[Official] Kripp Wand Templar

Anyone running a CI version of this build?
Lantoka wrote:
Anyone running a CI version of this build?

I'm pretty sure you can't get enough mana for all the aura's (even basic 3) without EB so good luck adding CI with that ;)
In case i'm wrong feel free to correct me!
Exiled for Eternity
Just wondering, are dex stats also counted as top stats on equips? To cope with using green gems?
HC ign : AiiDuuVTwo / TwoErectedPenises / AnalRapeMarauder
Hello all,

Currently lvl 71, 5200k Single Target, 1100 AOE, 2.6k Life, 2k Mana, capped res, 1.8k Armor Wander here.

As I was looking over the end game build, I realized that there was a major lacking in terms of Increased Critical Damage passives / stats viz-a-viz gear. So my question is: would it be wise to snag the Throatseeker passive or are critical stacks mainly used for something else (e.g. shock stacks)?
dreyfus wrote:
Hello all,

Currently lvl 71, 5200k Single Target, 1100 AOE, 2.6k Life, 2k Mana, capped res, 1.8k Armor Wander here.

As I was looking over the end game build, I realized that there was a major lacking in terms of Increased Critical Damage passives / stats viz-a-viz gear. So my question is: would it be wise to snag the Throatseeker passive or are critical stacks mainly used for something else (e.g. shock stacks)?

I believe most of his reasoning behind not stacking crit damage, is because he plays hardcore and crit damage is an easy way to accidentally oneshot yourself to reflect. This may not be as much of an issue in end game though, when your gear and survivability is at its peak.

It is definitely a great way to increase overall dps though, as crit chance is fairly high with this spec due to the power charges (I'm at around 60% on my wander). Just be careful not to overdo it and end up oneshotting yourself. :P

Current gear set up as requested by redrum1.

Albeit not the best gear, it allows me to farm Merciless Docks with ease and solo end-game maps without incident. As an aside: it may be worthy to note that all this gear was self found/crafted. I do intend to add Life Leech to the build as soon as I find a 5L, but they are so hard to come by :(.
Last edited by dreyfus#7998 on Feb 20, 2013, 4:31:23 AM
this build really starts to fire at lvl 55+ :) thanks for the build kripp!
its a very slow start but so worth it in the end.
Alteration Orb Union Local #7
"Alts are 16:1 Chaos. You got that tough guy?"
I feel its very hard to actually know what gear to look for. And since this build is so gear dependent i find it wierd krip wrote so little about what gear to look for and how to change your build based on the gear you acquire. Maybe someone with more experience with the builds can chime in ?
IGN @ EasyLeagueEasyLife
Butcherski wrote:
I feel its very hard to actually know what gear to look for. And since this build is so gear dependent i find it wierd krip wrote so little about what gear to look for and how to change your build based on the gear you acquire. Maybe someone with more experience with the builds can chime in ?

It's actually fairly simple in my opinion:


Notes On Gear:
- Best Wand will have 3 Elemental rolls, Crit, Attack Speed, and Crit Damage, Accuracy, or Mana Regen. +skills are kind of nice for temp wands because the bonus can apply to Anger or Wrath if you move it to the wand.
- Try to use Armor based gear. 1 good hybrid, or full ES piece will let you go from 6 to 7 auras. I feel this is a good trade-off because it also skyrockets your mana regen.
- Top stat on any piece is Life. Secondary is Elemental Damage. Thirdly Accuracy/Resists.
- You must never be below 70% in any resist because you may die to reflect mobs.

The above is taken directly from the OP.

Adjusting build based on the gear you acquire pretty much only comes down to stats (dex in particular) and accuracy. In those cases the only thing to really consider is, if you get pieces of gear with high stats, you may be able to drop a stat node and vice versa. The same goes for Accuracy, once you acquire enough accuracy on gear you can drop accuracy notes (if you picked any) and vice versa.

The only other thing I can think of, would be the case of mana regen / mana pool and auras + spell mana cost. This point basically comes down to adding/removing auras and support gems based on your current mana regen and mana pool.
I got an insane +85% spell dmg wand but I was wondering if spell dmg effects PS gem at all sinds it doesnt say its a spell..
might be a noob question but hey.... ^_^
Exiled for Eternity

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