[1.1.x] Party-Friendly, Multi-Purpose, Bow Crit (Physical CoC/Puncture/Lightning Arrow) Guide

Bars wrote:
(to proc a critical, 1. your attack needs to hit; 2. if it hits and procs a crit, your accuracy is calculated AGAIN and if it's a miss, you score a regular hit instead of a critical)

Ah, that was the information I missed, thank you.

As for Lioneye's and reflect, you confirmed what I was thinking, EK not evadable because of spell, I only figured that "reflect" might have been another dmg category which would be evadable.

Also I tried to make the jump to Vaal pact without sacrificing too much:


What do you guys think?
Last edited by biomuesli#5784 on Mar 25, 2014, 3:33:05 AM
biomuesli wrote:

As for Lioneye's and reflect, you confirmed what I was thinking, EK not evadable because of spell, I only figured that "reflect" might have been another dmg category which would be evadable.

What I wrote was a combination of theorycrafting and info from other people, I'm not 100% positive it is correct.

From what I've gathered, the basic mechanics of reflect is: it works as if you're attacking yourself with your own attacks/spells. At least that would explain the logic of your own accuracy being used to determine if you'll avoid reflected physical attack damage.

About the build, looks reasonable to me, but I've only reached Cruel A3 with a bow build, so I guess Feyith should say what she thinks :)
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
First I just wanted to say thank you for all of the awesome info here. I'm not using Feyith's build exactly, but I've gotten a ton of useful help from reading through this thread.

I was just looking for some general advice on my skill tree and gear. I run solo about 50% of the time with the rest being spent mostly in a 2-man party with an ele buzzsaw user.

This is the current state of my skill tree (scion isn't efficient, but I switched from a different build). As far as passives I'm mostly feeling like I just need to pick up a couple more aura nodes (clarity almost sustains me fully with ~80 unreserved) and then more crit nodes since my crits are still a little inconsistent. I'm pretty sure I've got pretty much every survivability node in the area (with phase acro as a stretch goal). My gear is as follows:


The 5L bow was a happy accident with 10 fusings. I only paid a chaos for the bow itself even. I'm saving for windripper, but that isn't going to be any time soon. What should I work on replacing here? I know the one socket rats nest needs to go. The only reason I'm using it is that I got a really great deal on it and didn't need links at the time. I'd like to put either blood magic curses or a second CWDT setup there once I get a new nest. Other than that, should I be looking into accuracy jewelry or something else maybe?

Also, I'm curious what you guys think of my links. The split one is for pack clearing and group support, while the barrage is the best I could come up with for single target. I'd like to use cold snap on the split but it consumes my power charges so I'm using EK/Hatred for freezing. The barrage melts anything that I can shotgun pretty effectively. Has anyone come up with a more effective single target CoC 5L?

Sorry this post is a little bit all over the place, just looking for general advice.

Edit: Also I'm not sure if it's worth 20 regrets to get the 5th power charge. Thoughts?
Last edited by demonguard#5146 on Mar 25, 2014, 7:26:19 AM
Soooo... I don't like how Cold Snap eats my power charges.

I guess I'll give EK a shot since I just found out it works with Chain (I must be drunk).

Hatred seems strong with EK. However, I'm worried that Hatred will lose effectiveness if I start using a Windripper since it has such low physical damage.

I'm guessing I'll switch over to Wrath or something.
mechclams wrote:
Soooo... I don't like how Cold Snap eats my power charges.

I guess I'll give EK a shot since I just found out it works with Chain (I must be drunk).

Hatred seems strong with EK. However, I'm worried that Hatred will lose effectiveness if I start using a Windripper since it has such low physical damage.

I'm guessing I'll switch over to Wrath or something.

Just don't drop hatred. It sucks for the windripper damage (because windripper does not do phys) but it makes EK so much stronger and lets it freeze on crit. Wrath not working with EK. So hatred is pretty much mandatory if you want to use EK for damage.

Also, with Voll's you don't have to worry about power charges, cold snap is really nice, just tried it today and i think i will stick with it.
Last edited by biomuesli#5784 on Mar 25, 2014, 4:50:01 PM
mechclams wrote:
Soooo... I don't like how Cold Snap eats my power charges.

Just to add, Cold Snap is meant for Voll's Protector in a CoC build.
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
if youre part support, why not go for conduit? or is the support aspect mainly limited to the auras and the rest of the build is for soloing/dmg
Last edited by alkoxide#0390 on Mar 25, 2014, 5:46:01 PM
feyith wrote:
@alkoxide: I just had a thought. If you haven't spent your orbs yet and have no idea what you're doing, this might suit you better...

Then you can play around with gem combos and figure out what you like best. :)

* Edited first post to add this is what I meant by make sure Arc casts before Ethereal Knives hits. Your procced spells need to be linked in cast order starting from CoC like this. (The main attack and other supports don't matter.)

thanks for the advice! i found a 5L voll's the other day. Socket wise, a 5L volls and a rasa should be the same. i spent some of the orbs but ill probably test both of them out and see how it goes. tabulas been dropping in price so i can probs get one for cheap

so im keeping an eye for bows that drop, what am i looking for? high crit and phys dmg? what about attk speed? ive seen some with good crit around 8.5+, but none so far with 200+pdps or like, 1.3+aps

thanks for all the help.
Last edited by alkoxide#0390 on Mar 25, 2014, 6:23:15 PM
demonguard wrote:
Edit: Also I'm not sure if it's worth 20 regrets to get the 5th power charge. Thoughts?

If you can consistently generate Power Charges I'd say it's worth it for the additional 50% crit chance.

That being said, 20 regrets could buy you some nice gear so only do it if you've got currency to burn.

biomuesli wrote:
Also, with Voll's you don't have to worry about power charges, cold snap is really nice, just tried it today and i think i will stick with it.

Bars wrote:
mechclams wrote:
Soooo... I don't like how Cold Snap eats my power charges.

Just to add, Cold Snap is meant for Voll's Protector in a CoC build.

Hmm. Okay. I'll give Cold Snap another try.

Slightly off-topic, I've found that Cold Snap murders my fps. O_O
Wow, lots of great discussion. I love it! :)

biomuesli wrote:
@feyith and bars

Hey, what about reflect with Lioneye's? Does the your hits can't be evaded mod in any way influence your ability to dodge or evade reflect?

You cannot evade yourself using Lioneye's. Dodge is rolled separately, as far as I know, but is unreliable because you basically have a 2/3 chance to *not* dodge. So you should plan around probably hitting yourself. I pop a Granite Flask of Iron Skin and switch to single target for Physical Reflects.

can you dodge your EK reflect? or any other spell? or do you need phase acro to dodge reflected spell dmg.

You need Spell Acrobatics or Armor/physical mitigation against EK. (CwDT should be sufficient.)

what's the math for a quillrain? 5% base crit * .86 (accuracy) * (dunno what the base speed is)? do you have one to actually try? i know mana cost is insane but 3.1 aps base seems a lot

I remember doing the math in a different thread and the proc rate was about comparable. So there's not much reason to do no base damage and have mana issues. (Giving up both your ring slots for a Thief's Torment in order to make it work, hardly seems worth the trade off, even if it procs more.)

Last but not least: what do you guys think about getting Vaal pact, it would be a 11 point investment which is huge but I can see it increasing survivability by a lot, atm, I can't do phys reflect maps (because it just takes so long with only arc) and standing in mob groups can result in death.

That's totally personal preference. I would rather have the 11 points, since most people tend to skip Physical Reflect maps anyway.

Also: is this picture taken with your aura-buddy? dmg seems off the charts ;)

Yeah, any stats I post are with party buffs since that's one of the main strengths of the build. Having said that, I ended up ditching my aura nodes because I rarely run into a group missing more than 1-2 of my preferred auras and you can run that many just fine with Reduced Mana.

biomuesli wrote:

That is definitely the best path to take to it for an Evasion build. Let us know how you like it. :)

demonguard wrote:
First I just wanted to say thank you for all of the awesome info here. I'm not using Feyith's build exactly, but I've gotten a ton of useful help from reading through this thread.

I was just looking for some general advice on my skill tree and gear. I run solo about 50% of the time with the rest being spent mostly in a 2-man party with an ele buzzsaw user.

This is the current state of my skill tree (scion isn't efficient, but I switched from a different build). As far as passives I'm mostly feeling like I just need to pick up a couple more aura nodes (clarity almost sustains me fully with ~80 unreserved) and then more crit nodes since my crits are still a little inconsistent. I'm pretty sure I've got pretty much every survivability node in the area (with phase acro as a stretch goal).

Looks good! You grabbed all the best survivability nodes in the most efficient ways. :)

The 5L bow was a happy accident with 10 fusings. I only paid a chaos for the bow itself even.

I love when that happens! :D

I'm saving for windripper, but that isn't going to be any time soon. What should I work on replacing here? I know the one socket rats nest needs to go. The only reason I'm using it is that I got a really great deal on it and didn't need links at the time. I'd like to put either blood magic curses or a second CWDT setup there once I get a new nest. Other than that, should I be looking into accuracy jewelry or something else maybe?

You could Bless your bow for a really quick/cheap upgrade. How are your resists? Is it overkill with Elements? Accuracy has always been a struggle for me. It seems like no matter how much I stack, I hover at around 86-87%.

Also, I'm curious what you guys think of my links. The split one is for pack clearing and group support, while the barrage is the best I could come up with for single target. I'd like to use cold snap on the split but it consumes my power charges so I'm using EK/Hatred for freezing. The barrage melts anything that I can shotgun pretty effectively. Has anyone come up with a more effective single target CoC 5L?

I use the same Split Arrow setup. For single target, EK spam works pretty well or I actually prefer just a regular attack with normal support gems so I can control what it hits.

Sorry this post is a little bit all over the place, just looking for general advice.

That's what the thread is here for. :)

Edit: Also I'm not sure if it's worth 20 regrets to get the 5th power charge. Thoughts?

20 Regrets is a lot. It's 50% crit chance worth of points you can spend on other stuff...but if you're not rich, I'd say get your gear upgrades first.

alkoxide wrote:
if youre part support, why not go for conduit? or is the support aspect mainly limited to the auras and the rest of the build is for soloing/dmg

That's up to you. I had Conduit for a while but found that the people who use charges tend to generate for themselves.

alkoxide wrote:
so im keeping an eye for bows that drop, what am i looking for? high crit and phys dmg? what about attk speed? ive seen some with good crit around 8.5+, but none so far with 200+pdps or like, 1.3+aps

thanks for all the help.

You usually can't get all of the above unless you craft the bow yourself. I think priority is crit chance (8+), then base damage if you have any mana issues and attack speed if you don't.

Sorry if I missed anything. You guys were busy today! :D
Last edited by feyith#0081 on Mar 25, 2014, 9:10:32 PM

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