It's official, devs are satisfied with the overall state of the game

Krayken wrote:
bluefalcon74 wrote:
Krayken wrote:
You obviously prefer casual-friendly games. I prefer poe who is more oriented towards hardcore gaming.

Trade-to-win is hardcore? Even Candy Crush forces you to progress under your own steam. Yeah, you're hard...

If you don't want to trade then don't come here whining about the drop rates.

The RNG isn't gonna generate marauder-only gear because you're a marauder who doesn't want to trade.

You find gear for every classes and you need to trade the ones that doesnt suit class for items that does suit your class. If you don't want to do so then you lose plenty of opportunities to improve your gear.

But but but maybe if you keep crying on the forums then the devs will make a game designed just for you and they would name it "Path of the blue falcon 74".

If you don't want to listen to me "cry" then don't come to the forums.

Anyways, it wasn't about trading. It was about how you guys think you're hardcore by spending 5 minutes buying top-notch gear. Simply trading for the gear you need is about as anti-hardcore as things get.
A couple of flawed logic posts as I skimmed past few pages..

First of all, some people are saying something on the lines of "every game loses players, why have poe on the spotlight?".

Yes, every game loses players, and they gain new ones. You guys are dodging the real issue. It's not about losing players etc. It's about how this game could've been miles better had the devs actually fixed -CORE- issues as opposed to just continuing on with.. more content?

Just think about this for even a second. A game where .5 seconds means everything and there is still desync after 2-3 years? Poe is being built upon a dysfunctional foundation. Am I really in the minority here that it is just so wrong that GGG is pushing more and more content when they shouldn't be? I dunno.. I'm an engineer and dev myself, I don't know what country chris + friends are from, but in the US a combination of incompetence + wrong mindset = you are fired pretty fast.
Elite players

What am I reading.

Also about "most people like this game as it is and don't whine about it on forums". Look at the numbers, most people already quit the game, they don't "whine" on forums because they don't care anymore. "Whiners" want GGG to make this game better, but looks like very soon GGG will be left with a small group of whiteknights ELITE PLAYERS who just don't care about the state of the game and will eat up anything, even the worst desync in the history of video games. And Charan. God bless Charan.
Last edited by dspair#3915 on Apr 22, 2014, 11:29:51 PM
Xavderion wrote:
Crackmonster wrote:
I play mobas frequently and you get to react in PvP situations in a splitsecond, gameplay is vastly superior and allows for far superior reactions than PoE, in fact you can react so fast that latency is something you barely ever notice unless there is a problem with your connection, even in PvP situations, whereas in PoE the game can't even handle PvE properly.

Well, a 'split second' is also something like 300 ms. Have you actually played a moba at 300 ms? It's unplayable. Everything above 100 ms is a noticable delay and will put you at a serious disadvantage compared to someone with say 30 ms. It would feel terrible in PoE, which is a much faster game anyway.


PoE was the only game I could play without horrible lag (before the australian servers were put in), so I owuld accept the occasional desynch (which is readily fixed with a bound /oos button) over input lag any day.
"Minions of your minions are your minion's minions, not your minions." - Mark
Reinhart wrote:
plasticeyes wrote:

i just started a new toon in ambush with no back-up stash (oh how i miss my leveling uniques !!)

normal and cruel were ok. useful stuff actually dropped and an occasional alch or 3 kept me going.

but merciless drops still SUCK relative to the difficulty. big time.

self found in act 3 of merciless ? not a freaking chance. i still wouldn't be there if i was running self found.

the drops simply aren't good enough to keep up with the gear requirements. i mean i guess they could be, if you want to spend 100 hours farming fellshrine...

1) Merciless is merciless. It is not meant to be a cakewalk.
2) You can get to Merc Docks with self found stuff + 3-links. I just tested it myself. Okay. It can go slow. But it is doable.

The sword that brought me there.

That sword is absolute dog crap for those junkies who od'd on PoE shopping. Yeah no wonder you wont find any 'upgrades' anymore.

P.S.; The only game stopper for me was cruel Dominus. Couldn't solo him and had to do it in party. And yes Dominus is imbalanced at that level.

But you didn't do it.You had to lolocopter party play it to *get through it*.The question here is why ?

No offense but saying and doing are two different things.

dogghaus wrote:
Temper wrote:
dogghaus wrote:
Blah, blah, blah...

Same old speeches, just a slightly different topic....etc.

You haven't followed the development of this game for very long I take it ?

You even seem to be under the impression that there is actually a barter system,which there is not.

Been here for around 4 months. Long enough to play and realize that this game is no different than any other game. It has its good points and its bad. If I didnt like it and I liked D3 better then I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't play the game, I wouldn't spam the forums asking for changes, I would just simply leave and go play elsewhere. That simple.

I guess according to you I should have zero input into how this game works since I've only been here 4 months?

exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.
"he often bartered a meal for drawings"

So I guess when I exchange my alteration orbs, chromatics, chaos, exalted, fusing, and jewelers orbs, or other items for items that I want or need that is not bartering? Sounds like somebody needs to invest in a dictionary or learn to use google.

DogFaceNoSpace wrote:
This is going to be really blunt but quite frankly it does not matter what the devs think. There are many players that disagree with them and have quit the game for various reasons. This is something that GGG should be concerned about. If they are not then perhaps they are not suited for the job of developer.

And every change made to keep a player who might have left here will upset a player who might have stayed if they had not changed it. You will NEVER please everyone in a game. We all want different things. Have you ever read a forum on a game before? Please tell me your idea of the greatest game of all time that had a forum and I will gladly go there and like 10,000+ posts of people that said they could make it better and how that game didn't know what they were doing and were losing players.

Games lose players no matter what. Time moves on, people find new games, people get burnt out on old games. Saying that players are leaving would be like me saying that we have a global catastrophe on our hands because people die every day. That's how life works, people die. The world moves on. Same in gaming. Players leave and new players fill in. SPOILER ALERT!!! At some point this game will probably no longer exist.

Being here four months isn't the issue,knowing the games long term development is.I'm saddened that you would abondon ship so easily/quickly and without a whimper if another game takes your fancy

Your simply exchanging currency in orb form to trade.Currency exchange is not born out of a barter system.Orbs aren't goods or services,they were designated as currency by the players to bypass the barter system and in so doing trivialize item progression.

GGG didn't invent the *currency* system as is today,the players did.

Last edited by Temper#7820 on Apr 23, 2014, 12:16:23 AM
Sheriff_K wrote:
PoE is best game, ever.

Name one game that is better, that ISN'T a board game or Minesweeper.

You can't. Because it doesn't exist. /thread

Personally I find X3:Terran conflict,even as a single player game,a much more engrossing trade progressional experience.Fir multiplayer trading I liked EVE.

And I find Titan Quest far better progress wise in story and items

For action,I'm rather impressed how the DarkSouls titles handle progression and challenge,also how they handle risk verse reward.

For enjoyable social interaction White Knight Chronicles delivered a absolutely great system.It's system embraced trading,social and party mechanics through player owned and run towns with player stocked shops and services.It's whole social aspect was second to none.

POE is like the saying

A jack of all trades,master of none,surely better than a master of one.

Which in part is what lets it down to some degree.Sure it offers a bit of everything,but nothing that some other game can't do better.

I give GGG full points for trying though.


Crackmonster wrote:
Sorry but i know a bad excuse when i hear one, and that is one.

This is nothing short of a "Trust me," statement, where you ask others or tell others to trust you with no proof whatsoever. The intention of your "trust me" is basically, you're trying to sound honest and open, and that you, indeed, know something that others do not. Unfortunately, you provide nothing as proof other than a plea for people to believe you with condescending words on the subject. "I have played" is different than "I have coded and understand the restrictions of said code and methods of dealing with data not being instantly available on all machines." Playing a game and coding are two different animals. Hearing you say "I have played other games" actually helps discredit your entire argument because you do not understand the technical aspect of it, yet claim to have expertise in the field.

I would have agreed with you before; I found desync to be insanely annoying when I first started playing this game because I had never experienced it before and it was foreign to me. This is the first time I'd seen a game that went out of the box and would actually allow and embrace the fact that the client is fundamentally always going to be out of sync with the server rather than force the two to stay synced perfectly and induce a reaction time based off your total ping time.

Now, though, after having played for 6 months, I wouldn't have it any other way. Having a responsive client and a server that expects me to be out of sync is a much friendlier way to deal with higher pings than 0ms (being on the internet in the first place!) and actually give the client control, even if you may be slightly out of sync on the server. GGG could have done what every other game does, and code it like every other game, but I applaud their different approach, that, at times, unfortunately creates artifacts that gamers are not used to seeing in their manifestation of lag instead of just having a client that sits there and looks like a sad lump of poo when it has to deal with higher and higher pings. Having game clients slow to a crawl when someone was lagging on a always in sync game or turning up game latency was never a friendly experience in other clients, and desync is not quite as bad when it comes to those, in my opinion.

Although, as you've clearly stated, you are not happy with the state of the game. I am, though.
If everyone continues to give GGG money , desynch will never be addressed. We will only have their attention once their income stops flowing. Every new lame effect or micro transaction that sells is only making it that much more certain than we will never see a truly playable game. Why fix core problems when they can distract us with shiny effects and make cash in the process?

I know that many players have adapted. My point is, they shouldn't have to. This is a real issue that has been the downfall of what could have been the best game of it's genre for a long time to come.
Swagtrain wrote:
Zanixx wrote:
Crackmonster wrote:
Devs are satisfied with the overall state of the game

Me too. Lucky for me I guess.


Of course you are, Swag. There's a 'low level', safe, pinata to hit, every 5 mins, for hours and hours on end.

Did it ever occur to you, that some people might find that a less than enthralling experience.
Casually casual.

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