Self Found Players and Atziri
" IIQ dosent have a effect on map drops. Sometimes I have gotten like 8 maps from a 0 IIR/30 IIQ map and other times 20/150 maps have given me nothing. I mostly alc and go including lvl 77-78 maps and I usually dont have much of a problem sustaining the map pool after the maze buff. |
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I know I'm necro-ing a dead thread but I tried it again today and got to the 3 bosses, killed the first 2 before losing the last portal. Wall of text alert, thought I'd share my experience in case anyone decides to try. Hope it helps :D
Double Vaal
Fairgraves tricorne helped alot in double vaal. It allows me to tank the lasers (the main danger from the lasers is their guaranteed shock) so I don't have to run around and lose my stage 3 incinerate. Also, I found out that the reason why I was taking so much damage was that I was getting shotgunned. Slotting faster projectiles into my incinerate not only boosted my damage, but also allowed me to stand at a safer distance which helps a lot. Other than that there isn't really much to say regarding double vaal. I did die once out of stupidity though. Triple Boss
Regarding the 3 bosses. First thing I learnt: there's a guy that sets himself on fire, avoid him when he's on fire. His dual strike hurts (even with 20k armour which isn't a lot but it's as much as I could get with my gear)! Otherwise he's probably the easiest out of all 3 (at least in this stage of the fight). Also, there are no adds when all 3 bosses are alive, so conserve your potion charges. Regeneration helps a lot in this fight. I was wearing immortal flesh but vitality works too. Adds start spawning after the first boss goes down. I'm not sure how much health they have but they resist elemental damage and chaos so it actually takes quite awhile to kill them. Also, I believe they explode, either that or one of the bosses is using detonate dead. Although you can theoretically take your own sweet time to kill the other 2, there's a hidden timer in the form of these adds. As corpses from the adds pile up, my frame rate started getting higher since it takes more time to render the screen with all those corpses. So if your computer isn't that good I'd recommend moving on quickly. Obviously don't stand in the rain, I believe A'alai deals quite a bit more damage than Ch'aska, Maker of Rain (the corrupted area boss in library/archives) so if you can't tank Ch'aska, A'alai will hurt a lot more. Q'ura's cyclone doesn't hit for a lot since I run lvl16 AA with another 44 phys dmg reduction from immortal flesh. However, the trail he leaves behind will degen for a lot. I believe that's chaos damage. Obviously I avoided that crap as much as I can, but if I were to give an estimate, I reckon that with the -32% chaos resist that I have, it'll remove all my life in less than 4 seconds, possibly 3. After the second boss dies, tentacle miscreations start to spawn, once again, they resist elemental damage and chaos and takes quite awhile to kill. Usual tentacle miscreations can't really out damage my armour + AA but I believe these do, that tells you how much damage they do. I killed Y'ara'az first and A'alai second but took too long with A'alai so my frame rate by the end of that was very high. When tentacle miscreations started spawning all hell basically broke lose and I couldn't go further. With a bit more practice and some way to penetrate resists (leveling an elemental weakness gem atm) I should be able to progress further, hopefully I'll be able to get to Atziri next time. tl;dr version
1) Fairgraves tricorne helps a lot in double vaal 2) Don't get shotgunned by lightning balls, one way to avoid them is to move back when they fire, then move back forwards when the projectiles are sufficiently far apart. You'll still take some damage, but not as much. 3) No adds when all bosses are alive, so conserve charges and kill the first boss (whoever you choose) quickly. 4) Avoid Y'ara'az when he's on fire! His dual strike hurts! 5) Avoid the degen trail from Q'ura. 6) A'alai hurts quite a bit, make sure you can tank Ch'aska, Maker of Rain (library/archives corrupted area boss) before even attempting this fight. 7) Find some way to penetrate resists since adds seem to have a lot of it. 8) Once adds start spawning, progress quickly or you may find your frame rate dropping. 9) Degen left behind by Q'ura hurts and can be quite hard to see since it kind of blends in with the floor, learn to avoid it (it's kind of purplish so a good guide will be to avoid any area that has a purplish hue on it). I'll post my gear and tree to give you guys a better picture. Passive Tree
Gems Used
Incinerate - LMP - Life Leech - Added Chaos - Faster Projectiles - Faster Casting Lightning Warp - Reduced Duration - Faster Casting Arc - Culling - Rarity Arctic Armour - Cast when Damage Taken - Rejuvenation Totem (-Enduring Cry, didn't bother rolling RRRG on my Fairgraves so I ditched it for double vaal) A mixture of auras depending on the situation (I carry them on my weapon swap sockets) I believe I have every aura at Lvl19 except for Purity of Ice (Lvl 17), Discipline and Vitality (not used) Enfeeble wherever I can fit into my sockets Double Vaal
Gear Auras & Buffs Lvl 17 Purity of Ice Lvl 19 Purity of Lightning Lvl 19 Haste Lvl 19 Clarity Lvl 16 Arctic Armour Stats with buffs up 4764 life 2.7k armour 61 fire res 82 cold res 82 lightning res Incinerate dps: 1855 This stage has no fire damage, some adds do hit for physical but the amount of damage you take is negligible since I can kill the adds pretty quickly and I still have AA up and running. Triple boss
Gear Auras & Buffs Lvl 19 Grace Lvl 19 Determination Lvl 19 Clarity Lvl 19 Haste Lvl 16 Arctic Armour Stats with buffs up 5151 life ~25k armour (35.5k with granite) Ele resists are irrelevant here but 37/39/18 if you wanna know. -32 chaos res I used quicksilver instead of another granite since I thought I'd need the extra movement speed, in hindsight a second granite would have been better. Also I just realized that I took the wrong granite flask LOL! That should have been "of iron skin/reflexes"! Completely solo self-found up to this point (self-found mapping is getting kinda slow at this point so I might take a break from this character soon). I was lucky enough to fuse my own 6L very early on (blood raiment is ilvl67 lol) but the apex might just be do-able with a 5L (dropping faster projectiles). The increased range really helps though so one might have to make up for it using Q20 incinerate and some increased projectile speed from gear. I found immortal flesh great for triple boss since it provides both % armour and flat phys dmg reduction and a hefty amount of regen, also the substantial flat life bonus never hurts. The regen can be replaced with a couple of %Regen nodes from the tree though (right now I have access to the 1% node in the Templar area and the 0.4% nodes in the Scion area). %Armour can be replaced with armour nodes in the tree, or gear with more armour/evasion. Flat physical reduction is akin to having a higher level AA. So I'd say it's not completely necessary, but highly useful. I plan to try out immortal call next time. I'll definitely be bringing along a high leveled ele weakness gem too. Also, I'm gonna level all my purities to 20 before attempting again. That will result in 84% resists with purities on. I'm also hoping I'll have enough mana regen to sustain Lvl 20 AA next time. Last edited by Cyan_ogeN#0940 on May 19, 2014, 7:13:40 PM
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