[OUTDATED] Zivko's WoE + BoR build - Seems like the build is dead
I missed your question cause you posted it while i was writing a replay to something else and forum does not update thread review while you're writing a post. That question has been discussed multiple times before, i just didnt have time to add it to Q&A. Heres a couple of quotes from previous pages. " Sparkl It was probably a bit easier to follow when there was only one build version. If you know of a guide that has multiple build versions and that's well organized, pls link it and i'll take a look and try to organize this better. Hybrid is a version i still haven't had time to test. Current versions are ones who's skill trees are linked in skill tree section. One is using mana, other is using blood magic gem. Both are current/up to date. Skill tree at the bottom is not supposed to mimic any of the trees, it requires some respecing and i haven't had time to write a proper guide. I plan to do that in a couple of weeks when i'll have time to actively play again. Destructodave You should be able to reach ~15k dps with Fell the Week and Ambidexterity on a 5L if you're using mana. It might not be a bad idea to spec into scion block chance nodes until you get BoR, if you can afford to take those points. Also, dunno how expensive Reaper's Pursuit is, but if you can afford it, get it and IR gem and cull Piety with it. I usually use Cyclone + bm + IR in Reaper on weapon switch while in boss farming phase. lDantonl 1) I'd go with added fire. 2) If you managed to cap all resists with purity of lightnig, yes, your auras are fine. Considering you're using herald, you probably have some mana unreserved, if the amount is 60+, it might be a good idea trying to spec into 'Dynamo' so you could run Cleave on mana. It would allow you to add Inc AoE/Conc Effect for big clear speed boost or higher dps. 3) I don't take Ondars because i don't think its worth it. I wouldn't take it even in lvl 100 build. If the build has more evasion, it might be worth taking, but considering only ranged attack that does any damage against this build is Atziri's spear, i just don't feel its smart to spend 2 points on it. Also, for casual mapping, i usually replace Culling strike in Leap slam setup with Flicker so i can teleport to packs or bosses with ranged attacks. Once they get hit a few times with blind, their accuracy falls so low that between evasion, dodge and block, they cant hit me at all. Last edited by ogrec#7939 on Sep 2, 2014, 11:55:16 AM
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" Yeah for sure, I didn't mean that, ofc my post was not meant as an offensive criticism. I was merely trying to say that I found it difficult to understand the difference between the mana/bm build and the progression tree you created, that's all. Because you took some mana nodes and other stuff that neither the bm or mana build has, so I had to assume that this is another approach of something, while not sure of the pro/cons of it. Last edited by Sparkl#0387 on Sep 2, 2014, 3:27:43 PM
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Awesome build though, I modified it and it's kicking ass. Last edited by OlleKonG#3672 on Sep 3, 2014, 12:38:26 AM
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" I can vouch for this. I run a 6L WoE with Grace/Hatred as main combo and mana is sufficient with 2% mana leech on gloves |
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Is it worth getting a corrupted anvil and if yes, what would be a good corruption on it?
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If you can get a cheap %movement speed Anvil, it would help out a bit in triboss fight, but considering that is the only time Anvil is useful and fight is prtty easy already, i wouldn't recommend spending a lot on it unless you have plenty of spare currency.
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Cheers for the guide really enjoying this build.
What do you think of the Amplify passive, does it give a notable difference in aoe radius for q20 melee splash? Also no Vaal Haste? Great short duration buff when you need that extra dps. I'm using slightly different gem setup (modified mana version): - immortal call + vaal haste + blood rage + increased duration - leap slam + faster attacks - cwdt (1) + enduring cry (5) + enfeeble (5) + increased aoe - hatred + purity of elements/lightning + herald of ash/purity of fire + reduced mana |
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I never actually tested Amplify, but now that you brought it up, its definitely an interesting idea worth testing.
Gem setup looks good to me (even though its for 6L WoE?), especially the fact that you added Enfeeble to the mix. Its possible to include Vaal Haste to links setup of non 6L woe too. It would require replacing culling strike with blood rage in leap slam setup and then linking Vaal haste to IC setup that also has increased duration. |
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I've searched the net for quite some time about "Block Recovery Modifier". It seems I have a base of +50% even if I remove my belt which has about 50%. When I equip it or remove it this value just keeps staying at +50%. Stun recovery changes from 0 to 48%.
Anyone have an idea or am I going crazy here? I cant see and node that should affect this and the wiki doesn't explain it either. |
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Search node called 'Blade Barrier', you should have it if you're following the build.
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