[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
how good is this build compared to an elemental bow ranger? I'm just checking before i continue on with my ranger. Pros and cons?
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" I have not tried it; but from my limited experience I will say I like the idea more with some other, more physical oriented builds, especially two handed weapon ones. Double dipping has proven less effective in my (limited, repeating myself) experience. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" This question is being asked too many times so I will add the explanation in the OP. Basically if you desire to do so, you may build an identical build starting at Ranger starting point, and it will work exactly the same at later stages. The only difference is the early game, so whatever you prefer more, go for it. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" I have looked into this kind of build before as well, but I have never really gotten a clear answer on a couple of mechanical things... 1) So when Black gleam or LA turns (for simplicity) half your physical damage into X elemental, does it apply your physical damage modifiers, then convert, then apply elemental/projectiles and effectively turn those modifiers into "More" instead of "increase" where they act as a multiplier, or does it simply split the base damage in half right at the start, and the half that is elemental simply has the physical multipliers (mostly IG) added in the summation of multipliers term? 2) I assume the game is smart enough that depending on the answer to question 1, I might end up with some fire/lightning damage that gets physical multipliers and some fire/lightning damage that doesnt, and it doesnt do something glitchy like cause blackgleam to make all my fire damage affected by physical? I am pretty sure it is smart enough because otherwise LA would get an effect from IG even on our style of build. 3) This one is mostly just pure curiosity... if I have a black gleam with "50% physical converted to fire" and use LA, which converts 50% to LA, do I no longer do any physical damage, or is there some sort of order of operations where 50% goes to one element, then it splits again and I get 25% of the other and 25% physical, or what? I can think of tons of ways it could go about that kind of double split lol. |
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Pretty much all of the answers to your questions can be found in Game Mechanics and Skill Feedback threads (by GGG devs)... I've read through all of it before, and I will do my best to search for the links and post them here. Seems like a much better option than giving my skewed explanations which might lead to unnecessary discussions.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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You don't need to dig them up if they are in there, I have gone through it quickly before, but since I only really started following mechanics when it go to open beta it was a lot to dig through, and I wasn't sure if these were getting edge case enough to not really be in there :p.
But If you think they are I can dig them up myself |
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This build was awesome hardcore, until you randomly find a giant group of reflects and die before you realize it
Such a fun build tho would definitely reccommend Just watch out for reflect mobs on hardcore jesus, if your putting out alot of dps, your health drops fast >>> IGN - TrolldAllDay Scammers - @IamSuchAFatty - scammed 1 onslaught exalt for 2 hardcore <<< Last edited by twapper#0511 on Feb 14, 2013, 9:24:28 PM
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Normally reflect mobs/bosses are fine, just have to keep healing up and attacking a few times, however if you're facing a tougher elemental reflect mob with say hp regen, what other skill (if any) should you use to kill it?
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" frenzy works fine, I could heal/leech through the reflect damage off of 1 mob >>>
IGN - TrolldAllDay Scammers - @IamSuchAFatty - scammed 1 onslaught exalt for 2 hardcore <<< |
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" Isn't the whole point of the build to counter such situations by giving the player plenty of time to see whats going on and react accordingly? I can't help it but guess you itemized more towards DPS than HP/resists; because you aren't supposed to melt down on reflect packs. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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