It's official, devs are satisfied with the overall state of the game

Mahesys wrote:
Isbox1 wrote:
Krayken wrote:

If you find getting a 6l that hard then maybe you're doing something wrong. Do you vendor rares? Do you just wait for a 30+ exalt drop and discard everything else? It's easy to make 10 exalts a week just vendoring trash rares, selling OK rares and doing the chaos/regals recipes. Is 3 weeks too much effort for you to get a 6link or you want all your gear handed on a silver platter?

Let me add a bit of emphasis for you here because clearly you missed my message:

"We don't want to be forced to trade for upgrades. We want to find them." -Isbox1

Hope this helps clarify my stance on things for ya, sir.

Go play Diablo3 then, it suits perfectly your:

"We don't want to be forced to trade for upgrades. We want to find them." -Isbox1

It's not a flame, really, if you enjoy dropping all your gear go there. You won't be disappointed

Ad hominem in it´s finest
What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything:
A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones.
Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings.
What am i?
Temper wrote:
dogghaus wrote:
Blah, blah, blah...

Same old speeches, just a slightly different topic....etc.

You haven't followed the development of this game for very long I take it ?

You even seem to be under the impression that there is actually a barter system,which there is not.

Been here for around 4 months. Long enough to play and realize that this game is no different than any other game. It has its good points and its bad. If I didnt like it and I liked D3 better then I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't play the game, I wouldn't spam the forums asking for changes, I would just simply leave and go play elsewhere. That simple.

I guess according to you I should have zero input into how this game works since I've only been here 4 months?

exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.
"he often bartered a meal for drawings"

So I guess when I exchange my alteration orbs, chromatics, chaos, exalted, fusing, and jewelers orbs, or other items for items that I want or need that is not bartering? Sounds like somebody needs to invest in a dictionary or learn to use google.

DogFaceNoSpace wrote:
This is going to be really blunt but quite frankly it does not matter what the devs think. There are many players that disagree with them and have quit the game for various reasons. This is something that GGG should be concerned about. If they are not then perhaps they are not suited for the job of developer.

And every change made to keep a player who might have left here will upset a player who might have stayed if they had not changed it. You will NEVER please everyone in a game. We all want different things. Have you ever read a forum on a game before? Please tell me your idea of the greatest game of all time that had a forum and I will gladly go there and like 10,000+ posts of people that said they could make it better and how that game didn't know what they were doing and were losing players.

Games lose players no matter what. Time moves on, people find new games, people get burnt out on old games. Saying that players are leaving would be like me saying that we have a global catastrophe on our hands because people die every day. That's how life works, people die. The world moves on. Same in gaming. Players leave and new players fill in. SPOILER ALERT!!! At some point this game will probably no longer exist.
Last edited by dogghaus#7443 on Apr 22, 2014, 5:02:11 PM
Orbs have the same function as money in this game.
i use a secret account because i am a politician that doesnt want the NSA to know i play poe.
dogghaus wrote:

So I guess when I exchange my alteration orbs, chromatics, chaos, exalted, fusing, and jewelers orbs, or other items for items that I want or need that is not bartering. Sounds like somebody needs to invest in a dictionary or learn to use google.

And I know who.

Orbs are currency. Orbs are fungible. Orbs are money. They should have just named them Bronze Orb, Tin Orb, Copper Orb, Silver Orb, etc.

Regardless of that, though, people bitch cause people care. If you don't care, that's fine. But apparently you do, or you wouldn't be posting.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
I just quit playing altogether.

But I really had to 6L my shav's first. Once done so, I realized to better my character any further I would need to add 1k+ hours to gameplay or RMT... and I am not doing either, my time and money are spent better elsewhere.

If desynch and frame lag (Cast on Crit) ever gets fixed, I might come back, until then... cya!

IGN: ___I_Fink_U_Freeky___

dogghaus wrote:
Blah, blah, blah...

Same old speeches, just a slightly different topic.

To the Haters, if you dont like it then get out. Let your #'s speak to GGG. If you think its truly a bad game making bad decisions then quit playing and if all of you do it then maybe GGG will listen to you. Yet you dont leave. Instead you keep playing and posting on a forum and QQ'ing about how you dont like that a game made by gamers for HARDCORE gamers is actually HARD.

The desync issue is understandable for players to be upset with. It sucks when you die from something you couldn't prevent. I thought Chris did a good job not only acknowledging the problem, but explaining the difficulty in fixing the problem. As far as drops, we have said this countless times. The drops are fine. Yes, you cant farm 100 hours and get all the best gear in the game. It was designed for that. Instead you are supposed to trade if you want top end gear. The economy and bartering system we figured in when coming up with the drop system. The chances of getting a high end gear that your character needs is pretty low, but by farming you will earn enough lower currency or drops you don't need and sell to be able to acquire the piece you do need. If you want to play "self found" then you accept that fact that A) you will be running with lower end gear and B) it will be harder which is the whole point of playing self found. What is so f'ing hard to understand about this? Oh? You don't like that system? Then see my first paragraph. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

To the White Knights, nothing. I agree with you guys. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!

 If GGG thinks that trading and PoE economy is so highly important then they better get their public stash trading system up and running ASAP before the whole thing collapses as trade channels are crap and full of scammers/spammers. I find it strange that GGG is implementing a trade system and a farm for 1000 hours time requirement that made for a complete failure with D3. The major drought between a good item in D3 plus botting (thankfully PoE is mostly bot free) ruined it completely for anyone wishing to play that arpg and kill/loot for fun. The D3 forums erupted in flame wars in 2012 and Blizzard had to do a 180º direction change with D3 2.0 to recover from their mess to rescue the Diablo franchise. So far RoS is mostly good on the loot quality/quantity for time played. Since the original D3 failed spectacularly as an arpg and only succeeded as a commodity trading game and money maker one has to seriously wonder why GGG is traveling down that same arpg path to failure. For most of us if we wanted a commodity trading app we'd play Commodity Challenge, FACTSim, Tradecracker, Farming Simulator, etc. Damn, a quick Google search finds dozens of these simulators. All this does is take away from the fun of killing and looting for riches and glory. No one can convince me that spending hours and hours using POE.XYZ or any other way to search for gear or spell gems is more fun than killing a tough rogue or boss and having it drop a high quality rare or unique item.

 I have gotten out so GGG will not get another microtransaction from me until a new league is created that removes or at least minimizes the need to trade and farm forever.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
This is hilarious. Devs did not say a word about a topic therefore they are not bothered by it. Perfect logic applied here. Ever thought how much time it takes to write a WoT especially if you know that anything worded in a bad way will be forced into your ass?
Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Apr 22, 2014, 5:55:11 PM
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
15 pages of glorious nothing.

Quoted for nothing.
Zanixx wrote:
Icholas wrote:
Crackmonster wrote:
Devs are satisfied with the overall state of the game

Me too. Lucky for me I guess.

Alhoon wrote:

Because the majority of those who are unhappy are posting here.

3. Amazing.

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