New Trading System IN MARCH 2014?!

Let's extrapolate just a bit from what Chris has posted and what is already known about some of the long-standing plans related to the trade system and try to imagine an end product.

What I see is either a new "stash" chest being placed in town(s) marked "Public" where players have an allotted number of tabs, or specific tabs in your account stash (I could see these being expandable through Shop purchases) into which you can drop items that you are wanting to trade.
Players interested in "shopping" will have access to a type of search UI which will allow them to filter all available items across all public stash tabs.
Players will have a "trade" window into which they can place the item(s) they want on one side, and their offer on the other.
The seller is notified of pending trades either through an in-game pop-up (like for party invite) or through a PM to their account @ GGG to allow for offline trading.
Sellers will be able to see all current offers for any given item and accept the offer of their choice.
The in-game and web-based integrated "index" will allow for you to filter for online, to provide better chance of fast trade for those not willing/able to wait for asynchronous trades.
Those making offers on items should also be able to see concurrent offers on same item, to allow them to determine if the trade is something they can "afford" or if they need to "sweeten" an offer in order to complete the trade.

These are a few of my assumptions of what the implemented system might include. As you can see, there is a lot to it. I can only imagine how hard it might be to design and code such a system. I can't blame them for wanting to get it as absolutely polished as they can internally before releasing to us. Think how excited they must be to finally be able to give us something that is so obviously important to GGG and this game.

I don't think they want to make trading "hard", I think they want to require some modicum of actual interaction between players so that the entire process doesn't feel as though the game is doing the trades for you, automatically (what you get with the D3 Auction system).

If we can conduct all trade, at any time, using only either the game client or the official website, then I will see the final product as a major accomplishment and a huge step forward.

I am, needless to say, really looking forward to what they roll out.
Last edited by Sinnesteuer#7507 on Jan 16, 2014, 9:08:59 AM
Sinnesteuer wrote:

I am, needless to say, really looking forward to what they roll out.

It makes me feel weird when we agree. Very excited. Addresses every complaint I have with current system.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt
Tempest/War Bands T shirt
reboticon wrote:
Sinnesteuer wrote:

I am, needless to say, really looking forward to what they roll out.

It makes me feel weird when we agree. Very excited. Addresses every complaint I have with current system.

It's OK, I'm not really all that bad, normally...

It is perfectly normal for people to strongly agree in some areas while having strong differences in others. Our differences have made for some good discussion, which is never a bad thing.

It's not like we're going to share hot showers late at night because we are both excited to see the changes, so I think the Reboticon/Sinnesteuer dynamic is pretty safe, for now...

I'm stoked over the idea of being able to conduct trade while not actively in game, something sorely lacking in the current system. That alone, regardless of any hoops I have to jump through in order to make it all happen, is more than enough change to make me smile.

I really do believe trade is going to become exponentially easier to the point where the only "hassle" is going to be that some players are too accustomed to pure convenience and have no patience. I say this as a self-described "casual".
Sinnesteuer wrote:
It's not like we're going to share hot showers late at night because we are both excited to see the changes

You can lie to us, but please don't lie to yourselves. :)
Look, man. Video games are hard, okay?
Sinnesteuer wrote:

It's not like we're going to share hot showers late at night because we are both excited to see the changes, so I think the Reboticon/Sinnesteuer dynamic is pretty safe, for now...

Fine. I won't cross that off my bucketlist just yet.

I'm glad the dynamic is still safe. If you take away the Joker (me) then Batman becomes just some asshole in a costume.

I'm surprised (though I guess not really) that people are already complaining about this. Instant buyouts would just benefit people who love flipping. Stated changes benefit everyone.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt
Tempest/War Bands T shirt
reboticon wrote:
The very best thing I have heard recently! Thanks!

Thank you for your answer Chris, we needed that.
reboticon wrote:

I'm glad the dynamic is still safe. If you take away the Joker (me) then Batman becomes just some asshole in a costume.

Hold it right there, having a Joker in no way keeps me from being an a-hole in a cape, it just gives me some redeeming qualities in the eyes of some in the population.

Interesting hero/villain combo though, as each is just as messed up as the other. I'd say it works for us...
sounds intriguing ,
Unless they make something that doesn't involve human interaction with each other I might consider playing again, I have low tolerance level for BS the others usually provide with their items or by trying to "haggle" which might result into insults!
It is perfectly normal for people to strongly agree in some areas while having strong differences in others. Our differences have made for some good discussion, which is never a bad thing

I would say in this game and in politics the main reason two people disagree over something is they want different incompatible things. Foolish is the politician who thinks he can keep everyone happy

The reason people don't want an AH in this game is the reasons I do. Our desires are simply not compatible

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