[TEMPEST] RaizQT's Poison trapper [lvl97+ top 20] BUILD OF THE WEEK + ATZIRI KILL!
Here's my idea for a replacement for DD (and maybe aslo Desecete):
Cold Snap -- Trap -- Conc effect -- Increased AoE -- Cold pen -- ele prolif (Not strictly ordered by importence, take your preferance or switch out some of the later gems) Cold Snap got buffed recently, so the damage should be pretty good, it benefits from trap and AoE passives and freezing mobs in place while they choke to death from our poisentraps should be pretty effective. Would be nice if someone with a working setup could test whether this works. I personally would also replace Desecrate with Bear trap (linked to added fire, culling strike and item rarity), but the additional degen damage might be more useful against bosses. Hoping for some replays :) Edit: Fitting Empower somwhere in this setup would give a big damagebuff and thereby longer freezes. Propalby either for Inc AoE or ele prolif. Last edited by jklgamer#1489 on Sep 3, 2014, 7:34:58 PM
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Hey guys! Really looking forward to playing this build, but have no idea where to go in the tree first. Anyone link like a 20-30 point build? Thanks for the build Raiz!
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@Raiz, well done on the Beyond Twitch highlight clip. You played impressively.
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.
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Is that quiver that gives damage based on pierce chance a more or increased modifier because the tooltip says increased.
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Ok so I finally got to level 88 with this build yesterday. I ended up liking it quite a lot overall but totems still are an annoying time sink. I've been using Bear Trap + Fire trap to get them down. I managed to get the totem from the Haku quest down in a timed run too but I got lucky with a crit on Fire Trap that burned it for quite a bit. I haven't really found something else for totems. Haven't tried Cold Snap trap yet but unless I'm severely underestimating the damage from the Trap gem I doubt it's going to be much of a difference. And I don't feel like leveling a Cold Snap either. I may try Searing Bond to see how that works if my friend has one leveled.
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcHHgj0DkgOXA-rEZYVIBa_GNse8CLiI_YmlSmlKk0s6TWSNj09Xz8nRX5HBkfiSRNJUUp9SshMs02STipOm1FMUlNSr1M1VUtVxlb6Vytbr13yXyph4megZ_xqQ2r6axdsjG0ZbWxuqnBRdPF2b3aCfVt-sH_Ggh6D24Uyh3aJ4I_6kx-VIJUul5WX9Ju1naqio6OKpDmsR61KtNG18rd1vOq9gsBUwfPDOsgMykrLvdCB0NDYVNi92eDbC9vn3Q3fiuOE5ljmgekC6-TuDvDV_MX-sw== |
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yeah unfortunately im also not impressed by the damage of desecrate without detonate dead and would rather see something else. bear trap alone is not powerful enough for hakus totem with something like culling strike + added fire support (+ IIR)? i can also barely run any vorici missions without single target damage, so maybe they could help...also, some large area IIR culling would indeed be neat, without DD and Desecrate there would be 2 slots then, one for bear traps and one for some splitarrow/roa culling...
ign DivineRapierMedusa
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Can someone tell me what he means when he says
" What dps nodes? |
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" The build's main page is from pre 1.2. The general idea is the same, but the tree is different and DD is so weak now its not very useful. Take any advice there with a pinch of salt |
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" I agree: it's often short with the Haku's big totem at level 76 but Fire Trap is my fave alternate skill for instance. My current gems (my tree and gear on the previous page; I made some changes as I'll use Mind Over Matter instead Reflexes & I use Rearguard as quiver now): - Poison Arrow + Trap + Empower + Concentrated Effect + Increased Area of Effet + Increased Duration - Fire Trap + Fire Penetration + Concentrated Effect + Chance to Ignite + Elemental Proliferation (+ Arctic Armour) - Grace + Reduced Mana + Lightning Warp + Reduced Duration [I like movement speed; about +40% with gear & nodes but I also like Lightning Warp in some situations] - Clarity + Vulnerability + Decoy Totem + Smoke Mine [yes Clarity w/o Reduced Mana; thanks to Eldritch Battery & Charisma] - Cast when Damage Taken(10) + Enduring Cry(11) + Immortal Call(10) + Increased Duration My 2 cents. |
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Has anyone killed Atziri with this build in 1.2? I saw a video of someone killing her in the one month league using this build but he was using Detonate Dead on the adds. I don't know how much DPS would be needed for them now that Detonate Dead has been nerfed.
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