Speedy Puncture + Pierce Split Arrow / Reflect Safe or Glass Cannon / Level 100 & Uber Atziri Farmer
" Yep. Another thing to note is that with curse on hit, the curse is applied after the initial hit (not 110% on that though). This means if you attack a target only once, vuln will still come into effect with the increased degen and crit weakness won't do anything until you follow up with more hits. Here's a comparison between 20/20 vuln and crit weakness Let's assume: 3,000 physical damage 650 crit multiplier the target is stationary taking 25% of the initial hit per second Critical Weakness: 79% more extra damage from crits 10% increased curse effect from curse on hit 79% * 1.1 = 87% 650 * 1.87 = 1,216 3,000 * 12.16 = 36,480 36,480 * .25 = 9,120 Initial hit: 36,480 Bleed per second: 9,120 Vulnerability: 44% increased physical damage 40% increased damage over time 10% increased curse effect from curse on hit 44% * 1.1 = 48% 40% * 1.1 = 44% Assuming a character already has 200% increased physical damage from passives/ect The characters very initial hit is roughly 670, accounting 200% increased phys damage and *1.49 from PPAD. The math on that: 670 * 3 = 2,010 2,010 * 1.49 = 2,995 (close enough to round to 3,000) Vuln changes our increased from 200% to 244%, so: 670 * 3.44 = 2,305 2,305 * 1.49 = 3,434.45 3,434 * 6.5 = 22,324 22,324 * .25 = 8,037 Initial hit: 22,324 Bleed per second: 8,037 But for curse on hit's sake, crit weakness does nothing on the first hit, and vuln does. PS I know I made a mistake in the math, not adding the multiplier by +1, but couldn't be bothered to change it because the results are very similar either way. PSS 1 thing I'm not sure about is if vuln's increased phys is actually a multiplier, because it's the target taking the increased physical %, not your character. So I could have done vuln totally wrong and vuln could be way better on paper as well, hrmmmmm |
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Increased damages from curses are multiplier. Quote from the wiki:
" Ranger builds list: /917964 When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... Last edited by Panini_aux_olives#1967 on Jun 28, 2014, 5:33:09 AM
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" Yes, I think the vuln increased phys applies to the mob receiving damage, not to your damage, because it says "Cursed enemies take x% increased Physical damage" - so the increase is actually a multiplier. In that case vuln will come out higher I think for damage in your calculations. Last edited by Ceryneian#3541 on Jun 28, 2014, 9:06:41 AM
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You forgot the ~10% extra crit chance from crit weakness in your calcs.
Here are some other factors to consider though - 1)Yes, CW comes into effect one hit after Vuln. It's not that big of a deal due to the player usually spamming shots - @ 3 aps, that's a delay of .3 seconds between curse application 2) Since Puncture is used a single target DPS, I don't think it's necessary at all to keep it on a 6L. Curses have pretty fast cast speed already, what if instead of Curse on Hit+curse you manual curse targets w Curse+Faster Cast? It becomes a slightly more involved gameplay, but you don't need 2 6Ls and the effect is virtually identical - esp since curse on hit doesn't apply 100% of the time. 3) The extra crit chance from CW will make your damage more consistent. This one is a biggie to me. Even if CW was ~10-15% less DPS, I'd still choose it due to the consistency factor. I'm leveling a ranger based on your build, so I'm definitely interested in seeing what's best - CoH+Vuln, CoH+CW or self cast CW. Very nice build btw :) |
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Three questions from a semi-noob who is very interested in this build.
1. Roughly how much would a Harbinger Bow with high crit costs for a 5L & a 6L (Ballpark) to see if I should just go another route (Windripper) 2. I really like using Frenzy for Single Target DPS, if I chose to go for that instead of Puncture is there anything you would do different in the passive tree? 3. Would it be too much of a DPS loss to have Blood Magic support gems with my SA & Frenzy? Or is there more than enough mana with this build (with auras included)? |
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1. Roughly 30 exalt for the cheapest 5L 300 pdps harbinger in standard. You can easily check this on poe.xyz.is
2. Basically reroute the tree to take the 2 frenzy charges 3. You will lose 30% on your final damage, maybe more. Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... |
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Really enjoying this build, i made a new character a few days ago, currently just got to maps and destroying stuff. Im using a really shitty bow that I got for free (will purchase a 300 pdps one after the league ends). I got drillneck today and it gave me like 25% more damage than my other quiver, really sick.
I've played split arrow before but I was elemental and using BM gem, so straight away i had lost 3 support gems (BM, LL, Chain) compared to this build. Its really incredible that this can run on mana no problem. Will play this build next league, hopefully it doesn't get changed too much and hopefully the quiver is in the game permanently. Thanks for sharing your build :): |
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Have you thought about running a lmp/gmp pierce puncture for maps? According to my calculations, if you used something like enduring cry or a bit of fire damage on gear to get enemies to move, you should be able to 1 or 2 shot a 78 pack with puncture (from the data I've seen 78 mobs have about 8k hp)
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I realy like your build and i was wondering is it hardcore viable with those reflect precautions (without god gloves), or is there still to much risk of killing yourself with reflect. And could you tell me how many times did u die because of reflect?
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One thing you might try is swapping out Curse on Hit + Vulnerability in your Puncture link for Point Blank + Trap -- that'll get you ~80% more damage on both the hit and the resulting degen. Then you can stick with Crit Weakness for consistency or hardcast Vulnerability for an even bigger multiplier.
"And 'Do what thou willst' shall be the whole of the law." -- Aleister Crowley "First, love; then, do what thou willst." -- St. Augustine "Whatever is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil." -- Friedrich Nietzsche |
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