Hardcore League: Templar GOD Build

Currently level 51 cruel act 2 with a build very similar to the OP.

I found that the best way to deal with packs of monsters is to use Lightning Strike with Fork, Weapon Elemental Damage, and Life gain on hit. I run around with 1.5k hp, and can regen about a third of that with a forked lightning strike into a group of monsters. You gain life for each ls projectile, and then each ls projectile fork.

Once I get a 5L armour I will add another damage % support gem to lightning strike, to increase its potential even further.

I like the build, however, it seems to lack raw damage, and in full parties you will not be anywhere close to the 'primary killer' on hordes of enemies. However, you can be an unkillable tank while progressing, and increase party efficiency a great deal with effective use of enduring cry, leap slam and rejuv totems.

IMPORTANT NOTE ON PROGRESSING WITH THIS BUILD: You must improve your items constantly. Because all of your damage scales off of phys damage, you have to maintain a good item level to match content. I had to stop and farm The Ledge for a couple of hours in order to move through act 1 cruel, and then I farmed Fellshrine in Act 2 to move through act 2. 4 socket helm / armor need to be your first big purchase, and I recommend getting FORK as well. It improves the regen capability of your LS by a huge margin.

Level 34-40 were brutal for me, because I was undergeared and did not have forked Lightning Strike. I went and farmed hardcore for a few hours, bought myself some good armour/weapon and Fork, and then suddenly the build took off.
Last edited by Konried#2763 on Feb 3, 2013, 10:53:05 PM
Thank you guys for posting your progression once again!

Updated my post with your insights, keep it going mates :)

EDIT: Will add Fork - ability as a skill to pick up with Lightning Strike. Thanks!

Surfing through posts I found I didn't post any progression about myself so;

I was playing yesterday for some time & I went to kill Piety being only lvl 34 whereas all party members were +38 lvl, even 42 to secure survivability on the bossfight. 2 Different groups suggestet that I'd go back to farm (I made both parties, first one failed because everyone left) and that I'd die from 1 hit. Well when we got to the action, I was actually tanking up my +40 lvl mates. The lightning bolt didn't do as much damage as I expected + the fire version of piety was laughable. Of course I had 2 different rings equipped, Fire Resistance & Lightning Resistance but everyone does so when going to fight bosses and still tend to die.

I was happy to see this build stands by it words so far :)
I've got balls of steel
Last edited by Freshbrewed#4595 on Feb 4, 2013, 12:06:38 AM
Konried wrote:
Currently level 51 cruel act 2 with a build very similar to the OP.

I found that the best way to deal with packs of monsters is to use Lightning Strike with Fork, Weapon Elemental Damage, and Life gain on hit. I run around with 1.5k hp, and can regen about a third of that with a forked lightning strike into a group of monsters. You gain life for each ls projectile, and then each ls projectile fork.

Once I get a 5L armour I will add another damage % support gem to lightning strike, to increase its potential even further.

I like the build, however, it seems to lack raw damage, and in full parties you will not be anywhere close to the 'primary killer' on hordes of enemies. However, you can be an unkillable tank while progressing, and increase party efficiency a great deal with effective use of enduring cry, leap slam and rejuv totems.

IMPORTANT NOTE ON PROGRESSING WITH THIS BUILD: You must improve your items constantly. Because all of your damage scales off of phys damage, you have to maintain a good item level to match content. I had to stop and farm The Ledge for a couple of hours in order to move through act 1 cruel, and then I farmed Fellshrine in Act 2 to move through act 2. 4 socket helm / armor need to be your first big purchase, and I recommend getting FORK as well. It improves the regen capability of your LS by a huge margin.

Level 34-40 were brutal for me, because I was undergeared and did not have forked Lightning Strike. I went and farmed hardcore for a few hours, bought myself some good armour/weapon and Fork, and then suddenly the build took off.

I was thinkingg of going GMP and chain. Higher possibility of hitting since chain confirms the next leech but fork doesnt. And chain can chain back to the rest of the creeps.
The dex requirement is a pain though.

Have you tried it yet? Any result?
IGN: Aiers.
aiers wrote:
Konried wrote:
Currently level 51 cruel act 2 with a build very similar to the OP.

I found that the best way to deal with packs of monsters is to use Lightning Strike with Fork, Weapon Elemental Damage, and Life gain on hit. I run around with 1.5k hp, and can regen about a third of that with a forked lightning strike into a group of monsters. You gain life for each ls projectile, and then each ls projectile fork.

Once I get a 5L armour I will add another damage % support gem to lightning strike, to increase its potential even further.

I like the build, however, it seems to lack raw damage, and in full parties you will not be anywhere close to the 'primary killer' on hordes of enemies. However, you can be an unkillable tank while progressing, and increase party efficiency a great deal with effective use of enduring cry, leap slam and rejuv totems.

IMPORTANT NOTE ON PROGRESSING WITH THIS BUILD: You must improve your items constantly. Because all of your damage scales off of phys damage, you have to maintain a good item level to match content. I had to stop and farm The Ledge for a couple of hours in order to move through act 1 cruel, and then I farmed Fellshrine in Act 2 to move through act 2. 4 socket helm / armor need to be your first big purchase, and I recommend getting FORK as well. It improves the regen capability of your LS by a huge margin.

Level 34-40 were brutal for me, because I was undergeared and did not have forked Lightning Strike. I went and farmed hardcore for a few hours, bought myself some good armour/weapon and Fork, and then suddenly the build took off.

I was thinkingg of going GMP and chain. Higher possibility of hitting since chain confirms the next leech but fork doesnt. And chain can chain back to the rest of the creeps.
The dex requirement is a pain though.

Have you tried it yet? Any result?

I just tried with a very low level boots.

putting in a lvl 1 chain, lvl 1 LMP, LS and Life on gain.

facing a grp of non-elites i can facetank with full HP always =/

BUT, problem is from LS + Elem + life gain dmg @ 550 dps, drops to 160 dps.

Does anyone knows whether is:

LS > All 5 projectile can bounce 5 times? or only 1 projectile 5times?
IGN: Aiers.
Last edited by aiers#1673 on Feb 4, 2013, 4:17:27 AM
Guide updated. For those who asked stat allocating tips, check the first page please :)
I've got balls of steel
seems a good build will level one up, but am going 2h, so all the points that are in 1h and shield, am thinking putting in armor % and HP...will go to iron reflex since we got the evasion passive and pick up diamond skin on the way..

Any thoughts on this or not worth getting these?... just dont want to be getting crushed all the time with 2h since i havnt got the shield spec lol
It's completely viable. Not using a shield means you stack more into HP nodes & resistances which do not benefit from shield :)
I've got balls of steel
Is anyone around rly high level(70-80), i thinking whether i have to go onehand+shield, or two handed weapons are an option?

and shield block % is working like it will block the full damage, or a portion like 300 or smthing?? Cuz if it is blocking the full amount of damage i fear it is the only option
I'd say use 2h weapon to level up faster but in the endgame all shield buffing nodes will shine.

I myself use 2h pure dps weapon and sometimes ground slam just to level faster. In the end LS+Shield will be alot more worthy than in lower levels.
I've got balls of steel
can you link us your gears? or how to pick gears from level 1-60?

like what weapons/armor/rings/boots/gloves to look for while leveling and what end-game gears should look like.

Thank you!

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