[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]

Would it be cool if I posted my gear for some critique? Im doing pretty ok Merciless but I think chaos dmg melts my face

how about this awesome quest reward amulet I got last night?
Xendran wrote:
return33 wrote:
Is Grace + IR really worth it?

No. IR isn't worth it at all in general. I honestly have no clue why this build attempts to use eva or ar, when this build is vastly superior while using ES on top of HP.

You really think so? Isn't evasion chest Armour lighter than pure armor? Grace doesn't reserve percantage so you could combine the two with IR. Just my two cents.

_StoneWall_ wrote:

how about this awesome quest reward amulet I got last night?

IMO all it is missing is +life and/or life regen (if possible to have both on an amulet). Other than that I am fully jealous
Last edited by Gorgatron#2975 on Feb 16, 2013, 3:17:24 PM
what do i use as single target dps if i am running lmp, LS, chain life leech etc as multi target?

i feel like this combination does very weak dmg on single targets
danteafk wrote:
what do i use as single target dps if i am running lmp, LS, chain life leech etc as multi target?

i feel like this combination does very weak dmg on single targets

Ice shot, burning arrow, or elemental hit. I like ice and burning. Burning has a chance to ignite and I use that if a single target has cold resist. Vice versa if they have fire resist. So in short, I like to keep lightning, ice, and burning with me.
Hey, I'm sure this was discussed before but what order do you push skills in but there's just too many pages here. I'm thinking pushing Resolute and Blood Magic, 23 points in. Then heading up picking up damage on the way up to static blows, at 33, and getting static blows at 40.

Or bloodmagic at 23, then beeline static blow at 33, then elemental damage circle at 40. Never played around with static blows in closed so not sure how crucial it is to get to it asap.

causticX wrote:
Hey, I'm sure this was discussed before but what order do you push skills in but there's just too many pages here. I'm thinking pushing Resolute and Blood Magic, 23 points in. Then heading up picking up damage on the way up to static blows, at 33, and getting static blows at 40.

Or bloodmagic at 23, then beeline static blow at 33, then elemental damage circle at 40. Never played around with static blows in closed so not sure how crucial it is to get to it asap.


I'm curious about static blows too. I got resolute technique and blood magic right away and I'm level 42.

edit: upon looking the wiki, it says "The chance to Shock has been removed."

source: http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Lightning_Arrow

So static blows seems like a waste unless there static blows will give that chance to shock back.
Last edited by Gorgatron#2975 on Feb 16, 2013, 4:59:53 PM
As a lvl 66 that has been following this build since the beginning I can vouch that static blows seriously increases your dps by a lot due to the nature of static blows. With that said survival is important is well so I wouldn't say its an immediate rush
Putting survival aside, would I gain more dps from getting +50% elemental damage or static blows? I kinda feel like 50% damage incrase for both my single and aoe attack would benefit me more, but I have been out of the loop for a while so maybe static blows does outweigh getting 50% elemental before heading up the tree.

I think the initial life nodes and resists from starting marauder and getting Resolute techniques resists should last me the first 2 difficulties. And by the time I hit cruel act 3 or merciless i'll be able to pick up more health and resists after beelining for my key skills, on my way over to the dex tree.
any chance u link or guide in what to look for in gear? and around what lvl u should have what and or dps?1-20,20,30,40,50 like that?
n also im to look for elemtnal damage bow n gear?

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