[0.11.0] Aimlessgun's Cold Caster Guide [Now with RF/PA section] Videos! [

why use a shadow as cold caster if witch can do the same and better?
it doesnt matter becouse even if you start as a witch you need the get to through the shadow starting area and get his first node.
same thing goes to the starting area of the templar, you can basicly start this build as a templar/witch or a shadow, it doesnt really matter. I even play something similar but as a marauder.
Last edited by Toki1337#0110 on Mar 5, 2013, 3:20:20 PM
hey, very detailed guide :)
can you look over my gear? i am obviously due for some upgrades, but chests seem so expensive o.O. i'm looking to start some low maps with my friends soon. hp - 2444, es - 1107 res (fire/cold/light) - 36/54/22, tooltip fp - 3463dps. my sockets/resists are kinda derpy. i saved up for some upgrades, but not quite sure wat to look for. I thought about getting some map whites and crafting a bit, but not sure wat i'd want to craft. thanks for all the time you put into this guide :D. ign princedakkar
Ign: princedakkar
Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/239925/page/1/#p2062041
Q Gems: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/265429
Toki213 wrote:
do u use raise zombies with minion life support?

Iam thinking about using raise zombies15+%,minion life20%,minion speed.

How much life do your zombies have?

Yeah I use minion life, though I don't have any of it quality. Zombies have like 9-10k HP with lvl 20 gems.

TheMonopolyMan wrote:
Do you think it's worth investing in a quality frostbite? 15-20% freeze duration seems like a pretty nice bonus but im not sure it's worth the money that could be spent on gear

It's an interesting bonus for bosses, but everything else should be frozen until it dies regardless, so I wouldn't spend on it unless I had money to burn :)

zenmasterchen wrote:
hey, very detailed guide :)
can you look over my gear?

You might want to regal that resist ring. You belt is a good place to get more resists, sell that one to an ele dmg ranger or something :D

I wouldn't wear the Chitus Apex quite yet as your defensive stats aren't quite good enough (you'll get more than 5% XP bonus for not dying as much!).
Hey guys im a more defensive player so wld like you guys help to tell me what i should do for my next upgrade.

I haven't been playing for quite some time now and I'm wondering, is this build still viable?
I'm doing a cold caster as well. I am only lvl 23 atm, but I was playing with the Skill Tree and I built a possible future build for myself at high levels, I don't mean to steal this thread, but I don't believe this is worth of starting a new thread just to ask for opinions, ideas, ect, ect.


^ link
Hey Aimless, if you could do a quick gear check it would be much appreciated. I have 2k HP and 2k ES w/ Discipline. Max fire and cold resists. I switch out a ring to max out lightning resist. Freeze pulse hovers between 42-4500 depending on what I'm wearing.

Long post ahead:

So here is where i am now:
LvL: 75
HP: 2303
ES: 1604
Resist(Fire/Cold/Lightning/Chaos): 68/71/75/-5
FP Damage: 4294.3

I can pretty much do 66-68 maps without dying (except some stupid ele reflect and desynced indoor maps)

What next for my passive tree for the next 5 levels?
my choices:
-- 5 life nodes for a total of +40% HP
-- 5 points for +75% Crit Chance, +10% Crit multiplier
-- 5 points for 9% Cast Speed, 16% Projectile Damage

i ask this because i have no idea what's in lvl 70+ maps, is my survivability enough that i should focus on DPS? or is slow kill, die hard (or should i say die a BIT harder) the way to go in 70+ maps?

Also, I've geared my self with so much uniques but I cant let go of any of them.

The damage is great and the all resist + exp is a bonus.

Can't let go, damage is great.

Elemental damage, all resist and the double curse is great (frostbite + critical weakness)

Damage is great and the mana on kill helps me a lot in maintaining mana. (added chaos damage on FP costs a lot of mana)

Huge ES (since i have a crappy ES chest i can't let go of this) damage is decent.

Here are my other gear. I have tried hard to complement my needs in this other items.
(+stats to accommodate the skill gem requirements, resist to reach max, and the lack of HP mods on my uniques, mana to at most only have 50% mana reserved, and chaos resist)

What should be my priority?
Here are my choices:
-- Let go of some of the uniques in exchange for rares with HP?
-- Upgrade my chest into 6L with HP but no chaos resist (i can't afford a 6L with HP and chaos resist)
-- Upgrade my chest into 5L with high ES + HP but no chaos resist (again budget wise i think that's what i can only afford)
-- Just go with what i have now and do low level maps

ps: sorry for the wall of words.
Last edited by ert2mars#0099 on Mar 6, 2013, 8:59:01 PM
HI Aimlessgun,
First of all, thanks for the great guide.

i'm 50 lvl atm and started facing some difficulties, die a lot in cruel A3 :)
My stats are around following:
490 es,
res are kinda low: 15/20/70/-20
FP dps on skill tooltip is 948, crit chance 21.5%, crit multiplier 370%

mana regen is about 35mana/sec with Clarity ON. This also seems too low btw, because FP with 4 supports now cost 46 mana and eats mana pool too fast with 2.2 casts/sec.

may be you or some other guys can give a bit of advice what should I improve now in gear or skills?

here is my current build :

Here is my gear:

Bought that chest recently, it seems rather up-to-date. I'm using dual wands atm. Also I have this dagger and two shields in stash, but with them I feel not much better in defense and surviving, but definitely much less damaging, though crit chance with dagger goes up to 27%.

My play style is something like: find pack of mobs-> curse with Frostbite -> FP 1 (or 2 if they still alive) times. Cast ice spear totem if mobs are blue/numerous/casters.

So what are the choices for me?
Upgrade gear/skill gems?
Change passives tree?
Or just farm a little bit in act2 to lvlup/find better gear? In this case which area to choose?

Thanks in advance.
Last edited by synopsoid#0449 on Mar 7, 2013, 10:24:05 AM

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