[0.11.0] Aimlessgun's Cold Caster Guide [Now with RF/PA section] Videos! [

aimlessgun wrote:
Nice to have some other experienced people in here answering questions :D

I recently realized that there is 30% resist all for shield users very easily available in the templar area for those lacking resist gear, added a note about it in the guide.

ert2mars wrote:

I haven't tried doing map runs yet so i don't know how i fare in terms of survivability.
So far, Docks run is a breeze. I might run docks for a few more levels and get more HP nodes and try to bring my HP close to 2000.

With 2k HP and your current ES low lvl blue maps should be very doable (though I wouldn't try soloing chaos dmg per second yet!)

bchiu10 wrote:
i love this guide.
But i want to know what is the different between Shadow vs Witch??
Who got higher DPS?
Why you use Shadow to play cold caster > Witch?
Or you just for fun to use Shadow?

The small difference is covered in the passive spoiler section.

Can i knw whats the 30% resist all for shield user your referring to?
Hi there,

I'm lv54 atm. I pass over the dps problem . but now I have Hp-es problems :D . I have 1k hp and 300 es which makes me so squishy.

Anyone has some gear for sale here ?( lv 54 )

IGN - CrackTheWorld
hi, first of all thx for the guide, it helped me a lot.
just wanna ask your guys, how i can improve my current gear (lvl 72)

right now i have:

1241ES (buffed)

resist 76+76+75 (right now im im able to use purity, because im using a mana leech gem on my freezing pulse.

chaos: -60%

freezing pulse dps: ~3240

my equip:

the head should be the 1st in my opinion, also have the max resist without my helm, because im using a 42% item rarity helm right now and with some hp on it im ok right now.

which of my items you think i should upgrade next and should i try to search for some chaos resist gear or is it enough, when i just take the 16% chaos resist node and maybe the 8% node where i have to use one more +10 int node?
Last edited by kingarthy#5863 on Mar 2, 2013, 1:03:55 PM
another map questions:

What are the best map attributes I should look for, and what do I need to avoid.
In terms of risk vs reward.

There are some obvious ones that I should avoid:
Monster Cold resistance
Elemental Equilibrium (since I only use cold and this would give them cold resist)
Reflect Elemental Damage
Is this a good end game dagger or should I try to upgrade?
Is this a good end game dagger or should I try to upgrade?

Apologies for double post
Last edited by Pride2Shame#2357 on Mar 2, 2013, 10:16:06 PM
What about a point blank gem on freezing pulse, +50% damage is great no ?

Is this a good end game dagger or should I try to upgrade?

What is the average price for such a dagger please ?
asdfemil wrote:
I follow most of this build in HC, and my question is, shall i go CI ?

Probably not :p

wowugosu wrote:
Do you think Voll's protector for power charges can be viable for HL ?

HL = high lvl? I think you lose way too much defense and mana. GGG has said they will add a non-wand non-volls way to get power charges, and this build will use that when it comes out.

Sleepynite wrote:

Can i knw whats the 30% resist all for shield user your referring to?

I added a build at the bottom of the Passive section that has those passives. Theyre on the far left.

kingarthy wrote:

which of my items you think i should upgrade next and should i try to search for some chaos resist gear or is it enough, when i just take the 16% chaos resist node and maybe the 8% node where i have to use one more +10 int node?

If you're being careful and dodging poison mines and arrow clouds chaos shouldnt kill you. The biggest immediate DPS upgrades you can do are Maligaros gloves and getting crit dmg on amulet. Best defense upgrade is probably a chest with HP and more ES.
ert2mars wrote:
another map questions:

What are the best map attributes I should look for, and what do I need to avoid.
In terms of risk vs reward.

There are some obvious ones that I should avoid:
Monster Cold resistance
Elemental Equilibrium (since I only use cold and this would give them cold resist)
Reflect Elemental Damage

I added the start of a maps section. Also I talk about this a bit in my maps vid.

Pride2Shame wrote:
Is this a good end game dagger or should I try to upgrade?

That's an ok dagger, should be fine if you have other gear that needs upgrading more.
If you're being careful and dodging poison mines and arrow clouds chaos shouldnt kill you. The biggest immediate DPS upgrades you can do are Maligaros gloves and getting crit dmg on amulet. Best defense upgrade is probably a chest with HP and more ES.

k, thx :)

how much should i pay for a maligaros?
is it worth more then 2 exalts?

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