[0.11.0] Aimlessgun's Cold Caster Guide [Now with RF/PA section] Videos! [
What's your opinion on converting the build to a low-life build while using the new unique: Shavronne's wrapping ?
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" I really, really want a Wrapping to try it out. My sense is that it would be extremely good if you had solid ES gear. Just convert all the life nodes to ES nodes, grab PA, get another aura or two, and it's good to go. Further, it would be easy to grab Ghost Reaver, equip saffel's and try Righteous Fire as well. " Biggest thing is that you don't have enough HP on your gear. Rings, gloves and boots are the main culprits, and you could alteration a blue leather belt with +80 HP and it would be better than your current belt. Also, you took great pains to avoid Lord of the Dead, which I assume means you don't use minions. I understand some people really hate keeping them up, but they do make your life a lot easier. " Well, you havn't really gone armor, as it seems you still have a bunch of evasion, and your armor pieces aren't very good. And your HP is really really low, even if you had huge armor it would be a big problem. I'd focus on getting HP/ES for now, because it's easier to get decent defense. You can try armor when you get some good armor pieces and can get 4000+ armor (you'll have to be high level enough to get the Body and Soul nodes in the templar area. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Mar 9, 2013, 5:35:51 PM
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" So soon u will make another build or rebuild this one? One more question - does my gear good enough for this of for this rebuild guide? I know that my chest is terrible. How about others? IGN:SoRcE_ Last edited by sebay#2965 on Mar 9, 2013, 9:48:39 PM
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Hi aimlessgun! I have followed your build and I am currently level 77 and its going great! My health is currently 2.7k and i have around 2k es. I was wondering how you go your es to 3k without taking any es nodes. Also would I have more servivability if i switched to CI later?
This is my current gerar
Last edited by Pride2Shame#2357 on Mar 10, 2013, 4:12:57 AM
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sitting at lvl 81. I need advice on gear, I might be better off looking for a new ES shield with higher ES and a weapon that has more than 3 useful stats, even though the 3 are pretty good. Also a new belt I'm looking for and a new ring and my gloves are ilvl 77. still trying to craft them but thats just good enough for now after trying the chaos method.
Ice Spear DPS - 4500, Freezing pulse around 4200. I can switch freezing pulse into the 6 link to make it 6500 dps, but I die sometimes having to be close. I'm not weak, but I'm not super strong either. What should I try to get right now with about 5 exalts? my chest is low ilvl, like around 55 or something. So I'm not sure if I should try and craft it for a better roll or not. I think I'm gonna save up for a better 6 link. Rampage IGN: RIP_Stannis_Baratheon Last edited by AntonChigur#4612 on Mar 11, 2013, 3:11:07 AM
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" Good to hear :) What the lvl 82 build doesn't show actually is that I got the Body and Soul nodes in the levels immediately afterwards, and then Unnatural Calm (moving towards the "lvl 100" build), so that's another +59% ES which makes a difference, and then my base ES is a bit higher as well from the chest (actually got a new chest and I'm up to 3800 ES now :D ) You need really godly gear to make CI better IMO. Like 800 ES chest, 400 ES hat, 200 ES boots, 500 ES shield, stuff like that. I pvped a CI guy with nearly 10k ES today though, and the matches were really really hard, so it's definitely possible for it to be good with crazy gear. " Yeah the chest isn't that great except for being 6l :D You might even be better off with a nice 5l with more ES and HP. No HP on your boots and gloves is hurting you too. It might almost be better to alteration the gloves until you get like ~70 HP and prefix and 30%+ resist suffix. Spending one of your exalts to get FP to 20% is probably the best immediate upgrade I can see though :) How is Arctic Breath totem working out? I havn't tested it much since it lags me really badly. |
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hello aimless, im following ur build and currently lv62
need some advice on gear coz i run out of mana too often (and die a lot in merc act3) this is the gear i wearing -> btw is dual Divinarius good for freezing pulse? Last edited by kclio26#0677 on Mar 11, 2013, 11:56:47 AM
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[/quote] Yeah the chest isn't that great except for being 6l :D You might even be better off with a nice 5l with more ES and HP. No HP on your boots and gloves is hurting you too. It might almost be better to alteration the gloves until you get like ~70 HP and prefix and 30%+ resist suffix. Spending one of your exalts to get FP to 20% is probably the best immediate upgrade I can see though :) How is Arctic Breath totem working out? I havn't tested it much since it lags me really badly. [/quote] thanks for the input. Artic Breath, I'm just trying it out since i found a 13%. It adds a little extra DPS, but I think I prefer skeletons more as all I really need is a distraction and it gets shot down much faster than skeletons totem. Rampage IGN: RIP_Stannis_Baratheon
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A totem-noob question since I havent used any totems so far in this game at all.
I've got spell totem now linked with ice spear and GMP @ level 31. Should the gems be leveled at all? How/when? I notice the spell totem already is really agressive on the mana pool |
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I'll just post here instead of bumping my old thread.
I read your guide after I came up with my build. I guess I had the right idea, was pretty similar, but you were very helpful. I've leveled up to 45 so far, and I've made some changes, anything you'd recommend? http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYB3nfVT_v1tDjlGYw2Av7fhELDXfJw1XBS8-oWv4fbYeLrY3WK1AURL8BR44QOSBGWnaP8q3_GJ6labSQ8p1xJUewYw20c3Dgbkc_kEUk6oqPB8_F2wcWIQvIdbRmOPBdUIoE74eL3pyuLegj0eQPAVHNTB2NXK2vbAuNJsiycjr4RLXyDzfq4kxHbM3aSODLRRUe1BF3GRtfd82BtnYCDOBRNogBWSpUEr5tVSyaVDH0Qf8aeu9Y= I think I may have gone too much into Resists instead of Life, but being a noob I think it'd be easier to make up for the lack of Resists in Passives first, and if I pass the cap I can respec the Resist nodes into Life.. My main ability is a 4Linked Freezing Pulse with LMP, Faster Projectiles, and Life Leech. I sometimes use Ice Spear with a crit multiplier Support. As for Auras, I'm rocking Clarity and Discipline, though I'm leveling Purity for when I need it for bosses. Or I may Blood Magic one of the non 40% Auras, and use all 3. And thanks for the suggestions thus far, the mana regen was really helpful. ^.^ Any suggestions? Thanks. EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home
*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.* |
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