[TEMPEST] RaizQT's Poison trapper [lvl97+ top 20] BUILD OF THE WEEK + ATZIRI KILL!
Started this build a few days ago, and nearing 60+ range. Are there any like super good uniques you can get for this build?
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" carcass jack is only one you really need |
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" Apart from the BIS Carcass Jack that saridonas mentioned there is Sunblast Belt which adds some DPS, although losing the life roll may not be worth it. Rearguard quiver as well adds some DPS and some further mitigation with block spell block and a good bit of armour, but no resists or life. If you have a 6 link in your bow then Drillneck quiver BIS for damage, with Pierce as your 6th link. Last edited by AgentKay#7874 on Sep 10, 2014, 12:05:44 PM
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My thoughts on uniques for this build:
Carcass Jack: all res, life, increased AoE and AoE damage with evasion and energy shield base. Cheap and very good for this spec and a good item for AoE builds in general. Cloak of Defiance: It's more suited for specs that don't go near the ranger/duelist areas but it can free up 3 passive points. It gives you an extra 10% of damage taken from mana for a total of 40% but lacks life and resists. I think defense wise CoD comes out on top. Downside is less AoE which you can not make up for with the 3 passives. It does give you an extra 40% mana regen if you can't manage to get it on rings and amulets and it's cheap. Personally I prefer the AoE from Carcass Jack. Sunblast: You can enchant belts with ~15% trap damage with Tora so this belt would only give you about ~20% extra damage and some mana regen but at the cost of a resistance and a lot of life (~80-90 for decent belts). It's dirt cheap too but I personally don't think it's worth it. Rearguard: You can enchant quivers with trap damage too so it comes down to life + resists vs ~400 armor + ~20 block and ~13% spellblock. I don't really know which one is better but I personally prefer a rare quiver with life double res and a trap damage enchant. Drillneck: In my opinion the damage increase with this and the pierce gem is substantial enough to sacrifice some life and resists. The problem is that it's kinda expensive because it's overpowered and somewhat rare. You also need a 6L to use the pierce gem bringing the total cost even higher. I think that's all of the uniques that are worth considering for this spec. EDIT: I forgot to mention that if you are playing on Standard and have/can obtain a Voideye it may be worth using it for AA though you will probably need to get more mana regen from somewhere else. Last edited by TGeorge#1689 on Sep 10, 2014, 9:07:17 PM
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First of all, i have to say that i'm really impressed with this build!
Much props to raizqt I tried to make this build with a Shadow and i got to say that i got stuck at lvl 83 somehow, lacking on Life. Here is my current Gear
And my Passive Tree so far
It's kinda weird.. it was doing well until the past days lol.. like i hit a wall. Trying to respec out of some dmg. nodes to get more life/ getting better gear. Maybe someone can give me some advice :) Oh i forgot to mention, I'm using a 2nd pa to spam mobs while the traps recharge i using descerate to prepare my trap DD, it goes pretty well, for totems too, just takes some time. Last edited by Toma_Hawk#1634 on Sep 11, 2014, 4:18:53 PM
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" hiho and props to Raiz! Beautiful Build :) a few thoughts i can't see an IC in the CwDt setup, get one with % maybe inc.duration % too. i think you aim atm for Herbalism in the tree, grab it and use good rolled flask, like bubbeling and instant with remove bleed/chilled&frozen/burn. Profane Chemestry is also uber sweet, drop Hired Killer. Flask are nice with 0%life reg :=) €: use a Granite with iron skin, mabye drop your quicksilver and use a ruby of warden or adrenaline and manage your traps better. i had PA-trap on rightclick that spammed it to often, bind to a key and problem solved^^ is determination better for you as grace? i dunno mabye :) my2cents Last edited by octocock#3257 on Sep 11, 2014, 5:40:07 PM
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" Yes, it is uber viable, not on hardcore though. I just tried it again in the Rampage-League and DPS isn't a problem. A level 27 poison arrow (corrupted PA or empower) is enough. The only problem i'm having is, stacking fire resistance is pretty much useless because if your ruby flask isn't up, the flameblast is a onehit even through 5.6k life and 1.1k spare mana with the 40% MoM from cloak of defiance and if the rubyflask is up, it still hits me for 80-90% of my life. With 9k armour, the spear still hits for around 1.5-2k through MoM. This means i'm going to use grace and determination for 14k+ armour and 4 instant hpflasks and one quicksilver, and still i'll have to play perfectly or i'll die. " The problem with your build is, you're missing a lot of things except damage. Your current tree only has 95% life and you don't have MoM or manaregen(low or no arctic armour) but you should be able to run grace, determination and clarity for a lot of armour. You have a lot of damage nodes which means, if you play carefully, you should be able to level. Here is my gear and skilltree at 93 in rampage and i'm basically the tank of my 2-3man group:
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMAAx4EBwceCPQMXw5ID6sRlhUgFr8ZihqPHKce8B9BIuImlSmlKk0s6TWSNj06WDrhPV8_J0YrR-JJE0lRSn1KyEyzTeNOKk6bUUxSU1KvUzVTpVVLVcZXK1uvXfJfKmHiYqxnoGf8akNrF2yMbRltbG6qdoJ9W3_Ggh6D24d2ieCP-pMflSCVLpeVl_SbtZ2qoqOkOaZXrEetSrTRtfK3Prd1u0286r2CwFTB88M6xq7IDMpKy73QgdDQ2L3Z4NsL3Q3dX9-K44TmWOaB6QLr5O4V8NXyRfba-wn8xf4K_rM= I hope it helps your shadow a bit. Last edited by Scarletsword#4354 on Sep 11, 2014, 5:43:15 PM
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Is the Clever Construction must have? Feels like it take too much points..
Planned 85lvl spec: Well its same as Raiz "spec" but skipped couple mana node.. IGN: Wanderiin
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wouldnt say its must have. there are a few fights where not having it is annoying (got damn it piety), but it will just take a little bit longer, not a big deal.
im really impressed by this build. with bear+fire traps properly supported, neither underground sea boss nor hakus totem is an issue. ign DivineRapierMedusa Last edited by eckart#7300 on Sep 11, 2014, 6:36:52 PM
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" Shadow doesn't work well with this build if you want to run MoM+AA. Way too many points wasted at the start. You will probably need to reroll Witch if you want to go that route. But if you don't want to reroll then I'd do what Scarletsword said and go Clarity + Grace + Determination. I would say your passives should look something like this:
It would give you 131% Life instead of your current 95% plus the added bonus of improved life flask. I personally couldn't live without them on a build that doesn't have any way to leech life. EDIT: This would give you even more life (148%) and more armor too with the potential for more life or damage (whatever you prefer) when/if you get to higher levels. Yeah, I think this is what I'd go for.
" What are you ? A pussy? Vaal that shit. Last edited by TGeorge#1689 on Sep 11, 2014, 9:16:33 PM
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