[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
Personify I think as long as you have LMP unless it is a good quality chain the cost of using it isn't that great to me.
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" ECharges are a viable switch, yes. However a tiny problem would be how exactly are you going to build them up and maintain them all the time, considering you are a ranged character? Using Warlords Mark is a complete waste, and going for Enduring Cry requires you to get too close all the time... Anger and Wrath are absolutely worth it. Don't skip them. Don't skip Grace either. It will only cost 384 HP at maxed out gem levels. A very small cost for the gain. You shouldn't switch from LoH to LL at all. You just need to balance damage per hit vs number of hits. To achieve that you have to mix around your support gems. Myself I am currently using LMP WED Chain LoH on LA, and it reduces damage per hit enough that I am always gaining HP, never losing it (neither the mana cost nor reflect damage can bust me). " Quality of your Chain gem does not matter at all. What matters is that even though the mana cost becomes higher, you gain more HP from LoH. It is a positive change and should be utilized. It would become a problem only if you used mana for your skills; but with Blood Magic, it is not a problem at all. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" But isn't there a point, when your damage is high enough, where LL heals for more than LoH? For example, if you deal 100 damage every 0.5 seconds, a level 10 LoH will give you +48 life per second (24 per hit, and even less with Lightning Arrow) and a level 10 LL will give you 8 life per second (4% per hit). Clearly, LoH is superior in that case. However, if you deal 1000 damage every 0.5 seconds, a level 10 LoH will still give you only +48 life per second (24 per hit; less with LA) but a level 10 LL will give you +80 life per second (4% per hit). Last edited by aelius28#3912 on Mar 17, 2013, 3:57:58 PM
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There is also the point where you simply don't need any more damage. And when you stop increasing your damage at that point, LoH remains better.
Myself, I currently deal something above 500 DPS per hit, on 36 hits every 0.25 seconds. So in total, I dish out 18k DPS and leech back 3744 HP per second (36 hits * 4 times per second * 26 HP per hit). There is no way Life Leech can compete with that. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" How do you do 36 hits every .25 seconds? That's 144 hits per second... |
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" LA innate 4 hits. LMP 3 arrows. Chain another 3 arrows. 4 target AOE * 3 arrows * 3 hits per arrow = 36 hits per shot of Lightning Arrow. It's really not that hard and pretty much no mob should survive an LA shotgun to the face if it's 3 mobs. IGN: Troheim Item Shop: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/368180 Last edited by evantide2#4536 on Mar 17, 2013, 5:14:06 PM
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1 LA * 3 LMP * 4 LA spread * 3 Chain = 36 hits per cast * 4 casts per second = 144 hits per second.
However apparently I lied about the data, I logged in to check, my stats with LA are... ![]() So the correct math would be: 1349.4 * 36 = 48.578 DPS 2,86 aps * 36 hits = 103 hits per second * 27 life per hit = 2781 instant HP leech 2781/48578= 5.7% of my damage instantly leeched back 20% reflected of 48578 is 9715, reduced by 80% all resist it is 1943 reflected damage per second Reversed math to find out my max allowed DPS at current stats: 2781-326 mana cost = 2455 positive HP leeched 2455 reflected damage is 20% of 20% reflected, so *25 to get the total damage = 61.375 DPS maximum allowed with this setup The same math can be applied to higher levels of LoH and quality LoH to accurately predict how big your tooltip DPS on LA may possibly be to remain completely safe from reflected damage. EDIT: what this also means is that the remaining 61.375-48.578=12.797 DPS can be inflicted to me by little mobs and I will heal it all back. Talk about survivability... EDIT 2: forgot to mention, the 61.375 has to be divided by 36 in order to get the tooltip DPS, and it would be 1705. In other words, I can stack 350 more DPS on my LA safely. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid. Last edited by VenatorPoE#1855 on Mar 17, 2013, 5:32:29 PM
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I see. Thanks for the detailed math! Clearly LoH is better than LL for LA. But since Elemental Hit, my single target skill, only hits one target, I'm wondering if life leech is the better choice for that skill?
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Okay, so for that Iron Grip build I posted on 115 that doesn't use any blood magic on attack at all?
I've found that the break-point for it being sustainable is around 5% mana leech. If I can get 5% off of gear, then the physical damage from LA is enough for me to fire about 5~ shots into a crowd without problems. However, this is all without auras on, outside clarity to pad my mana regen. I'm only doing about 60~ damage with Chain/LMP/LA but it's adequate enough to wipe out a swarm of monkeys with ease so far on Cruel act 1. P.S.: Ice Shot LMP Chain looks freaking beautiful when fired out into a crowd and everyone needs to see it at least once. IGN: Troheim Item Shop: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/368180 Last edited by evantide2#4536 on Mar 17, 2013, 6:10:35 PM
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" Indeed; on single target Life Leech is a clear winner. " Well I thought you would use Blood Magic support gem. Using mana with this setup is hardly viable; or realistically impossible... It would cost me 326 mana per second. It is impossible to reach mana regeneration with this build high enough to sustain that; even with lvl20 mana leech gem, mana flasks, clarity AND on top of all that, using only fixed cost auras with a BM gem. EDIT: P.S.: Ice Shot totem lags me so much I want to punch my monitor. Never again am I going to cast that! Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid. Last edited by VenatorPoE#1855 on Mar 17, 2013, 6:04:32 PM
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