[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds

I dont understand too why the skill tree has nodes without links before, i guess that the update change the nodes position.
Updated tree links are on the top of the thread!
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
How did you solve lack of Strenght stat?
Thanks for the guide Ghazzy, however I'm having a lot of trouble in a1 merciless - not killing things but surviving. I have 889 es and 800 life at lvl 55. I get 2-3 hitted by unique monsters. What should I be looking for in terms of gear improvement first, i.e. what upgrade is most dire? I have a very limited budget, about 2 ex to spend total. Also I can only run 2 auras atm - clarity and purity of elements. I would love to run haste/hatred/discipline but I don't see how that's possible..


hi is 5L okay? i spent all my currency here still cant do 6L // what gem should i put it in here
asunafan wrote:
How did you solve lack of Strenght stat?

Heavy Belt!

Athlaka wrote:
Thanks for the guide Ghazzy, however I'm having a lot of trouble in a1 merciless - not killing things but surviving. I have 889 es and 800 life at lvl 55. I get 2-3 hitted by unique monsters. What should I be looking for in terms of gear improvement first, i.e. what upgrade is most dire? I have a very limited budget, about 2 ex to spend total. Also I can only run 2 auras atm - clarity and purity of elements. I would love to run haste/hatred/discipline but I don't see how that's possible..



YOu are lacking a LOT of HP on your gear, i would remove most if not all uniques and apply proper rare ones with eHP rolls and resistances.

DMG wise you need to have the Increased Skill Effect nodes there are 2 clusters on the tree giving you a total of 90% increased skill effect duration. This will almost double your DPS output as well.

crazen56 wrote:
hi is 5L okay? i spent all my currency here still cant do 6L // what gem should i put it in here

SRS > Echo > Multistrike > Melee Splash > Melee Physical (Change Splash for Added Fire or Empower if lvl 2 or higher).
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
Hi, I was bothering and pestering you at twitch for last two days, but now I get the idea, that maybe I am not only one having these issues - so here are some of my questions:

1) why Increased Dur in
Raise Spectre > Increased AoE > Increased Duration > Minion Life
(spectrals are time independent, or not?)

2) why in all your build is inner witch connected with outer ring (minion+shield round) on the right side (2 dext points + 1 int)?
Instead of going UP (over Instability which are you taking everytime + 2 int + 4% spell dmg per charge? It's one point less + IMHO better ones

3) is MI working with SRS? How about Life Leech?

4) Power charge - when (and why) take this node (Instability) - and how to generate them? (didn't saw any gem for them) + can really SRS "crit" for generating PCh?! Or you need to use Ice Spear (level 1 Ice Spear with Increased Critical Strikes and Power Charge on Crit) or something like this for it?

Then they are lower priority question like:

5) why not taken spell speed right at start of witch (SRS is speed depend, no?)

6) why not using minion speed gem for SRS?

7) which spells when - which gems to use before getting proper minion nodes (for the starters - I found lvl 3-10 SRS very slow and clumsy - Lighting Tendrils or Storm cleared my patch much better) and when to switch? Advanced players don't need any guide anyway, so make it a bit more "step by step" for us, noobs :-P
In other words priority of (getting/leveling/buying of) gems.

8) and can you pls point out main differences between builds (or all of them)?
Frankly I am almost not able to find them (between CI-LB-SRS and CI-SRS is only one in 5 and 6 gem weapon?)

9) how exactly work multiple vaal haste and multiple aura mechanic? (where to get vaals - are those random rev in vaal areas / where and when take mana for second aura)
Clarity > Hatred (without generosity or with doesn't matter) > Arctic Armour > Haste > Hatred

10) how to fit all those at spell bar (i would just love to have Shift+Q/W/E/R/T, but second best solution is have auras at secondary gear and use X+Q/E?), which spells to avoid (like fireball or Ice Spear?

and half funny, half desperate bonus Q in the end:

11) where to find funds to pay for this all? (i hate omission of auctionHouse in PoE)

And what's your opinion about totem casted SRS?
Current state of my development:

I can clearly see, why is Hatred aura (much) better then Wrath (20-35% of total SRS dmg (bcs SRS is physical based before half is converted to fire) instead of flat 16-200 added dmg), but i can't decide, what at lvl 13 choose for my first Brutus reward - either Clarity (for long run, because now I don't have any real issue with mana) or Wrath (bcs I totally don't have idea where to get Hatred (it's quest reward only for other classes and only way which I see is go for Brutus run with Duelist/Scion/Ranger and take it afterwards)

Or Power Siphon (+ Instability node, which is open just now for me with one free point) for 4 Power Charges?? (But again, what exactly do crit for SRS...)

And why you ignore Blast Radius (aura is spell, or not?) and go for Sovereignity at far left?

I found also this (expired and way too short, but clear and easy) guide:
http://pathofpoe.com/builds/view/srszombie-summoner/ - do you know it? (I like the formatting and clarity there)
and here outdated but nicely simple + linked items/gems, so if you are looking for inspiration (or controversy)...

The "edit" button is IMO godsend (my first post here get +10x edited)

Edit couple hours later:

OK, so I found this google doc overview of builds by zeno, from where I get onto his twitch and bcs he was just online + I knew him from his interview with you, I watched him for some time and he was using poe.trade page, where I found that IS realy possible to trade, even in PoE without AuctionHouses... (actually get Hatred for free from Al_Wander in first minute and for free (so this is my tribute to Al_Wander here) and consequently in that moment I understood why those 2 dex nodes (Hatred need Dexterity like a lot!)
Last edited by fraktiik#2003 on Mar 17, 2015, 5:04:20 AM
Wouldn't this be a better CI approach ?


This way we get more int and less dex which we don't really need, or am i missing something here?
Last edited by UrekSama#3182 on Mar 16, 2015, 10:20:39 PM
fraktiik wrote:
Hi, I was bothering and pestering you at twitch for last two days, but now I get the idea, that maybe I am not only one having these issues - so here are some of my questions:

1) why Increased Dur in
Raise Spectre > Increased AoE > Increased Duration > Minion Life
(spectrals are time independent, or not?)

2) why in all your build is inner witch connected with outer ring (minion+shield round) on the right side (2 dext points + 1 int)?
Instead of going UP (over Instability which are you taking everytime + 2 int + 4% spell dmg per charge? It's one point less + IMHO better ones

3) is MI working with SRS? How about Life Leech?

4) Power charge - when (and why) take this node (Instability) - and how to generate them? (didn't saw any gem for them) + can really SRS "crit" for generating PCh?! Or you need to use Ice Spear (level 1 Ice Spear with Increased Critical Strikes and Power Charge on Crit) or something like this for it?

Then they are lower priority question like:

5) why not taken spell speed right at start of witch (SRS is speed depend, no?)

6) why not using minion speed gem for SRS?

7) which spells when - which gems to use before getting proper minion nodes (for the starters - I found lvl 3-10 SRS very slow and clumsy - Lighting Tendrils or Storm cleared my patch much better) and when to switch? Advanced players don't need any guide anyway, so make it a bit more "step by step" for us, noobs :-P
In other words priority of (getting/leveling/buying of) gems.

8) and can you pls point out main differences between builds (or all of them)?
Frankly I am almost not able to find them (between CI-LB-SRS and CI-SRS is only one in 5 and 6 gem weapon?)

9) how exactly work multiple vaal haste and multiple aura mechanic? (where to get vaals - are those random rev in vaal areas / where and when take mana for second aura)
Clarity > Hatred (without generosity or with doesn't matter) > Arctic Armour > Haste > Hatred

10) how to fit all those at spell bar (i would just love to have Shift+Q/W/E/R/T, but second best solution is have auras at secondary gear and use X+Q/E?), which spells to avoid (like fireball or Ice Spear?

and half funny, half desperate bonus Q in the end:

11) where to find funds to pay for this all? (i hate omission of auctionHouse in PoE)

And what's your opinion about totem casted SRS?
Current state of my development:

I can clearly see, why is Hatred aura (much) better then Wrath (20-35% of total SRS dmg (bcs SRS is physical based before half is converted to fire) instead of flat 16-200 added dmg), but i can't decide, what at lvl 13 choose for my first Brutus reward - either Clarity (for long run, because now I don't have any real issue with mana) or Wrath (bcs I totally don't have idea where to get Hatred (it's quest reward only for other classes and only way which I see is go for Brutus run with Duelist/Scion/Ranger and take it afterwards)

Or Power Siphon (+ Instability node, which is open just now for me with one free point) for 4 Power Charges?? (But again, what exactly do crit for SRS...)

And why you ignore Blast Radius (aura is spell, or not?) and go for Sovereignity at far left?

I found also this (expired and way too short, but clear and easy) guide:
http://pathofpoe.com/builds/view/srszombie-summoner/ - do you know it? (I like the formatting and clarity there)
and here outdated but nicely simple + linked items/gems, so if you are looking for inspiration (or controversy)...

The "edit" button is IMO godsend (my first post here get +10x edited)

Edit couple hours later:

OK, so I found this google doc overview of builds by zeno, from where I get onto his twitch and bcs he was just online + I knew him from his interview with you, I watched him for some time and he was using poe.trade page, where I found that IS realy possible to trade, even in PoE without AuctionHouses... (actually get Hatred for free from Al_Wander in first minute and for free (so this is my tribute to Al_Wander here) and consequently in that moment I understood why those 2 dex nodes (Hatred need Dexterity like a lot!)

Oh boy, thats a big wall of text!

Heres my answers:
1) Inc duration increases the duration of the Proximity Shields provided by the Undying Evangelists from the Scepter of God.

2) I do belive all builds are 100% optimized (excluding the CI version as it was basically a thrown together build). But as i always say, if you find ways that would suit / fit your style of playing better, by all means, play that instead. Always see my guides as guide-lines rather than "this is what you HAVE to do".

3) Life Leech works FOR the minions, not to you!

4) Do not believe i have any power charges on neither of my builds? :S
Minion Instability is simply not worth using for neither of my builds. You lose DPS on it and it procs EXTREMELY rarely due to the fact that SRS isn't being main targeted.

5) Cast Speed hits a diminishing return rather quickly when using Echo gem, so the extra cast speed is the very last thing we take for the build.

6) Minion Speed does not provide them with any DMG increase what so ever. With Flesh Offering up and 20% quality on the spirits, their movement speed is capped.

7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtHv_WRpWNM very basic lvling guide for SRS, before lvl 10 usually lightning tendrils or ice nova works fine, lvl 10-24 Flameblast is by far the most effective, after that i usually want to use SRS with the backup @ lvl 31 with spelltotem + skelly

8) CI is a thrown together build proving that yes indeed it does work. HP is the most resilient one and can be played self-found as well as throwing currency in to it. The more you spend on the HP version the better it becomes basically, it´'s best suited in hardcore compared to the other builds but fares very well in any league due to its capabilities. The High Budget Low-Life one is created for Softcore leagues and is the build that dashes out the most DMG and is imo the funniest to play, however it requires A LOT of currency.

9) Reduced Mana gem needs to be higher lvl and you yourself need to lvl up a bit before being able to apply more auras to yourself. (Dont lvl clarity higher than you need to sustain your spirit spam.) Dont bother aura nodes til youre lvl 50ish+

Regarding Vaal gems: If you have 1 Vaal gem equipped and you kill 10 monsters, all 10 souls goes to that 1 Vaal gem. However, if you have 2 Vaal gems equipped and you kill 10 monsters, the 10 souls are applied RANDOMLY to the gems, this is also the case if you have several Vaal gems equipped. Due to this reason i always recommend using 1 Vaal Skeletons for safety measures when lvling and 1 Vaal Haste to increase clear speed and/or help for boss kills.

10) Auras do not need to be displayed on your action bar after activation. So you can activate the aura then change that keybind to another spell. But yeah, i would love to see more keybinds available...

11) Great, poe.xyz.is (now days: poe.trade) works perfectly fine. There are a lot of guides out there for this specifically.


Do not bother any power charges, I fail tosee where you've seen that in my builds :S
Auras are considered buffs not spells, so Inc AoE does not affect auras but nodes affecting auras themselves do. Also Sovereignty provides an additional 6% less reserved mana on my auras.

Also, Wrath is THE worst aura we can apply to our minions, when you reach higher lvls you'll start using Elemental Equilibrium with Arc (lightning dmg) providing enemies with increased Lightning Resistance, but lower Cold & Fire resistance. Reason to this choice is very simple, SRS does 100% Physical DMG with a DMG conversion into 50% phys 50% fire, so lowered Fire res on enemies will increase the DPS. And Hatred provides us with the biggest DMG increase of all the auras, this gives them Cold DMG, so again, lowered Cold res provides higher DMG. This will make Wrath give even less than it says it does due to the simple fact that we are increasing the resistance for the enemies vs Lightning dmg :)

UrekSama wrote:
Wouldn't this be a better CI approach ?


This way we get more int and less dex which we don't really need, or am i missing something here?

Haste, Hatred, Vaal Haste is the reason. We need 153 total dexterity whe nthe build is complete to be able to run the gems @ lvl 20.
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
Last edited by Ghazzy#0404 on Mar 17, 2015, 11:47:41 AM
Hi ghazzy, how inferior is the ci version to the vita? I am playing on a low budget and went the ci route. Would I be better off going vita if I'm working with a limited budget?

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