Self Found Players and Atziri
I farmed 3 sets in 2 days (around 3 hours per day). It's not that hard, unless I just got lucky. Also have a bunch of extra Dawns, but that's to be expected I suppose.
Also got 2 exalts to drop on the first day. The real issue is figuring out if I can kill her or not without wasting a set... |
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" Don't think I will ever try to go to Atziri with my HC-Chars. Getting to & Defeating Piety/Dominus seems a quiet a hard Goal for Solo Self-Found for Me ... and I'm absolutely good with it as I don't think You have to do Everything including every part of Endgame-Content to have Fun with a Game. With my SSF-Ambush-Char I already have the Fragments for some Attempts & I will surely do that when I see a Chance to at least give the Double-Vaals a Shot. We will see ;) Keep calm, play PoE, drink Tea & listen to Prog!
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I have a couple of atziri sets, but i have no inclination to even attempt her. Hell, i barely map. There's only so much carrot chasing i'm willing to do.
There comes a time thief when jewels cease to sparkle, gold loses it's luster, throne room becomes a prison, and all that's left is a father's love for his child. - King Osric
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We do Atziri runs with my friend. We play SFL if feeding each other found gear qualifies.
He uses the elemental spectral build that was one of the first Atziri killer builds on the new leagues. I am a dodge/evasion/block/spellblock/HP melee shadow. Main stats: 4.8/4.5k HP, 12k evasion, 75 or 83/80/83 resists, 62 dodge on full frenzy, 51 normal block+ 71 spellblock. Spellblock comes from Shaeffels and the spellblock amulet. Auras: vita+grace+hatred. 8 frenzys+ 3 endurance charges that frequently convert to onslaught. DPS 19k-25k depending on the gem config. Notable build enablers: Daresso's Defiance and Darkray Vectors Some more important aspects on my particular build when it comes to Atziri map: in the second trio phase by far the most dangerous one is the physical ROA/spell caster. Especially the "rain" attack that procs like crazy and is a frequent stun source. To counter this I use lvl 1 cwdt+ enduring cry+ immortal call (in that order). Provides enough cower to counter the stun checks and allow me to whirl away without desync-teleporting back. Also lvl 15 enfeeble is always on. At Atziri itself I have taken spelltotem+ temp chains which I place by her when she enters the minion regen phase. It gives enough time to build up full dps with blood rage and minimize the change of the minions making to her. At Atziris tetra (the clone) phase it really comes down to just dodging and "gut feeling": even with 71 spell block there is always a change that several blasts get through so its not wise to get too cocky. Personally I dont move until the damage source changes are greater then either flameblast+ 2 fire attack circles or 3 fire attack circles. Last but least- when you dodge attacks use the far reaches of Atziris room. Most of her AOE attacks dont spawn there. Also never stop moving even if waiting for her main aoe blasts to trigger- when she is done casting she starts to throw her spears that can create nasty "double whammy" effects- for example she hits you with her spear and which is immediately followed by a mini flameblast hit. Regen is not a problem for me because with a 20/20 loh with faster attack and cyclone the health is pretty much restored almost immediately. Char sheet says that cyclones aps is roughly 7 per sec. Plus I get about 12 life leech from blood rage and Daressos. Normal regen is about 200 with vita (which is on most of the time). Last edited by Sig556#4656 on May 12, 2014, 5:44:00 AM
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" Prior to the Dom upgrade I did a solo self found run through merc Piety in HC (league? don't remember). I don't see Dom as to much more of a challenge than piety and very doable solo/sf. Atziri would take quite an effort to gear for in HC but I have not attempted the fight myself. Currently retired (due socketing, being stuck on a 4L makes the game small) although I will probably to a solo/sf run in the charity event. |
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i dont understand why ppl want SFl. i cant even get the item i want trading let alone droping them :/
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In the first month of the current leagues I levelled 3 chars: 81 (inv), 87 (amb), 65 (amb). I did all the corrupted zones I encountered (except a few in Inv, which was pretty overtuned at the time). I got two (2) distinct Atziri seals out of it.
If getting to this "uber boss" requires mind-numbing droning of Cos instance, then I happily opt-out. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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" What if you did pretend ? What if you set that as your self-found goal ? Do you think you could do it ? I'm not asking if you want to do it, but if you focused your energies towards that as a goal, do you think you could ? I think it would be quite difficult, but possible. The unfortunate fact is that you are non-trivially gated by RNG. You might put the gear together to do it in 3 months or it might take you 2 years. And then there's the farming for those stupid fragments... |
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The OP question is kind of odd in a game where it all comes down to luck...
I selffound a Saffell's and a Bringer of Rain. I also selffound a 280 DpS Weapon and luck-fused a 6-Link Armor chest. Guess those items together (well not the 6L and BoR combined of course) would have allowed me to create a build that can probably do Atziri. Also found enough gear for the rest of my slots to overcap my resists, have good life and all the other cool stuff. (I don't play selffound, so one can of course argue that if I had played selffound, i would have never found those...) If I however start with nothing and the intention to make a "kill Atziri" build, I will most likely never have the gear for it. It all comes down to luck. Chance your Soultaker, find your Rainbowstrides in a 69 map or whatever, and you are set. ;) If you give 10.000 players the same build, maybe 1000 out of them will find something useful, 10 of them will - with pure luck - find the exact right items for it. They will have the feeling that everything works fine, content is ideal. The 9990 others will have a little harder time with the game. 3.5 build: Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on May 12, 2014, 12:15:23 PM
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RF build should have good chance for self found Atziri kill.
Like really good. Last edited by CCR5#7770 on May 12, 2014, 12:14:04 PM