[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
I just remembered why Quill rain doesnt work, and I feel like an idiot since I already knew the answer form discussion explosive arrow builds. Its 50% less weapon damage is a universal mod not a local mod, the only reason it works with Explosive is because that isnt weapon damage.
Also, I am now 71, I only have about 2.3k and capped resists (aside from chaos, will be 80% instead of 75% whenever i get around to taking that node), and I hae only died 1 time in the post game so far (turned a dark corner into a pack with fast move/attack and vulnerability curse on hit). I do have a lot of +hp from my passive tree (around 160% I think), so it must just be i dont have much on gear? [edit 2.3k after auras] Last edited by ShadowyDream#4629 on Feb 14, 2013, 8:57:51 AM
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Chane to flee sucks ....
I will use life on hit but .... my second loh gem is lvl 54, so i tried chance to flee because i dont like open sockets :) I will change the gem and the colors of the bow on lvl 54. But for now i cant afford buying anything - i need to save curency for chain .... Last edited by return33#2156 on Feb 14, 2013, 8:37:00 AM
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good build an so gonna try it out but one question can you post a 20lvl passive skill tree gap so for example lvl 20 lvl 40 lvl 60 lvl 80 skill trees so we know whr to go thx:)
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I guess I am just curious since we seem to have multiple people in this thread who are in the post game now...
I know my damage is high enough I am happy with it, but I almost strictly play solo, so I have no idea how I really compare to others, so does anyone else want to share their numbers for a comparison? With Auras I am at about 3.75k LISTED for Elemental hit (when I manually calc out the benefit of EH I get it at around 5.9k) and my 5link LA is right about 1.1k On Another note... Aside from the elemental adaption, I am to the point where I need to decide if I am going into the ranger starting area or the duelist starting area. From the last build I really saw discussed, I think people were leaning towards the ranger area, but when I threw something together I think the duelist area might be better, so I was wondering if someone could review the builds below. I realize the best answer might really be the duelist area build, but cut 5 nodes by not getting the cluster of 3% Attack speed nodes and finess to instead grab some combination of health nodes from the duelist starting area/might and the 3 8% life nodes on the way to duelist/ and armor master or celerity. Part of me is also tempted to drop something and get the steel skin cluster by unwavering and or the armor nodes by mara start, but everything i read makes it sound like at my current levels of armor I might as well get more health instead. I also feel like the duelist build might have more viable directions to expand should we get more passive points when more acts are added as it has the health by finess, the health behind the might node, and the health/regen in the duelist starting area all adjacent without spending more points on +10 stat nodes Current build
Duelist Area Build (30% projectile/27% attack speed from duelist area/42% health from path to duelist)
Ranger Build (31% projectile damage/25% attack speed from ranger area/40% increased health)
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This build is so powerful that it's getting kinda boring.
I'm using kinda outdated gear on my level 55 bow marauder and I still kick butt. I'm still a new player in PoE. I always had troubles starting from normal act 3 on my previous 2 characters. With this character however, THE ONLY time I partyd in these 55 levels, was on merciless act 1 quest to find the medicine chest and that was due to my low cold resist. All bosses go down before they even know what hit them. |
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" I'd say that's pretty damn good. While I'm no where close to end game stuff (only lvl 25 atm), I've seen people talk about 5k dps being plenty for end game so I don't see that being much of an issue for you personally though I could be wrong. " Personally, if I was adding onto your current build, I would go with this: My reasoning: 1. More life is always better than more armor. 2. You can't sneeze at 36% more projectile damage and 42% more life. 3. Unless you have a BUNCH of lightning mods on your weapon, the 30% lightning weapon node isn't going to add much to the final amount if I'm understanding the way the mods are added (though, again, I could be wrong on that). |
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Yeah, I am definitely not working towards arcing blow, unless there is some amazing path along the way that I am just not seeing :p
I'll take a look at comparing the numbers from your proposal to mine when I have a chance (and before i spend any of my banked passives), but at first glance it does look like it has alot more +10 dex/int nodes than either of the builds I was looking at. I'll try to find time to compare projectile damage/added life/attack speed with my proposed builds over lunch. |
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What kind of gear do you need for this build? like, what affix's on each item
Breach : MLXFL
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Ok did a quick comparison with morsdraconis's build compared to the ranger and duelist options i did before:
My ranger extension build: +31 projectile +40% health +25% speed My duelist extension build: +30 projectile +42 health +27% speed morsdraconis's Ranger/shadow extension +55(!) projectile damage +48% heatlh +12% attack speed I will make a minor adjustment to morsdraconis's build, lowering the health from 48 to 40, because he(she?) didn't go back and add the point to elemental adaption, and I think that is worth it. I would also consider trading one of the 3x8% health clusters for the 2x8% and finesse node tendril, lowering another 8% health, but that is kind of optional. Its definitely a viable alternative, with a basically identical amount of health (not gonna quibble too much between 40% and 42% when we are approaching +200% overall), so we basically need to decide between a whopping 25% extra projectile damage vs an extra 15% attack speed. Now my gut tells me the attack speed is actually better (bigger % increase in the attack speed multiplier than the damage multiplier), but I am totally up for being convinced one way or another. My logic is as far as attack damage multipliers go, I already have 41% elemental, 80% elemental on weapon, 30% (min) from which ever path I chose, and about 80% from Weapon Elemental Support gems in my attacks=+231% (operating at 331% with base damage included). This means the extra 25% projectile damage with morsdraconis's build is about a 10% increase in the damage multplier. With my current bow's base speed of 1.72 attacks per second, and a 15% IAS bonus from berserking, I would get 1.72*(1.42)=2.44 attacks per second with LA on my duelist build, vs 1.72*(1.27)=2.18 attacks per second with morsdraconis's build. Duelist build: 3.31*2.44=8.076-->bigger total multipliers morsdraconis's Build: 3.56*2.18=7.76 If we look at it with elemental hit, which also gets approx 40% IAS due to a faster attack gem Duelist: 3.31*2.84=9.4 morsdraconis's:3.56*2.58=9.2 |
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" I'm a dude. ;) Interesting to see the hard numbers. Somehow I messed up my addition of the additional projectile damage I added, good catch though. Also, I stupidly put a point on the end of the Shock section for 15% increased shock duration, which is a complete waste so you can definitely just apply that to the +5% max elemental. Faster attack definitely makes a bigger difference at higher levels that I originally considered. Interesting. |
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