[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]

Pi314 wrote:
VenatorPoE wrote:
I dare ask; isn't your current bow better DPS wise?...

no idea. havent tried it yet.
wanted to post 1st :)

but i suspect new bow = better for boss.
i'm using burning arrow. it does +30% pysical AND adds +30% fire on top of the phy dmg.

i dont understand why use Frenzy over burning arrow for boss?
3 frenzy charges = +15%. burning arrow = +60%

tried new bow. my old bow =435 dps for burning arrow. new bow is only 360 dps for a net loss of -75? WTF?!

new bow: -72cold dmg but +81 dmg phy + fire combined. so new bow should be +9.

How is it -75 dmg?! is it because of the slightly faster attack speed on old bow?

slow bows = not worth it. the attack speed on the bow makes your current bow WAYYY better since its a slow bow to begin with. Add attack speed and its significantly better.

the best bows are grove bow (lvl 35) and thicket bow (lvl 56?). both of those have 1.55 attacks per second BASE.
And of course, as usual, when you have a high amount of percentile increases to a certain statistic, you also want to get a high base statistic, otherwise it just won't be effective. That was a clear example right there, this time in form of the way attack speed multiplies DPS.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
VenatorPoE wrote:
And of course, as usual, when you have a high amount of percentile increases to a certain statistic, you also want to get a high base statistic, otherwise it just won't be effective. That was a clear example right there, this time in form of the way attack speed multiplies DPS.

wow.. never knew the multipliers affected attack speed that much!

was about to buy added chaos dmg to replace added lightning dmg in my boss arrow.
my thinking was that boss/uniques/rares in cruel have high energy shield and/or high elemental resists.

then i remembered i got static blows after catalyse instead of iron reflexes.
i need all the lightning dmg to get static blows to kick in!

hm.. i thought the more lightning dmg, the greater the chance of shock but the wiki doesnt say when shock kicks in?

Last edited by Pi314#5955 on Feb 15, 2013, 9:03:10 PM

which bow is better, the faster bow was the one I was currently using until the slower one dropped.
dempseyroll wrote:

which bow is better, the faster bow was the one I was currently using until the slower one dropped.

Without doing the math, I'd say the second one. Lord knows I wish my bow was anywhere close to that good. :(
I really have to ask how is this build going to work in HC Maps atm ? I would say it is not going to work since you have no crit and focus on only ele dmg you can easily kill yourself or run out of potion charges.
Tought of using high physical bows like:
very high physical thicket bows (150-200 max)
or the "Lioneye's Glare" one and use
recharges by crit potions
and then take resolute technq. out, this could work didn't tryd it tho.
IGN: Arowec
Last edited by Arowec#2262 on Feb 16, 2013, 5:54:20 AM
how does this build compare to http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/116381/page/1 ? Can anyone be so nice as to list the pros/cons to doing each?
mine is just to hardcore to be compared with this pice of shit build. its like double life double armor
@ Shadow:

thanks again for the input, took a look and your EH dps is around 4k, mine is only 2400. Original estimate of 1/2 your damage was pretty close. :)

Played around with chain again, no good, but I managed to get LMP to do about the same damage as my existing config.

I think LMP will be superior once I get my chest upgrade linked and run a GGGRR - LA + WED + BM + FA + LMP. I had to drop FA and the kill speed was still pretty respectable.

My HP is now over 5k, 4k after auras. I started solo mapping again today and put on the 'progression' gear.

Defensive wise, I also have 7200 armor and now regen is at 223/s. Once I can get my upgrade chest piece to have a 5L, armour value should hit around 12k. Resists are capped at 83% due to purity/ele adapt. Chaos is still my weak point at -15%.

My next node is fitness, then I have 10 more 8% life nodes to take directly after this, I should have 7k hp by lvl 90 :)

Curious as to whether you are running maps? if so, solo or group?

@ all

Found a comparable thicket bow to my current one, despite ~30% less base DPS even after adjusting for ASPD, the damage is almost identical. I concur with the other posters who are advising to use the faster bows :)
IGN - Berkobob

Preferred exchange rate = 1 Exalt = 5 GCP = 15 Chaos
Last edited by berkobob#0083 on Feb 16, 2013, 8:54:46 AM

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