[1.1.X] CoC EK+Arc with AA and EB/MoM - Cheap, fun, solid - 78 map video inside !

I am gonna build this witch for sure. If anyone has some starting gear they would lend me or let me borrow it would be put to good use and very much appreciated.!
yo, i am experimenting a hybrid between this build and a shadow bow based coc build:

basically all you need to do is use the following 6L: barrage - life leech - GMP - fireball - arctic breath - COC. DPS is superb and survivability is somehow enhanced due to increased kite-ability.
Last edited by shadowfaxpku on May 30, 2014, 11:25:13 PM
Well after playing this build I have to say it is working GREAT. I will definately be making something similar next ladder season along the lines of wand dual based CoC.

The clearing speed is awesome, survivability is decent. Not great but at the speed you are clearing everything is a great compromise. The only downside is that some map bosses are hard to do such as dominus in residence (but I guess most builds struggle with those aswell).

Awesome build for its cost, 70-74 maps are a joke.

One thing worth mentioning is that using Voll's 5l instead of a 6l chest cuts pretty deep into your mana pool and regen making MoM less efective and harder to keep arctic armor up. Considering that 6l chests go at around the same price as 5l voll's I'd grab a 6l next time. When I made the switch my build benefited greatly.

This is my current gear, some of it may seem expensive but it has been mostly self farmed starting with two weaker CoC wands:

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad it turned out well !
I have synergised this build with the barrage wanderer from the scion tree.can probably be done with witch too but less efficient i think.not sure.my build is strictly endgame only just thought anyone with enough currency might wanna check it out.


bandits oak kraityn alira respectively.not using clarity now dont need it only running hatred+purity of lightning+purity of fire.still tweaking bits here and there.

dps 8/10
tankiness 8/10

Yeah, witch start is only good if you go for MoM. Hardly the same build without it and AA imo.
Ele reflect is manageable without MoM ?

What's your accuracy ? Nothing on gear with this tree really lower your dps I think.

That gear though :'(

Have you tried Atziri ?
Last edited by Cynry on Jun 2, 2014, 6:16:44 PM
This was my variation that I played on invasion, posted it about a month ago hit level 84 before I ripped to desync

twapper wrote:
Playing on invasion atm, level 84



Running Barrage + CoC + EK + PCoC + Arc + Chain

Current gear setup:


Clarity - hatred - purity of lightning (switch with other auras based on mad mods/bosses)
IGN - TrolldAllDay

Scammers - @IamSuchAFatty - scammed 1 onslaught exalt for 2 hardcore
Last edited by twapper on Jun 2, 2014, 9:11:10 PM
Cynry wrote:
Yeah, witch start is only good if you go for MoM. Hardly the same build without it and AA imo.
Ele reflect is manageable without MoM ?

What's your accuracy ? Nothing on gear with this tree really lower your dps I think.

That gear though :'(

Have you tried Atziri ?

83% i think.honestly it doesnt bother me much though i know i could try to stack it higher.i got the feeling i dont really need lightning coil anymore and ele reflect isnt really a problem now since i got the acuitys.thinking of selling the coil to get a 100+life 6L chest with some resists so i can replace one of the rings for higher accuracy or even crit

Thanks for the feedback !
For mana degen maps, have you tried hybrid/mana pots ? I relied on this to clear them, maybe that could help.
Also, why no spell damage on your wand ? This seems like a cheap upgrade to get, especially as you're using 3 spells.
As for the 6th gems, did you also try a second Arc or EK ? How is the range of flame surge ? Never used either Voll or Flame Surge, so I'm curious about that.
Op, when did you start running AA? I saw from your gear that you run with lvl 19 AA. Did you start using it when levelling? How much regen on gear is required? And how much unreserved mana is absolutely necessary for mom?

And finally, have you tried the apex? Can all of the bosses be dealt with safely?

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