[0.11.0] Aimlessgun's Cold Caster Guide [Now with RF/PA section] Videos! [
Whats your opinion on running CI on this build onw that it has been buffed in 0.10.3?
IGN: JohnnySweetlips
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" Yeah that looks ok, especially if you somehow manage to run 3 auras. I'm not a fan of the res nodes but I guess you can respec them when you gear gets better :) " The breakpoint at which a conversion is a good idea is much easier to reach (especially since it was borderline impossible before). With my current gear though, I'm still not there. Edited main post to reflect 10.3, and went into more detail about why it's not worth it for me right now. It's interesting looking at the conversion options: it's surprisingly hard to stack a lot of +%ES! This build takes the easily gotten HP and ES, and thus wastes fewer points on +10 stat nodes than almost any build out there. But when you try to stack only one of those, you have to start wasting a lot more points in +10 nodes to get to the more outlying ES nodes. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Mar 12, 2013, 11:58:22 PM
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Hello Cold Caster Friends :)
At the first i want to thank aimlessgun for this great build! The build makes a lot of fun. I´m now lvl72. With three freezepulses per second and 4500dps with a dagger that i self crafted with 170 crit chance and 78 spelldmg this makes a lot of fun. But the problem is that some bad guys have hacked my account and have stolen any currency and gear i´ve gather the last months. :( Now i have 20 empty stashes and only empty chars. :( So i want to ask if someone perhaps have a lvled gem or a gear that he dont need anymore? So that i can do something to be able to farm and to find new gear and currency. It´s very frustrating to come from 4500dps to 2,3 :( regards, Zathanael (softcore) Antiquities from the early days of Path of Exile http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/165953 Last edited by Mahariel#0067 on Mar 14, 2013, 11:21:19 PM
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Aimless, what about running Blood Rage with CI (once it's specc'd) for the increased Attack Speed through Frenzy Charges? Or do the Frenzy Charges only work on Melee / Physical Damage?
I never used Green Gems much besides Auras & Cyclone...so I'm not familiar with how Frenzy Charges work... Last edited by Faction3#7366 on Mar 14, 2013, 11:27:42 PM
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If I get a 6 link and run
FP LMP Faster casting Faster projectiles Life Leech what should be my 6th socket? I currently have about 35% crit on my freezing pulse and use critical hit damage for a big window dps increase, chaos damage shows similar dps but would cold penetration be a better choice then those 3? IGN - xNoClass
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I'm following your build,but somehow i feel myself like a glass cannon. Archers are my arch enemies,they keep sniping me while i cant do anything. Honestly my gear isnt that good,but could you give me an advice what to upgrade asap?
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" Yeah, you'd run bloodrage with CI. " I'll try to make an archer tutorial this weekend, since it seems to be a common problem. Hat is probably your best upgrade, get ES and more resist with the same HP if possible. |
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Hello Aimlessgun, first I want to say thank you for making this thread, I saw it and started the character and now I am lvl 65 and loving it! It is a very great build and doesn't crutch on god gear xD. I just wanted to get your opinion (even though you get asked this like every other day x.x) on my gear, because some of it I like quite a bit and don't know what a suitable upgrade is, so here it goes
HP is 1667 unbuffed ES is 641 buffed is 954 elemental resists are maxed with purity running, i dropped clarity and used mana leech I have absolutely no chaos resist, which in a3 merc is becoming a slight problem, but my play style i can normally survive x.x 29% crit chance 450% multiplier just over 1000 eva, from the eva/es gear (one question I have is should I just drop the eva/es stuff and go for straight es, or nah?) here is my gear right now im running item rarity in with the 5 link for farming, but usually put in either crit dmg, added chaos, or cold pen...which do you think works best? probably chaos for dmg I think my 5 link sucks, its only ilvl 56, so I don't think I will chaos it til it gets better, maybe I should just hold out for the 6link? Thank you again for making this pwnage build O.o Last edited by Qpwnzz#7196 on Mar 16, 2013, 11:59:39 AM
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Added archer pack tutorial video to main post.
" Just go straight ES if possible unless you're getting the Nullification circle and running Grace. You biggest upgrade would be boots, belt, and you can probably get a better amulet by alterationing one until you get +HP prefix and +crit dmg suffix, then regal and hope for something decent. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Mar 16, 2013, 2:20:37 PM
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I've been told that using faster projectiles with freezing pulse if already at 20% quality is pointless...and I might have to agree since it doesnt boost damage by a lot. What are your thoughts on that? I actually replaced faster projectiles with ice spear i love this with lmp and faster casting and mana leech. Just freeze stuff all day no matter how far or close.
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