[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds
" Buildtree can be found at the top of the thread. It's exactly the same as witch HP version just that you have to get the gems yourself either via another char or purchase them as they are not provided along the questline like they are for the witch. (HP Version can be found on my hardcore threadguide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1085923) Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Hey Ghazzy,
after getting nerfed twice in a row, how is SRS within a budget gear? I'm talking about 5 link +2 fire gem staff. I remember having blast back in Ambush with SRS, but I was wondering rather SRS got nerfed too hard or not. For instance, is Atziri viable with 5link +2 fire ? Is clearing 75+ maps within 6~7mins still viable? Thanks! Still want to try SRS again, because double vaal haste and stuff was just really fun :D |
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i need 3rd 85 char for challenge, so i decided i'll try CI SRS witch, when i droped this staff - its not very good for sell (no space to master anything usefull), but still +3... My goal is at least be able to kill normal Atziri. Is it worth to 6L this staff, or should i just 5L it for now, and keep looking for something with casting speed? |
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Hello Ghazzy, I love the build, I would like your opinion on my gear/stats. I'm currently 87 on Torment and clearing 76-77 maps relatively easy(few deaths due to poor positioning or f***** devourers poppin' everywhere) holding 18 SRS, that aside I still feel a bit squishy(Running CI perma minion version) 5.6kES and 'cuz of that I think I will fail in Atziri run.
Here is my current gear: What do you think will work better the 6l staff +1 or the other one that I have 5l +2 fire. Last night I finally managed to get enough currency for Shav if I buy it will it improve the build or is should buy something else, just wanted to ask first before wasting some many EX :) Overall the build is pretty fun and cheap as well, accept for the amulet everything else is self found, although I got lucky with the 6l staff but the itemlvl is too low for +2fire :(. Skill tree: EDIT1: missing gem in helmet is Raise zombie Q20 LVL 19(almost 20) EDIT2: Actually i don't need to buy the Shav 'cuz it drop from Dominus minios (YEEES) EDIT3: insanity continuous just 6-linked this: Last edited by GloriousWarfare#4373 on Jan 29, 2015, 5:39:19 PM
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" Hey! After getting balanced first and then a balance & nerf the second time (it was a balance @ lvl 25+ SRS, but a nerf between 20-24 -.-') we are still capable of running Uber Atziri which i am still keeping up in Standard. And also Atziri deathlessly with a 5L +2 however after ripping 2 SRS chars and some further testing in Standard it is not possible at lvl 87-88 anymore. We need to get to roughly 90-92 and/or put a bit more currency in to the gear. I would still recommend getting 6L or +3 (even without additional cast speed 5 or 6L) before doing Atziri in hardcore leagues. Clearing Gorge (74) is still possible under 2min30sec. So clear speed is barely affected by this nerf. It is in some situations notable (outside atziri). " Hello! That staff looks great compared to a +2 with 22% cast speed. So no, dont worry about the cast speed that much. However you would need to look into trying to get more cast speed from amulet/rings instead which isn't very hard tbh. I would personally 6s it then try 5L it and that would be enough for Atziri. However, I'd still, and always (most likely) will recommend HP version over CI due to CI build having some issues with mana regen, forcing you to think about it whilst gearing. Now, if you have to look for some extra cast speed on your rings/amulet it'll be even more annoying to find good pieces that also involves ES and mana regen. It would be smoother to exclude those stats and look for HP instead of the 2 previously mentioned stats. " Staff is only a +1 staff, thats the biggest issue right there. Even if it is 6L +1 is nowhere near as good as a +2 or +3. Energy Shield on your helmet is extremely low for being a helmet, why benchcraft mana when you could bench ES gaining stats on it instead? Belt is not providing you with much ES and seeing as the resistances on it shows you dont need that high res from your belt thanks to your other pieces (assuming you are res capped). You should look for a chain belt with high rolled ES gain to bump up your ES even further. Boots looks alright. The shavs you got will open up the possibility of running low life you can consider doing that as well :) My strongest recommendation would be to drop zombies/spectres from the build if you want to make it handle Atziri smoother due to the latest nerfs. This also means you should drop the minion life nodes which provides you with possibility of more ES gaining nodes. My only confusion when looking at your gear is where you get your needed dexterity to be able to run Hase / Vaal Haste? (Requirement of 153 dex @ lvl 20 gems) Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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greetings master Ghazzy
First I want to congratulate him for that one thread of the build that contains the most cheap items to uber atziri very good for beginners. i Watched the templar version of hardcore and had the interest of creating the templar version , you could help me make a tree full pro version templar " HB- SRS Summoner " for templar . ps: I intend to build on the standard league. (I'm afraid of making the wrong distribution in the tree and goes through the frustration redo it . as I did with trying to make a build of discharge to the shadow version of " waynetrain " that was asking too much spending chaos orb and exalted . and so I want to be made the tree with your wisdom for you already be experienced with its tree of your build) |
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" Hmm, i'm not sure about it. I think as long as i dont have anything to fight chaos dmg with (shavronne is way too expensive in new league, solaris loraci too crappy imho), i think CI is the only way for me. I have almost none HP on equip, as i'm preparing to CI, and i think anything with decent amount of HP would just cost me triple anyway? Have this equip so far (lvl 62), pretty shitty, most of it self found or few chaos bargains. But dont have trouble to destroy mobs fast so far... can make up to 14 spirits with Haste. Hat is just leveling temp, i'll replace it with this nice Alpha soon :-) I dont use these zombies/spectres anymore, found out totem with skeletons is better distraction. I will add Arc to totem next, didnt really needed it so far. You think i might be in trouble in future, even if i'll take some more mana regen nodes around? So far i'm ok, not enough for running with AA, but as long as i can spam spirits... Guess i could sacrifice amulet slot for some crazy high mana regen piece? |
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It's my personal preference :)
Like i always say, always see my buildguides more as guidelines rather than "this is what you have to do". So it's really nice to see your point of view on the subject, do me the favour of keeping us updated on this thread of your progress once you reach higher lvl maps and how your survivability as well as dmg output feels and how you manage it with Vaal Haste! Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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this build , " HP- SRS Summoner Templar Version" is viable for standard to the version " HB- SRS Summoner " ?
Last edited by OroTheWolfen#1909 on Jan 31, 2015, 5:25:22 PM
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The build/thread needs a MAJOR cleanup.
Last edited by har101#2760 on Mar 3, 2015, 1:13:08 PM
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