[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]

NiceBoat wrote:
Does global Elemental Damage give any bigger boost than Elemental Damage with weapon in this build or are they the same for our purpose? I have been thinking about doing the following for my hardcore build.


It would remove 31% Elemental Damage and some intelligence but it would add 28% increased Armor and 34% increased maximum Life for the same amount of skill points giving better survivability.

They will boost your damage the same.

Your modification of the build is good, yes. Remember that all there is in HC is to avoid death, so taking survivability is nearly always the best option. You can usually get enough damage on items, especially coupled with a few strong damage nodes on the tree.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
VenatorPoE wrote:
Rush RT, rush BM, rush US, rush IR (picking up the HP ring on the way), then move north above RT. I play melee for the start of the game; then switch to bow whenever I get good ED items. Rushing Blood Magic is perfect paired with Life Gain on Hit, whichever skill you are using.

On a side note - tested Blood Rage - works like a charm - going to keep using it a lot.

wait.. you kept going south after BM? so keep on adding life/defense?

by the time you rush US + IR, you're at 38 skill points.
add all the smaller userful nodes between US and IR, you're at 44 points.

By the time you reach Catalyse up north, you're at 52 points, which means your char is around Lvl45.

so you dont need offensive nodes (except berserking near US node) till then???
Just rely on gems?

hm.. After IR (and berserking), you can go east to the ele dmg nodes there.
When You reach the 1st ele dmg node, it's 43points.
After filling out the ele nodes then the useful nodes between US and IR, go north.

When you reach fitness, you're at 51 points.
Now what? Keep going north for Static blows (58 points)? or head for catalyse (56points)?
Last edited by Pi314#5955 on Feb 2, 2013, 8:06:58 PM
Is having +fire and +cold damage on our bow/gear a must? Or only +lightning damage is must? Cause our main attack is LA which does lightning damage.
Counter question - which one of the support gems do you switch for Blood Magic?

I am thinking the life leech gem. I would have to run the numbers, but this build has 4.4% hp regen/sec. With gear regen and LL/life on hit/kill on belt/gloves/weap/jewelry spamming LS shouldnt really cost you that much, if any, HP. Should you still be losing hp when spamming you should have room for at least 3 (with room for granite/quicksilver) HP flasks. Another possibility is linking life leech on a split arrow/solo attack hit, so if running low you just shoot out 2-3 of these and you should be good to continue.

I am only lvl 49 right now and have shitty gear so I can't confirm this theory muself yet though.

Of course this gives up survivability if being hammerd on by creeps. But I mean, this is a ranged build, you're not really supposed to take that many hits. And most of the game is done in group where someone else in melee will take the aggro anyway.

EDIT: This is a late game solution though, where good gear, and high lvl (for all the hp/hp regen nodes) is used to counteract the hp loss from spamming attacks, I am sceptical this would work pre -70's.
Last edited by vtspoe#6947 on Feb 3, 2013, 2:28:57 AM

I've been following your guide. I'm at the point where I have all the skill gems and ready to jump over to the bow. But I have a problem.

Where do you find the elemental damage gear? So far only scepters have that mod.
How are you finding this gear? Do I need to ID every blue item and thats how you find it? Thanks.
DirtyLary wrote:

I've been following your guide. I'm at the point where I have all the skill gems and ready to jump over to the bow. But I have a problem.

Where do you find the elemental damage gear? So far only scepters have that mod.
How are you finding this gear? Do I need to ID every blue item and thats how you find it? Thanks.

Trade chat and RNG (I don't really ID blues; only yellows)...
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
I have just redone my marauder from leap slam build to this build and so much more fun even though i have a hard time killing stuff but i love archer classes :D

i have been trying to get good items but i don't know how to get anything this is the first time i play these types of games if you don't count diablo 2 when it just got out and i was 8-10 years old.

Is there some places that are good to farm or just pick a map around your level and keep doing it over and over?

Is it better to farm in a group or alone?

I would love some tips on how i can get more damage unless you think this is decent damage.

Split arrow 198 dps
Frenzy ~219 dps


where i am in the build so far
Build so far
im going for the health nodes now then im off to get IR
Can someone tell if this build is viable in higher difficulty?
I was trying to figure out if Elemental Weakness or Conductivity might be better curses to use than Projectile weakness, so I had a couple mechanics questions That I figured I might see if anyone here knew the answer to (sorry if these have been answered already, kinda hard to dig through 20 pages).

1) Are we sure the AoE portion of LA still counts as a projectile and that its not only the actual arrow that gets boosted? Wiki says it hits them for the same damage as the main arrow, so I guess as long as that is multiplied it still gets counted

2) Am I correct in thinking vs a target with elemental resist (say 50% res all), assuming the physical portion of my damage is negligible, Elemental weakness would be better? Assuming a 25% increase from projectile, and a -25% from elemental curse (even though it actually starts at 30%...), and a 100 damage attack

With projectile weakness it would be 100*0.5 (for resists)*1.25 (25% increase for projectile weakness)=62.5 damage

With elemental weakness it would be 100*(0.5-0.25)=75 damage

Or am I doing that wrong?

And of course, conductivity also boosts your shock chance...
Nailroth wrote:
Is there some places that are good to farm or just pick a map around your level and keep doing it over and over?

Is it better to farm in a group or alone?

Yes there are places which are better to farm than others. Act 1 - The Ledge, The Coves. Act 2 - Western Forest, Fellshrine Ruins. Act 3 - The City of Sarn, The Docks. The key usually lies in which type of mob and what kind of a map it is. For example, The Ledge has slow skeleton mobs and is formed as a straight forward line, so you can go from one side to the other, reset instance and go backwards, rinse and repeat.

rogerkitkit wrote:
Can someone tell if this build is viable in higher difficulty?


ShadowyDream wrote:
I was trying to figure out if Elemental Weakness or Conductivity might be better curses to use than Projectile weakness (...)

The best thing to do is to have all the curses that will ease your game available. I suggest Elemental Weakness, Temporal Chains, Conductivity and Warlords Mark, but you feel free to either switch one of those up for Projectile Weakness or add it on another item to have them all. They are all useful the most in specific situations...
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.

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