[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds
" No questions are noobish here, you'll never learn if you never ask! You are most likely looking at the broken links from the earlier patch. I listed updated tree links on top of the buildthread for all types, in a big list! " It's my genuine pleasure, glad you guys are enjoying the build/guide! 1) Spell dmg does not affect SRS, neither does Fire dmg, global crit or crit multipliers. They are minions, they are seperate entities with their very own stats. Only way of increasing their dmg done is via support gems and/or minion related mods/nodes. 2) By having a 6L +2 you should be fine offensively, if your cast speed modifier on the spell is at least 185%+ specially with a defensive buffer or 7k ES, make sure you have enough mana regen to sustain SRS during Vaal Haste and check my youtube kill vids to know exactly how i execute each fight to manage them with your current gear without dying! 3) Alt+Regal or chaos spam is a bit w/e imo. However, with alt/regal you could get +2 with high rolled cast speed. Also, if you manage to hit +3 you can always benchcraft cast speed which you can't guarantee when chaos spamming. In the end it's a matter of waste what you chose to do. Crafting a +3 is never recommended imo. I am currently crafting BiS mirrorservice staff and i had to spend ~30,000 alterations to get +1/t1 sufix that i wanted to keep (in this case mana regen) and now i'm up on 400ex spent and I have +1/+2/mana regen t1 and a yolo'd 10% cast speed. If you have any other questions, feel free to pop in to my stream for live assistance! Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Hello, may i have your opinion about that : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1179791/page/1/#p9880233
thanks in advance :) |
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I'm quite the noob and I'm trying to wrap my head around the gearing "philosophy" for this build: first and foremost, I understand that nothing like spell damage or added X-Y dmg affects raging spirits.
Then what offensive stats should we aim for on gear, apart from +2/+1 gem? I assume casting speed helps to be able to summon more spirits and max mana+mana regen so we have no issues spamming SRS. Apart from that we're left only with defense? So, capping resits then as much ES as possible? If this is correct then apart from farming Atziri and very tough maps, for lower content I guess I can get away even with adding more DPS with minion damage items such as Sidhebreath. Or alternatively, stacking some MF :) Anyway, build looks really good, thanks a lot for sharing it! Build Guides and Beginner Tips YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/NavandisGaming |
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I'm giving the build a try as my first summoner build, but I'm using the Templar variation.
I'll stack a lot of HP instead of going CI and I'll only run auras to buff the minions, not myself. Right now I'm lvl 55 and as I only have 1.3k mana, I can only run hatred + anger with generosity and reduced mana. That leaves me with only 120 mana unreserved but it's enough to cast at least 8 raging spirits (that's the max I can cast with my actual cast speed). So far I'm doing well, but I'm struggling a little to cap resistances, cause I was using the aurumvorax + kaltenhalt to level until 48, when I started to use my staff. Since then, I've been collecting better gear... As I'm using the Templar tree posted here, some problems I foresee: 1) How to get more dex - is it advisable to get Expertise or try to get all from gear? 2) Is there any way to get more mana without having to rely on ES from gear? Just to say, I picked EB. 3) As I'm focusing on SRS only (I have vaal summon skelletons only as a backup and never used it), do I need a "+2 minion gem" helmet? I went with Geoffri's Crest and put my auras on it... 4) Are 8 spirits enough to go all the way to maps and try regular Atziri? I don't have cast speed on my staff and don't know if I'll be ble to get it from gear... just in case I can't, it would be good to read from the experienced players how far can the build go with little cast speed. Here's my gear and I would appreciate any help on what to improve (chest piece and belt will be replaced with better ones as soon as I reach lvl 57, as I already have other pieces): Here's my tree at lvl 55: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUABAcEswj0KPosnC0fMtE1kjpYOuFBh0PIRUdMs025TeNPBFXGWpFboF8qaPJqQ2qsaxdr23RVfA6CHoLHg9uFYIhAiEKPRo_6lSCboaIAplemrKcIp1WofarErJi3PriTvOrAVMBmwcXB88y80_vYvdrd2wvr7uwY7IrwH_DV8kX31_no_gr-jw== Thanks in advance for any reply. Last edited by opethsland#4370 on Jan 19, 2015, 11:19:01 PM
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" As long as you make sure you get yourself that important 153 Dex, yes. Thats absolutely doable and exactly the way of thinking I'm promoting. The philosophy behind gearing is to get the required statistics you "need" and then optimize everything else around your very own playstyle. " Hey! To answer your listed questions; 1) I usually am forced to take 1 +30 Dex node, and the rest from the gear. But if you can get all you need from the gear instead that is of course recommended! 2) Cloak of Defiance provides with a LOT of mana that could be a problem for your low ammount of mana. But yes you need to get as much ES as you can find to increase your eHP pool (in this case mana). 3) Your helmet is not a very good choice for this build as you need to get more mana by taking a better piece with more specific stats such as higher resistances, dexterity, energy shield. 4) Seeing as you have +3 on the staff i wouldn't worry too much about not having cast speed on it. However, looking at your tree i see that you have completely ignored speccing the 2 clusters of "Increased Skill Effect Duration" with those nodes taken you'll reach 90% inc duration on your following important skills; Flesh Offering, Vaal Haste, SRS, CWDT(EC/IC). This will make your SRS last 6.65sec and will also increase the ammount of SRS you are able to summon. (Obviously). I would also recommend using Haste (without generosity, to provide you with even more cast speed) This of course requires more aura nodes for you to take to be able to do. (DONT FORGET THE REDUCED MANA GEM!) And stop using Anger since you are not using a low life build there is no reason to use Anger when Haste without generosity provides you with a LOT more DPS. I hope my answer was to your satisfaction, if you need more assistance let me know! (Can also pop in to my stream @ www.twitch.tv/Ghazzy for live answers :) ) Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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You helped me a lot Ghazzy. Now the build is starting to work fo me. I reached lvl 68 after optmizing my gear.
Stopped using Anger and switched to Haste (with no generositiy)... As there are no mana nodes except the ones at the beginning of the Templar tree to be taken, I tried to stack as much increased mana and ES from gear and even using reduced mana gems, I'm only able to run two 60% auras (Hatred + Generositiy and Haste alone). That leaves me with only 219 unreserved mana, but that's enough to maintain the SRS casting cause my regen is ok. Taking the increased skill effects nodes really worked as I'm able to cast close to 18 spirits. My only problem has been suvivability. Now I started to take the life nodes and things got better with CWDT + IC + EC + ID combo, but I really think I wont be able to reach 4k life even with life on gear after taking all life nodes. I've been dying a lot since I reached lvl 63 to 68... From 64 to 66 3 library mobs could kill me in 2 seconds (back there I was with 2.6k life, now I have 3.3k and I got some armour from the chest piece). Problem is with ES gear it's hard to get armour. As I'm really noob in the matter of gear, I would appreciate if you could help me with any unique item that can provide better survivability but my gear right now is optimized for cap resistances and it's hard to substituite a piece without having to rethink all pieces... With Dex, I achieved 154, which is the minimum for max lvl vaal haste... I had to maintain the Geoffri's Crest helmet to benefit from the resistances. Here's the gear right now and th tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUAA-4EBwSzBx4I9BZvHRQdviSqKPosnC0fMtEzhzWSOlg64TwtQYdDyEVHSVFMs025TeNPBFXGWW1akVugXypfmGjyakNqrGsXa9tuqnRVfA6CHoLHg9uFYIhAiEKPRo_6lSCVLpuhogCmV6aspwinVah9qsSsmLXytz64k7zqwFTAZsHFwfPGrsy8zzLT-9i92t3bC-Nq6-7sGOyK8B_w1fJF99f56PrS_gr-jw== Thanks in advance. Last edited by opethsland#4370 on Jan 21, 2015, 4:59:48 PM
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Hi, first of all thx for answer on my thread http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1179791
i come here with a few news questions 1- first of all about clock of defiance, i have atm 150 mana after clarity hatred and haste, if i take some hits wouldnt it cancel my arctic armour ? 2- arround which level do u recommand to go atziri ? im currently level 78 and i was thinking to pick charisma and so harried nods from tree in order to be able to add purity of fire to my auras i ask because i never reacher atziri (i play since end of beyond approx) and i would like to have a smooth run not to die the first try :D 3- as i said im currently 78 with lvl17 gems overall and i have arround 3-4 exalted orb, im wondering what shoull i do between those choice : buying srs lvl 20 q10+, buying arctic armour lvl 20 or more, buying belly of the beast, buying clock of defiance currently have 3800 hp with this gear belly of the beast would impose me to get some better life on everythings i guess so the cost would be huge thanks for all |
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I'm not that into SrS builds, but I've been meaning to try one out for some time now. Still, that time isn't here yet :)
Just wanted to drop by and congratulate you on a great guide and community you've built, and all the effort you've put and are still putting into sustaining it, be it the updates or the replies. Keep up the good work! |
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" With the use of EB you really should focus ALL your gear in to pure Energy Shield gain, we don't care abvout Arm/Eva at all. The more ES you gain from gear the bigger the mana pool that will allow for Clarity to be used (Reduced Mana + Haste + Clarity and the other 3L aura is: Reduced Mana + Generosity + Hatred) thats the only auras we run, +/- Arctic Armour when possible. I'd recommend trying to get a CoD, ignore armour and focus 100% on ES, get a rare helmet. Also, you don't need Increased Duration in the CWDT setup. (Due to 90% inc duration from tree). Your effective HP should reach around 5-5.5k with optimized gear/spec in the end (usually with around 500 unreserved mana with CoD). " Not a problem at all, like i'm mentioning on a nagging basis; "~If you have any questions, just fire away and I'll answer them the best way i can" 1) With only 150 mana it feels like you lack a LOT of ES from your gear (and or spec, but looking at your gear pieces thats the problem). If you have at least 300+ unreserved mana when you first equip CoD it's not a problem. The main few reasons we use CoD even when our max unreserved mana lands around 600 is the fact that we don't have to worry about mana regen on gear since mana regen is based on our max mana pool, which results in cheaper/easier finding of the stats on gear that we need more than regen. 2) I wouldn't recommend ever using any purity aura with this build, i'd say lvl 88+ and as long as you have a +3 5L or +2 6L (or better) staff you should be perfectly fine. Due to the additional 8% nerf i would personally recommend getting Inner Force as the last 3 points after following my buildtree link for any class. 3) Cloak of Defiance is a very important piece in my eyes, but then again it all comes down to taste in the end. I wouldn't bother to purchase Arctic Armour gem, i'd rather lvl it myself, same thing goes with the SRS gem. Again, thanks for showing interest i hope my answers provides you with the help you required! " Cheers I appreciate you taking time to post that here <3 For the sake of the summoner community I am currently working on a traditional Summoner build using Zombies and Spectres, i will launch a complete guide for it once i can confirmly drop Atziri with it in Bloodlines. To check out the build and how it looks like you can always tune in on www.twitch.tv/Ghazzy Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Hi, do you have any guide for the HC scion version ?
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