[Official] Kripp Wand Templar
" Was that a question? Either way... No, it doesn't effect it at all. IGN: xBilldozerx
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" Never chaos damage, you have a ton of elemental damage increase. I'd say either added lightning or +crit damage. You have power charges to give you lots of crit, you also hopefully have crit on your wand. I use crit damage on my single target power siphon. Not having a second red slot for life leech should be okay. You'll do more damage but have less sustain/survivability. Not a bad trade-off if you're playing Softcore. Also, want doesn't have an apostrophe. IGN: xBilldozerx
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" Thanks for the advice about the support gem - appriciate it. "There is friend who sticks closer than a brother" -Samwise IGN: Snowhammer Last edited by Snowhammer#6880 on Feb 20, 2013, 9:22:44 PM
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Well since you have to level with melee spec what about the hit chance ? Im lvl 20 and already got issues :P
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additional accuracy is just awesome for PS aoe.
Keep in mind when using chains and lmp, each of your attacks is rolling 9 separate rolls of your %hit accuracy. Also I believe the bounces from chain have some accuracy penalty, so it actually helps you get regularly 8-9 hits per PS instead of only 4-6 without it? Also, the quality bonus on the gem is very good. Here's my 6L link for any wandar hesitating with his 6L setup (warning it took 360 chromatics to get these colours on pure armour base) (U can see I also replaced life leech by Item quantity cause dont need it for SC anymore, 8300 armor 2k8 evasion 29% block shield 3k5 Life and most importantly a +95% evasion or armor granite flask that reloads before its even finished when you have 55% + critchance and 1.85 attacks per second that can each crit 9 times) I'd say others 6Ls possitibilities are faster attacks (if ur wand has a base slow speed u can prolly sustain it, mine is 1.64 so I can't) and of course critdmg blue gem. IgN: Dolpiff (8x Elem wander). Former CB ranger.
Pm me on forums or ig if I won an auction, or to claim an item of mine you won. |
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" I would definitely agree with your choice of Additional Accuracy, if I ever get a 6L I would also use that. Now, give me that chest. :P |
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can someone explain to me how to obtain such high crit chance? i am lvl 61 and with 5 power charges i am sitting at 28.4%
how do u guys reach 50+?? Last edited by Analia_#3070 on Feb 21, 2013, 4:38:30 AM
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" Crit chance on gear, 2 more power charges (that is 100% extra additive crit chance), crit talents in the shadow tree. I'm not all that into the formulas and mechanics behind it, but that is about the only things I can think of. ------- On another note, I finally managed to roll near perfect flasks, only took me about 200 alterations! Felt nice when I got my Surgeons Granite of Ironskin with only 1 alteration though. :P |
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" a wand is 8% crit chance max local crit % increase you can roll is +38% on a itemlevel 73+ wand. 8*(1.38)=11.04% now thats your base % now let's sum all the bonus we get on this base crit chance: +170% from passive tree from common lategame template for our build +38% from a perfect roll of global critical chance on a ilvl72+ amulet +350% from 7 power charges buff stacks (+125% max from a level 20 Increased Critical Strikes 20% quality) (+40% max from 20% quality added accuracy gem if you got a 6L chest) ----- =+723% (so 823% of your base crit) so 11.04*8.23= 90.8592% Max theoretical crit chance you can attain with this build now this is a theoretical max, of course you are gonna get less (we don't use the increased critical chance gem for instance), but it might give you an idea of what is possible. myself im sitting at 59.63% crit on 7 charges atm, using this wand that has only 8.96% cc: Takeaway : Local % crit increase on the wand only is probably the best stat you can get for direct dmg increase, especially if you use the increased critical strike multiplier gem, because every other crit chance bonus is applied to it. IgN: Dolpiff (8x Elem wander). Former CB ranger. Pm me on forums or ig if I won an auction, or to claim an item of mine you won. Last edited by dolpiff#6716 on Feb 21, 2013, 5:07:11 AM
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" Ah yeah, completely forgot about the local crit on wands. :P I'm sitting at around 55-60% (In class atm, can't check to confirm) with 7 power charges using the above wand. Last edited by Caimath#2097 on Feb 21, 2013, 5:07:53 AM
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