New Trading System IN MARCH 2014?!

Rich85 wrote:
reboticon wrote:
From the way I am reading it, once you and buyer/seller agree on a price you can set an individual "buyout" for that person and trade can take place offline. The idea is to keep it from being "true" action house. Probably because they insist on some form of interaction and also because scripts could abuse buyouts with automation.

This is no good, because I want my item in a reasonable time frame, especially ifs its something like a leveling unique or a gem.
The will just make it take longer to make trades, because while I am waiting for Seller A to come online, I have to pass up items from everyone else.

You're just having an illusion that selling and buying offline will help you sell your leveling uniques faster. What you forgot to include in the calculation is the other 4895893 sellers out there being able to do the same. The result is that the only way to have your stuff sold is by continuously undercutting other people and in less than 1 day, the unique that you could have sold for 1 chaos a piece now is worth 2 Alts. Maybe it's just me, but I'd much rather sell a couple items a day for decent prices than have all of my low level stuff downgrade to true garbage status.

All these complaints about having no buyout option have not fully taken into consideration the effect such option would have on the economy as a whole. Having no buyout option does not prevent a buyer from ultimately acquiring the items he needs. He just has to spend more time to locate a seller to conduct the transaction. However, the advantage is significantly greater: it discourages sellers from undercutting each other. The total number of items changed hand in a given time period would be roughly the same between having b/o option and not having it but the prices at which items are being sold for are significantly higher without a buyout option. GGG doesn't like their uniques to flood the market at cheap trash prices and having no b/o is how they preserve the values.
Standard IGN: WTFNamesAllTaken.
Online everyday at 10 AM CST and at several different hours throughout the day. Best way to reach me is via forum PM.
If you're looking for a deal, do your homework and make a decent offer. If I have to set a b/o via request, it will be non-negotiable.
Last edited by Bumblebutt#0949 on Jan 26, 2014, 11:12:27 AM
Buyouts are essential at lower level because your going to out level anything bid upon. However, resellers and people posting endless trash are a problem. Restricting buys to accounts will make for many dupe accounts.

However, there is one solution that would make a buy-out system something earned and fun. A global AH buyout could be set whereas players need to use tokens to post items for buy-out and those tokens can only be earned by finishing acts or at end game, specific quests in tough maps. Also, the level range of what is sold is limited by token earned, so farmers cant exploit this by selling many top items on rushed alts. This encourages even casual players to use their tokens to post what they have that is worth keeping but they can't use especially if these tokens expire over time. You can even add random rewards for successful item sales with an act token to encourage people post fair prices.

Top players would have one more thing to do for end game goals with hard quest lines (possibly solo or two man only) needed to post items for sale.
Last edited by Demoth2000#0786 on Jan 26, 2014, 2:26:46 PM
Faendris wrote:
ibase wrote:
I make about 3-4 ex a day selling 1-5 chaos items that I find while mapping

maybe tell us how ? do you run a shop ? bump it every 30 min, do you trade in chat? do you spam the trade chat dead?

1-5 chaos items do you mean rare items? wow your a bummer

Run a shop with readable buyouts, be online, don't overcharge.

I rarely bump my shop at all. It's all about being indexed in and appear as online.

Works indeed...

3-4 ex may not be the case for me but sure 2-10 chaos a day

*BO tag
*Be online
*Be cheap
Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]
Chris wrote:
As for how it works, the current plan is a combination of public stash tabs (to make it easier to find items) and separately, an asynchronous cross-instance-website trading system. You can basically trade (without buyouts) across the game and website. The trades and offers are still there when you log in later, so it's possible to trade with offline people or people who aren't in your game area or are on their phone or work PC.
Sounds excellent. I'm also hoping you cannot see other player's offers when you're trying to bid on items.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jan 26, 2014, 3:50:11 PM
SaiyanZ wrote:

The average player won't be able to do this anymore. They will have to rely fully on RNG and lots of time spent playing to make currency. This is because the average guy will never be able to buy and sell for a profit like the script kids. If they play maybe 10 hours they'll be able to farm one exalt worth of orbs. So after 100 hours play they'll have 10 exalts worth of stuff with which to upgrade equipment. Quite slow by current standards. Then again if 99.9% of people can't afford stuff anymore, prices might tank and you'll be able to buy a Bringer for 1 exalt instead of 10.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

you know has b/o right? and from what we know will still have with the new system.
Is this abused by script kiddies?
Im asking because I genuinely dont know. is the AH in the current game. It already exists. I has improved the game.

I for one would have abandoned the game if it were not for procurement and
There is little point in reinventing the wheel i.e. recreating what has done.
This new system sounds like it could add something new, I hope it does.
Bumblebutt wrote:

All these complaints about having no buyout option have not fully taken into consideration the effect such option would have on the economy as a whole. Having no buyout option does not prevent a buyer from ultimately acquiring the items he needs. He just has to spend more time to locate a seller to conduct the transaction. However, the advantage is significantly greater: it discourages sellers from undercutting each other. The total number of items changed hand in a given time period would be roughly the same between having b/o option and not having it but the prices at which items are being sold for are significantly higher without a buyout option. GGG doesn't like their uniques to flood the market at cheap trash prices and having no b/o is how they preserve the values.

Ill say again exists
Not the same thing. xyz DOES NOT ALLOW OFFLINE TRADING. xyz buyout option is for reference only.
Standard IGN: WTFNamesAllTaken.
Online everyday at 10 AM CST and at several different hours throughout the day. Best way to reach me is via forum PM.
If you're looking for a deal, do your homework and make a decent offer. If I have to set a b/o via request, it will be non-negotiable.
So, when will this system be implemented?
Bumblebutt wrote:
Not the same thing. xyz DOES NOT ALLOW OFFLINE TRADING. xyz buyout option is for reference only.

while you are correct, it seems from what little we know that the new system the seller will still need to be online to accept the deal i.e. no b/o so in effect it wont be so different from PMing a buy offer to a offline player except hopefully the item will appear in the buyers stash with out both parties needing to be online (thats what I understand from asynchronous trading anyway but we will have to wait and see)
LtTrog wrote:
Bumblebutt wrote:
Not the same thing. xyz DOES NOT ALLOW OFFLINE TRADING. xyz buyout option is for reference only.

while you are correct, it seems from what little we know that the new system the seller will still need to be online to accept the deal i.e. no b/o so in effect it wont be so different from PMing a buy offer to a offline player except hopefully the item will appear in the buyers stash with out both parties needing to be online (thats what I understand from asynchronous trading anyway but we will have to wait and see)

It will be different you can give c/o and go offline then seller comes he accepts boom you have item, while now you have to wait for him even if you gave the offer to seller.

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