[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
i'm new and i want to thank u for this great build. I currently using LA with WED + LGoH + FA + Lighting penetration. I have 1 question about lighting penetration, i hit 1 target with LA, and three other target's was hited by lightning (additional enemy ;)), these additional targets lose (penetrate) their lighting resistance? Another question: for what purpose is Amplify? Is increasing radius for additional targets with LA? Sorry for my bad language, i still learning :) IGN: Nergeles Last edited by Nergel#3658 on Mar 18, 2013, 6:48:23 AM
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" I would say EW > PW in party play. Noone really plays physical bowman, and EW will also help any spellcaster in the group, and most melees also use Added Fire, Hatred, or a skill which transforms most of their damage into elemental (Lightning Strike). " I like Temporal Chains more because the monsters get slowed down a lot which allows me to shoot them down before they reach me, or if they get to reach me, I can simply run out of range and kite them around. Enfeeble lets them hit me, but with lower damage. So after all I find TChains better. " Since you apparently have a 5L, switch to using LA LMP WED LGoH Chain/FA. LMP > LPene. The additional targets also get penetrated, yep. Amplify indeed increases the radius for additional targets, but I'm going to change that as it is not all too useful. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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Suggestions for SC endgame trees changed. Two points taken from Amplify and put into 10% Elemental.
Suggestion for a HC endgame tree changed. Four points taken from 30 STR and 3x 8% HP above Iron Reflexes, three points invested in 10 str and 2x 12% HP above Blood Magic, and one point in additional 3% attack speed above Iron Reflexes. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid. Last edited by VenatorPoE#1855 on Mar 18, 2013, 7:19:38 AM
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what would be better dps wise- LA+wed+loh+lmp+ fa or chain? i managed to grab 5l chest and wondering what to put there
im running sc with frenzy as single and EH on range totem IGN: Tamenath/Zawish/Mevev/Moldorn/Hayna
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Did you ever try pierce out venator?
While chain increases the dps a lot, it only increases it against 4 targets. A single shot of LA with your current setup will hit 36 targets, and against 4 targets, that dps is at maximum efficiency. Anything above 4 enemies, and those hits are spread out, the more enemies, the less damage each individual takes. Gathering huge pulls with chain isnt that beneficial therefore (i am talking about 20-30 enemies at once), while pierce becomes more and more efficient the more enemies you pull together. There is a treshold at which point pierce should surpass chains efficiency. Back when i had my LA ranger in closed beta, chain was not in the gaem yet, so i wasn´t able to test out which is better for very large pack of mobs, but i imagine pierce (with projectile weakness for 100% pierce) should fare rather well in huge enemy encounters. Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Mar 18, 2013, 8:51:42 AM
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Thank u for response. I will test LMP today :)
"What about 1vs1? Poison arrow with FA + WED + LGoH is good choice? btw. i don't like frenzy and i can't get elemental hit :/ IGN: Nergeles Last edited by Nergel#3658 on Mar 18, 2013, 9:12:47 AM
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" Tooltip DPS wise, FA. Actual DPS wise, Chain. " Poison arrow is garbage, really. If you don't like Frenzy, and don't have EH, the best options would be Burning Arrow or Ice Shot. Link with with FA, WED and Life Leech - not LGoH. " The key to my choice lies within the number of hits. I *want* to have my damage spread out over as many hits as possible. At really high end gear, I would switch to GMP to further augment this idea. If you deal 50.000 damage in 50 hits, or 50.000 damage in 100 hits, and you can achieve the same time frame for both, the latter will be way more powerful. So, to further elaborate - yes, I've tried it out. It is a good idea if you have bad gear, and are looking for a "simple damage increase mechanic", so to speak. I myself didn't use Chain until my gear became better. However, this setup very quickly becomes overwhelming in the comparison of damage VS sustain, and you die in reflect maps or reflect packs. It also has to be noted that while Chain puts up a 50% tooltip DPS reduction, it actually ends up giving a 50% DPS increase in the actual output, while providing a three times larger amount of hits. (instead of 100% hits at 100% damage, you deal 300% hits at 50% damage, so you deal 150% final damage) And another thing to point out, dealing more hits in the same time frame not only augments Life Gain on Hit, but also Static Blows - your Shock stacks are piled up faster and sooner provide maximum damage increase. What this comes down to in the end is that there is a sweet spot at which you have enough damage to deal with any pack of mobs, so it is more efficient to increase the utility than further increase damage, and Chain wins the battle at that front. EDIT: it is the Shock that still puts you in danger even when using Chain - since the targets take 120% higher damage, you basically get damaged for 120% more reflect damage... If you translated this to Pierce effect, you would be able to one-two shot yourself. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid. Last edited by VenatorPoE#1855 on Mar 18, 2013, 9:44:39 AM
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I got some resume question since i'm not english and i don't want to read 118 pages >_<.
So: Why don't you go for iron grip ? My friend said i should go for vaal pact since i'm a marauder. And is it important to have fork to level up ? Thanks if you can answer :). |
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Because Iron Grip takes you out of the build path, therefore costing several additional points, and adding negligible DPS to your attacks.
Your friend doesn't understand the mechanic of Vaal Pact, obviously. That is purely bad advice on builds like this one. *DO NOT* go for Vaal Pact, because it will completely screw up your character. Fork is not important at all for this build, you might as well sell it or save it in Stash. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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well... my current LA tooltip says (unbuffed in town) 1968dps at 0,35sec and 67 hp cost -> thats with lmp+fa+wed+lgoh [with 5 frenzy stacks and auras its 3052 at 0,31sec]
i dont rly have or want to spend 3-6 gcp to test, so im asking here - wheres the point where i should switch to gmp? what is the most efficient combo with 5 sockets? gmp+chain? lmp+chain? gmp+fa? lmp+fa? or mby gmp/lmp+added lightning? downside from gmp - mana cost (hp actually) - isnt so bad if i look right, 67 mana atm and would be like 86-90 after gmp, i think i could handle that, is there any other downside of gmp? fa is straight dps boost always,2 mobs or 20 always the same - thats good chain.... it only nets a dps upgrade when you hit more than...? how many? from what i noticed packs with huge numbers (10-15+) are pretty rare, most of rooms in closed dungs have like 10 max and often they are wide spread, in open areas pretty much same situation - thats why im not 100% sure about chains thx for your help IGN: Tamenath/Zawish/Mevev/Moldorn/Hayna
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