[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
Just gonna throw something in here (since you also helped me out in my thread), i think they changed how LA works (regarding multiple hits after chain).
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/70479 As far as i know, LA can only hit 3 additional targets now. Each lmp/gmp projectile can hit 3 additional targets, but if it pierces or chains, it wont hit additional targets except for the main target. I know the patch note isnt really that specific, but i am basing this off of what chris said on kripparrians stream "we want to make LA work like more traditional AoE in order to counter the insane amounts of hits with pierce/chain", and immediately after that statement, this patch came out. I am not 100% convinced that it really works that way now, but i know that chris mentioned something about LA and this patch note is the followup. Cant tell for sure what exactly "The number of targets is now always 3." really means in the end, but my educated guess is it wont hit more targets after it pierces/chains except for the main target. If it indeed means what i just suggested, the number of hits would be: 3x4 = 12 immediate hits (that hit everything), + 6 additional chain hits (only hitting one target). Take it with a grain of salt though, because as i said, i cant tell for sure what that patch note statement really means, you would have to ask GGG. I could be wrong though and they still havent implemented the "more traditional way of AoE", waiting with it until a future patch. Haven´t played LA since closed beta, and back then i was using pierce instead of chain anyways (projectile weakness + pierce support = 100% pierce, which could lead to even more total hits if there were enough enemies grouped up). Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Mar 17, 2013, 6:27:48 PM
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" I'm trying to herd as many mobs together as possible before shooting and tapping off a mana pot instantly once firing. That gives me about 4 guaranteed shots before I actually have to start really worrying. I'm still going to use blood magic, but I'm trying to see how realistic it'd be to use without so far. It's working fine right now, since I only have 4L armor, but I am only using an all green set-up right now, so it isn't really eating much either. Also, faster projectiles/mana leech/frenzy to help regain my lost mana quickly. IGN: Troheim
Item Shop: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/368180 |
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" Thanks a lot for the input! Now on to the explanation of what the 0.10.0 patch brought in for LA. Basically before the patch, leveling up LA would give you two additional things: more shock chance (which is now completely removed), and higher number of targets hit with the projectile, so at mid level LA you would hit 5 targets, and at later levels 6 targets (I can't remember the exact levels) - and now LA only hits 4 targets regardless of its level. So yes, this patch is actual and it is how LA works at the moment - the chained/pierced/forked new projectiles will also hit 4 targets each. If that gets nerfed as you suggested (so that chained/pierced/forked new projectiles cannot mini-chain), I would probably just switch up Chain and LMP for Faster Attacks and GMP - but that is just a guess, we need the actual path notes to see about that. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" Yeah right, completlely forgot that LA would hit more targets with higher levels back then. Then we can safely assume that the "traditional aoe" stuff chris was talking about is indeed NOT in the game yet and LA still works as you used it in the math from last page. Really curious what exactly they mean with traditional AoE in regards to LA, we might find out soon. |
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Hey Venator, I have another question. I'm wondering what type of armour I should use in general. In your first post, you state, "The best chest piece to use is Armour Evasion hybrid, because it makes it easier to get desired slots." I don't understand what that means.
Also, I notice that str+dex hybrid pieces give a combined total armour+evasion which is greater than the armour value of an equivalent level strength piece. Look here for example, the Wiki page for chest armour. It shows that the highest level str piece gives 553 armour. But the highest level str+dex piece, when you have Iron Reflexes, gives 611 armour. The same is true for helms, boots, etc. On that basis alone, shouldn't all of the Shocker's gear ideally be armour-evasion? |
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Ideally, yes.
Now what the thing about sockets means... On a pure STR item (pure armour), you have a High chance to get red slots, Low chance to get blue/green slots On a pure DEX item (pure evasion), you have a High chance to get green slots, Low chance to get red/blue slots On a pure INT item (pure energy shield), you have a High chance to get blue slots, Low chance to get red/green slots Now when you try to get your ideal GGGRR five slots on any of those armours, you will have a hard time. The easiest of those would be the pure evasion item, because it has the best chance to roll three green and only two red slots. However, to further increase the chance of getting GGGRR easily, you grab a STR/DEX item (armour/evasion), which has equal chance to get red and green slots, and Low chance to get blue slots. The same relation applies to DEX/INT and STR/INT types of items. Personally I am using a STR (pure armour) chestpiece right now, and it took me about 200 chromatics to get GGGRR. Annoying... Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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I have a question about Curses. I have seen a ton of discussion of the different options and am really having trouble decided between Projectile Weakness/Elemental Weakness/Conductivity.
I know that when you start finishing the build that shock stacking adds a ton of DPS making me think that conductivity would be the best choice but I am really not sure. Also with Projectile Weakness which part of the damage done is augmented. Is it the total damage from the projectile and added elemental damage or just the physical portion? IGN: Dmillz
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First to answer the last question - PW will increase total damage done to the target; not just physical.
Now on to the PW/EW/Conductivity "trilemma". PW falls off because two of its stats are a waste (Pierce and Less evasion), and the remaining stats are not shiny (knockback and damage increase). Forget PW. So EW vs Conductivity! Generally, they are both similarly good. So just pick one you like more and level it up. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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A word about cursing: PW is generally more party friendly because many things are counted as projectile wear as conductivity only benefits light elemental users and I would actually say pierce is fantastic because it basically allows your arrows to hit backline enemies instead of just the frontline.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 |
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I play Hardcore and I'm wondering if Enfeeble would be a better defensive curse than Temporal Chains. What are your thoughts?
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