[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]

VenatorPoE wrote:
Pi314 wrote:
neither chaos resist or US is necessary.
i was 1500hp after auras and -60% chaos doing merciless act3. only died to piety and vaal.
as a archer, u dont need US.

This is only true for Default and if you want to have your death count have more than one digit. Both Chaos Resist and US are really good at later levels in maps.

I had troubles with 66/67 maps then I picked us and here I am doing maps up to 70 lvl with the same crappy gear. 69-70 lvl rhoas can still 2-3shot me if I am not careful but at least I don't desync due to their charge. (same goes for act 3 guards)
IGN: Kebehsenuf
Last edited by ShadowWalker07#0104 on Mar 31, 2013, 6:33:47 PM
VenatorPoE wrote:
That doesn't make sense. You are trading evasion for armour, in order to mitigate the majority of the small hits you get hit by, and when it comes to really hard hits, nothing would help with those anyway, those you have to avoid (talking about things which rank high like Vaal Oversoul bash). And the rest of the damage (which is not physical) is mitigated by elemental resistances and chaos resistance. I don't seem to understand what you are saying.

Did some research besides pathwiki and apparently Chaos bypasses Armour as well as ES. Nevermind.
hey guys,im level 51 i just completed cruel and tried to do act1 merciless. due to the resistances penalty ive got 77 fire res -5 cold 30 lighting -60 chaos (i obviously gotta work on these) 1820 hp, 71.6 life per second and 3000ish armor after grace. 1500 dps with frenzy and 800 dps with LA after charges. this is my gear:


what do you think i should change first? am i doing something horribly wrong? thanks in advance

this is my passive tree:

edit: ive got 2.36 ats unbuffed shall i go higher? i feel its kinda good for now. if somebody has a decent bow that i could buy i'd appreciate a pm or add me IGN: tiziano_crudeli i cant seem to find anything off trade chat or even here on the forum. sorry for the off topic
Last edited by robistreetsking#4731 on Apr 1, 2013, 3:51:10 AM
Pick diamond skin close to iron reflexes (can be temporary, although I still have it at 77)
Your hp is really low as well but that will change once you go into templar area.

Myself I went for templar area first then Iron reflexes but in the end it will be the same build.

I suggest you farm merciless ledge up to 60 lvl, then docks up to 70-73.
IGN: Kebehsenuf
VenatorPoE wrote:
I'm not wrong. I was asked what are the benefits, and I answered the question. It is true that BM passive will provide higher DPS, but this is the trade you might want to do to get tankier. No mana is needed, because as you said every active skill runs on a BM gem. Your DPS is not going to benefit at all from having these new auras, however your survivability is going to be way higher. And when it comes to DPS, you can still get plenty of that regardless of the sacrifice to get the auras.

A long way down the road - yes. Absolutely. Nobody said it's easy...

Is the blood magic gem route the better end game build?

Perhaps throw in koams heart as well for ridiculous tankiness.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
ShadowWalker07 wrote:
Pick diamond skin close to iron reflexes (can be temporary, although I still have it at 77)
Your hp is really low as well but that will change once you go into templar area.

Myself I went for templar area first then Iron reflexes but in the end it will be the same build.

I suggest you farm merciless ledge up to 60 lvl, then docks up to 70-73.

thank you and thanks to the op as well for this enjoyable build
Just posting an update on my maurauder (lvl 54 Hardcore act III cruel).

I took the BM and mostly all HP keystones.

2347 HP,
75% resist (chaos -20%),
LA on 5L,
Frenzy still on 2L but working on it,
grace, wrath and anger auras,
spell totem, summon skeletons, minion life and faster casting on a 4L,
Bandits, Normal=skill point, Cruel= 6% attack speed, (will take a skill point in merciless if i live long enough).

First of all, the guide is really great, i just added skeletons to tank mobs/bosses and it works really well.
From the view of our skill tree, I guess it s way better to take a skill point, 6% attack speed and 1 frenzy charge (or a skill point). It takes atleast 2 skill points to get a frenzy charge and alot more for attack speed, taking 40 hp is pretty useless, our tree have tons of HP (% and flat) keystones. The extra skill point can be use for more flexibility (+15% all resist, +30 intellect node or even some dexterity).
Last edited by forlane#1031 on Apr 2, 2013, 9:11:39 PM

I'm fortunate to have a 5 link for my frenzy - and I chose the non-blood magic route. Right now I have

frenzy-faster attacks-weapon ele dmg-life leach-added cold damage

My question is added cold damage the best "green" support gem for added dps? Should I instead use cold penetration?

Thanks a lot to whoever can answer my question!
Mephixara // Lvl 91 Phys Tornado Ranger
Tynux // Lvl 86 DW Ground Slam Marauder
Ripheuxa // Lvl 90 KB Wander

forlane wrote:
taking 40 hp is pretty useless, our tree have tons of HP (% and flat) keystones. The extra skill point can be use for more flexibility (+15% all resist, +30 intellect node or even some dexterity).


There is no single point in the ENTIRE build that beats out that 40 HP. You know how much more people pay for 40 freaking HP in items? A ton.

You know what single skill point, after getting the essentials, will get you that's better than 40 HP on the entire skill tree? Absolutely nothing. That 15% all res? 30 Int? Some dex? All cheap. Really dirt cheap. Stupidly dirt cheap on gear. That 40 HP, on the other hand? Nearly priceless on decent gear.
IGN: Troheim

Item Shop: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/368180
jtrand wrote:

I'm fortunate to have a 5 link for my frenzy - and I chose the non-blood magic route. Right now I have

frenzy-faster attacks-weapon ele dmg-life leach-added cold damage

My question is added cold damage the best "green" support gem for added dps? Should I instead use cold penetration?

Thanks a lot to whoever can answer my question!

Well, fortunate but it's not like it does anything really useful for you. There is really no need to have 5L for single target, unless you are using a BM support gem in it. Anyway, you might want to look into Culling Strike.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.

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