[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]

have you thought of using Inner Force? it gives 30% more effectiveness of buffs on you.
Breach : MLXFL
william2433 wrote:
have you thought of using Inner Force? it gives 30% more effectiveness of buffs on you.

Sucks on this build due to only running 2-3 auras.
Quick response to berkobob's comments:

As far as the dex nodes near perfect aim--> look for my response a couple pages back, I think I am getting better numbers going into the duelist starting area over the ranger starting area anyway, feel free to adjust as you like :p Does look like you are right though, assuming you can get enough dex that you don't need the nodes to use a good bow.

For the suggestions near the Templar area--> Your alternative path is perfectly viable, and I have thought about switching to it before (or at least spending two nodes to get amplify), but Currently I find it pretty good the way it is for a couple reasons:

1) Wrath really does add a significant amount to your DPS, I am to the point where I have everything in that area of the tree and am working towards the duelist/attack speed area of the tree. I have 1 piece of equipment that boosts int (necklace is onyx and also has +13 int). My wrath is level 16 and I need my necklace to use it and/or go any higher. Wrath per level damage increases at higher levels. You probably see where this is going by now, but losing 40int would really hurt

2) If I had to pick which I was weaker at, Single target or AoE, it would be single target (not that I am remotely weak at either). As such, I would probably count the 4% AoE size nodes as basically dead nodes. So in the end, I would rather have the 10% which boosts my single target, then more overkill on my AoE.

Either way, it really is a preference thing, but keep in mind Point 1 is a much bigger deal than point2.

For Linking LA
1) Never use Chain and Fork at the same time (it sounded like you might have been trying that?). They Fork before they Chain, and fork will just send all your shit into space/wall so that it never chains.

2) LoH and/or Leech: Currently I use LoH, as mentioned, lmp+chain can in theory hit 36 times. with LoH for 38 thats 1368 hp per shot, 2 times a second (hough you wont really get all 36 hits, and even if you do on the first shot, stuff will die and you wont sustain at that, but point still stands its a ton of hp). I do use it to face tank on occasion, just not things like Krole.

3)I will admit I have been thinking of Dropping LoH and adding Faster attacks (LA+LMP+FA+WE+Chain) and might try it tonight, but keep in mind I have about 2.3k HP after auras, LA will cost about 100hp/shot, with FA I will probably be close to 3/second. I can probably kill enough to keep a constant potion up to cancel that, but my base regen is only 116/sec, and I do get hit every now and then as well :p

4) Faster projectiles seems like a waste, damage boost is minor, and LA is plenty fast. Added fire is probably a waste depending on your bow. I am elemental focused to the point my physical damage is crap, so added lighting (fixed amount) would easily beat out fire's % of my physical damage. I would have to do math on FA vs Light Pen since -res is an outside multiplier, probably will come down to how much of what elements you get from other equip (almost all my non-bow equip has 4-50ish Light damage, so I am VERY light heavy in my damage breakdown, but if you had a bunch of 20-30 fire/cold adds instead it would turn out different).

5)You might have a desync, I have no problem hitting things with LA, but I think my ping is general around 40-80.. I can check tonight when I get home. Keep in mind the "forked" arrows aren't aimed (fixed path) so they really will just go off in random directions, and LMP's spread can be controlled with cursor distance, but I am guessing you are having problems with arrows going through the target, or hitting the target and not doing any damage, and that is desync. Its always fun to see a guy standing there with 20+ EH arrows stuck in him and full HP cause he isnt really there.

And that was way more indepth/time than I wanted to spend, so I am away now :p
Hi ShadowyDream;

Thanks for the detailed response! :)

Fine with the reasons for no changes, makes sense.

I have RRRGG links for my LA, so I tried chain, fork and LMP by themselves, dropping faster attacks in each case. I understand how fork works due to trying it with LS for a bit, got decent at aiming the branch offs, so I tend to agree it could be desync or latency causing the issues. A LOT of times I see my LA pierce a target (via proj. weakness), the target behind stays on full HP with arrows sticking out, it is pretty funny.

Re: leech/LOH, I think it's just a gear difference, I have just under 2 APS, lose ~75 life per shot, and regen ~170/s (3900 base hp, 2900 after auras). I am also currently testing 4x 15% life recovery from flask passives. So you probably notice the HP burn a lot more than me.

Again I think most packs are small enough, eg 4 monsters or less, that LA without any projectile modifiers works fine, as it hits all the targets.

My bow is only 1.2 APS, but it has two very good physical rolls and a decent lightning dmg roll. I would need at least a strong dual-elemental thicket with good rolls to test the difference ASPD and base ele dmg make.

I suspect my damage is about half yours, my gear and passives are focused more on defense as I used to be a melee marauder. I am slowly adding in damage as I go.

I also build tankier to try to compensate somewhat for any extra hits, although I think this game is pretty good at letting me not take hits I 'avoided' on screen.

Very late. Bedtime.
IGN - Berkobob

Preferred exchange rate = 1 Exalt = 5 GCP = 15 Chaos
VenatorPoE wrote:
The amount of smart people involved in this thread really makes me happy.

Respect to you, guys!

On topic, I will just repeat myself and be boring: this whole build is meant to be a template to help people interested in Bow Maras customize their own builds the best way suited to them.

Except when people waste points on stuff like Iron Grip. I just can't support that... Haha
hi would like to know after getting resolute tehnique do you head up or go down to blood magi??
Sicarion wrote:
VenatorPoE wrote:
The amount of smart people involved in this thread really makes me happy.

Respect to you, guys!

On topic, I will just repeat myself and be boring: this whole build is meant to be a template to help people interested in Bow Maras customize their own builds the best way suited to them.

Except when people waste points on stuff like Iron Grip. I just can't support that... Haha
hi would like to know after getting resolute tehnique do you head up or go down to blood magi??

I'm currently lvl 27 and I went down to Blood Magic first. I think it's a better direction to go to first because, at that point, you have enough life to be able to support a 3 link setup for Split Arrow, Weapon Elemental Damage, and Life On Hit and you basically don't have to worry about any mana issues again.
I think as far as some of the order stuff goes you really need to just play and feel out what you need.

I mean, we have directions on going melee until late, but I was on a bow as soon as I got my first decent Light quiver, which I want to say has a level 11 min level? you can use a short bow for a LONG ASS time if it has some elemental rolls and you stack tons of elemental on rings, 1.55 AS makes that much of a difference if you have tons of off weapon damage.

For example my bow progression was as follows (notice the huge level gaps... I am pretty sure I also didn't get the level 35 bow until closer to 40)

And I pretty much used this quiver form 24-74ish before upgrading to the second one:

As far as skills go, I didn't get RT or BM until Merc I think. I didn't pick up RT until my chance dropped to 80%, which was probably a little late. I didn't pick up BM until I had my first four link so I could do LA+LMP+WE+LoH because, I just carried two mana potions with me and alternated chugging 1 every other fight lol. Basically I didn't mind having to chug a mana potion every fight, because if I mess that up I can just run back and its fine, but I didn't want to need to chug an HP pot ever fight, cause you mess that up and you die, so I waited until my main attack didn't cause HP loss. Totally a preference thing.

Now of course, I should note, I did mention I will try swapping out LoH for Light Pen or FA and see how that goes, which very well might result in constant potting again, so maybe I can live with that :p

Hopefully my HP should catch up to berkobob's pretty quick. My next level has to go into a dex node (I technically can't use my "upgraded" quiver yet because i am 5 dex short of my bow without it :( ), but after that the next "cluster" on my list is the thick skin cluster (should be another 4-500 HP)

Now someone donate me a bunch of currency so I can re-roll this until its an upgrade, because then I should have enough extra slots to see if I can set up something hillarious with a Ranged Attack Totem :p

I got close once, had better elemental damage than my current one, but had no IAS so it was wound up being worse :/
Pi314 wrote:
How do you effectively use blood rage?
you take 4% chaos dmg per sec.

and if i use blood rage, i should switch my boss arrow from burning arrow to Frenzy?

When you use Blood Rage, you will usually outregenerate the 4% chaos dmg per sec. If you do not, just pop a potion and don't worry. The only time where you should not use Blood Rage is on reflect packs or other dangerous situations, but for some standard play you can keep it on all the time. Generally to effectively use Blood Rage you have to be really quick, move around fast and kill mobs fast. It promotes the ninja playstyle.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
VenatorPoE wrote:
Pi314 wrote:
How do you effectively use blood rage?
you take 4% chaos dmg per sec.

and if i use blood rage, i should switch my boss arrow from burning arrow to Frenzy?

When you use Blood Rage, you will usually outregenerate the 4% chaos dmg per sec. If you do not, just pop a potion and don't worry. The only time where you should not use Blood Rage is on reflect packs or other dangerous situations, but for some standard play you can keep it on all the time. Generally to effectively use Blood Rage you have to be really quick, move around fast and kill mobs fast. It promotes the ninja playstyle.

ahh.. thx.

blood rage doesnt sound like its for me. i take my time going from room to room.
thus doesnt sound like frenzy is my style either.

On another note, has anyone tried spell totem/conversion trap to use converted enemy monsters as meat shields instead of summon skeletons?
Last edited by Pi314#5955 on Feb 15, 2013, 5:07:03 PM
ShadowyDream wrote:
3) This one is mostly just pure curiosity... if I have a black gleam with "50% physical converted to fire" and use LA, which converts 50% to LA, do I no longer do any physical damage, or is there some sort of order of operations where 50% goes to one element, then it splits again and I get 25% of the other and 25% physical, or what? I can think of tons of ways it could go about that kind of double split lol.

So, testing out this idea, apparently it's 50% lightning and 50% fire with 0 physical damage interestingly enough.

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