[TEMPEST] RaizQT's Poison trapper [lvl97+ top 20] BUILD OF THE WEEK + ATZIRI KILL!

Can you make an updated section on leveling tips? :)
im been away from poe for almost a year. i was thinking about a poison arrow build on tempest leagues, is it better to run poison arrow on trap or just normal poison arrow?
Poison Arrow trap = more damage, less clearspeed (due to the CD), that's why Raiz uses Fire trap, less expensive than poison arrow bow.
Poison Arrow bow = less damage, more clear speed, expensive. You have to buy Drillneck, spend points in Piercing arrow passives etc.
Hello everyone.
I'm starting a new character in Tempest League, and i choose this build for it , it's the first time i play hardcore.
My question is, is it better to go Armour insted of evasion/acrobatics, i see armour is the king in 2.0 so i was wondering how reliable is this build with evasion/acrobatics.


You'll have a lot of mobility while running this build, and a nice amout of hp to not get One shooted, but it's better to not get hit as you can. Hit&run is the better defence if you do it well :)
Sorry for my english :P
Is there a leveling build for this?
Hey guys, any example skill tree idea for build using shadow HP+ES+evades without acrobatic? Will it work? Since ES recharge 3 secs after hit-run. Gear would be Dex-Int base.

I was thinking to build a budget 4-link guy just to play around for fun.(not gonna burn currency on this guy)

Lvl 70(havent build yet it is lvl 26 atm, this is just an idea)
Last edited by Darkkrows#6635 on Sep 2, 2015, 12:31:53 AM
i have one question, sorry if asked before, but in the first post - edited multiple times, i suppose - you are using CwDT with enduring cry, and Enduring cry is no longer a spell, so it doesn't work like it used to. is that something intentional? or just an old habit? other words - to what extent is this build updated to 2.0?
I have a question....

how come you use concentrated effect + increase AoE?

wouldn't "trap and mine damage" help Poison Trap effect better?

Why or Why not?

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