello friends!
I was wondering if anyone out there would be willing to lend a hand to a helpless newbie. I played PoE roughly a year ago and came back starting fresh. I know the basics of the game well enough but I have no items, no real curency and no clue how to gear up on a basic level. I've just finished the game on normal and I pretty much have NOTHING. I was wondering if anyone, OP or otherwise, would be able to give me a few tips with respect to gearing up. I've learned that "masters" will even sell you decent Epics for like Chaos Orbs and I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to get some of those soon (or trade some of my other orbs for them). If anyone could ELI5 (explain like I'm 5) how to get some basic gear for my char it would be most appreciated. I'm literally using items with no stats, I don't know a good way to get the gems that I need, etc. Almost forgot! This is my current build: https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgMA34obJUuu6QLZW20ZfRhr2-yKIvQNjWwL8h6_l8k9HNwo-lfJDXzqurQMkydqrFqRqH3T-4LHBkkTbPnopwi4k-vuFVD6gCqY2QuQM6asiEBFRzLRSOePRk25EJdEBMy899eboYVgqsQ= Where should I be looking to spend my next points? Arcane Focus? I don't really know where to go next :>. I feel like I'm hurting for mana + regen so badly though. Then again it's probably just because my gear has actual 0 useful stats on it ._. Last edited by Pride_#5292 on Feb 13, 2015, 2:58:54 AM
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" If you don't have ES gear delay the transition and play a life variant. Ignore the ES nodes. Based on your post i would focus on life/max mana and life/mana regen nodes. Quick recovery/Heart and soul should be your priority or cruel preparation/deep thought if you have enough respec points. Without regrests you could try to endure with a tree like this: https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgMA34obJUuu6QLZW20ZfRhr2-yKIvQNjWwL8h6_l8k9HNwo-lfJDXzqurQMkydqrFqRqH3T-4LHBkkTbPnopwi4k-vuFVD6gCqY2QuQM6asiEBFRzLRSOePRk25EJdEBMy899eboYVgqsRVxjpYrJiD20yzBAeiAASzwGZTUkWdmuBqQ8BUCPQ= Rush the respec quests and try to reach something similar to: https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgMA34rpAm0ZfRhr2-yKKPpqrFqRqH3T-4LHBkkTbPnopwi4k-vuFVD6gCqY2QuQM6asiEBFRzLRj0ZNuRCXRATMvPfXm6GFYKrE2L3-Crc-QYc1kmpDwFQI9FNSRZ2a4KIABLPAZlXGOlismF8qdFX-s1crvYJMswQHg9vbC4IewfOVIC0f Follow Ghazzy HC life witch tree. You can buy a 5L staff (item level 55+) for 5 chaos and the rest can be self found/enhanced with masters. Focus on Elreon/Vorici/Zana for some easy cash. If you want to restart use lightning tendrils in a +1 mace/wand Dual wield them and and it will carry you to cruel Dominus or even merciless. minion stats: http://goo.gl/gQxs0w Modifiers: http://goo.gl/jGIr8b Zombie dps calculator: http://goo.gl/XIStJV Last edited by Galax201#1110 on Feb 13, 2015, 8:55:34 AM
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" Oh dear... am I just screwed :(? Do I just need to restart? Thank you for your help, it was most insightful. "Focus on Elreon/Vorici/Zana for some easy cash." What does that mean :)? Lastly, how exactly does the +2 to socketed minion levels affix work? I see that the OP doesn't even have his Summons it it. Does it not matter what you put in your head piece? Last edited by Pride_#5292 on Feb 13, 2015, 11:35:28 AM
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hye, im a player from tha garena servers and i have a question. srry if my english is bad btw.
my question is, whats the dps boost using lvl 4 emp and lvl 21/20 srs gem? idk if u already answered this somewhere in the thread. but if u did, kindly redirect me to it ^^ and is this build uber viable with say, 6l +3 staff with 20/20 SRS and lvl3 emp. thx in advance ^^ srry if my question is retarded or smthing haha Last edited by xiltex#6120 on Feb 14, 2015, 10:06:36 AM
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I based my build only on mana sustain without anger and discipline but running the purity of fire using eldrich battery.
Do you think is better running on 6l minion dmg instead add fire? The add fire get +3 from item instead minion dmg get only +1 |
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Hello Ghazzy, first of all, thanks for the build.
This is my first character and Im having plenty of fun with it. Im at lvl 94 LowLife now and I doing some stuff with another friend that has srs build too CI. 1-Since we both have EE do we have double effect ? Like -100% fire res. 2-Why dont you use a 4Link gloves with Arc+Totem+Curse on hit+Elemental Weakness (EW)? I know you need more sockets and some adjustment but what do you think about that? Since this combo gives -98%fire res [-50% (EE) + -48% (EW)] 3- What about doing Uber/Normal Atziri with some SRS friends since ea of them can give like -100% fire res? 60% more hp but dps will be a looooot higher. 4- Last one, sorry about too many questions. You are using melee dmg on full life instead of melee phys dmg. Is the dif of 7mana cost thaaaat good? Thanks for the guide and for your time, hf. |
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if i'm not mistaken he already mentioned this in one of his youtube vids that curse+curse on hit support gem linked to spell totem+spell doesn't work. i tried it myself a while back and it doesn't work. sadly tho :(
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Oh thats really bad.
Both curses wouldnt stack but we could use Elemental Weakness / Flammability / Vulnerability. Thanks for answering xiltex. |
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" Hey! You gain a direct increase of ~10% MORE dmg for each lvl you gain on your SRS. Uber is viable with 20/20 / lvl 3 Empower, but is very very hard if you do that low DPS in low-life (being a glasscannon super DPSr). You would have to be either Hybrid Built or HP built to make sure you can take a hit or 2 to make up for the loss of DPS. " Hey! The gem prio is calculated with the fact that added fire gains extra lvls. Minion DMG is a better gem, but only SLIGHTLY better. The problem is that you would have to change your "worst" DPS support gem for Melee Splash when clearing maps/trash in Atziri map. Thats why we use Added Fire. " Hey! Glad to hear you're enjoying it! 1) EE does not stack, it replaces eachother. So if you both run Arc it will be applied once and only refresh itself, never stack. 2) My original plan was to use 6L Curse on Hit combination with Spell Totem, cause the tooltip states that CoH works with Spell Totem. Sadly, after researching it is clearly stated on poewiki that Curse on Hit does NOT work with Spell Totem. Hence why I'm not using it :( 3) Desync reasons, loot reasons, also being able to guarantee on my stream during a service that nothing is being stolen/taken that is not suppose to be looted. Position reasons etc etc. I did run a lot of Uber rotation groups 6man with other high end game players. But that was strictly for exp reasons. 4) Don't worry, if you have questions fire away! I'm using Melee Physical DMG AND Melee DMG When Full Life when facing Vaal Overlord as well as Atziri herself. And i use Added Fire instead vs the Trio-Boss due to the high risk of colateral AoE splash/projectile dmg that hits the spirits. A small note to think of regarding the curse: Cursing means you stop casting SRS to cast a curse to then continue casting SRS. Now this is a DPS increase if the curse does what the tooltip states on the enemies. (Of course this is wasted vs trash/maps cause things dies so fast). The problem is that bosses has a 60% curse reduction on them. So when you curse Atziri she will only recieve 60% of the effect of that curse. Making it a complete waste of time casting it to lose yourself 2-3 potentially more spirits that would be making actual DPS instead. " Curse works, it makes the totem spam the curse on nearby enemies, however as stated above: Curse on Hit does not work even though the tooltip says it does. It is all explained on poewiki if you'd like to dig deeper! Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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