[1.1.x] Party-Friendly, Multi-Purpose, Bow Crit (Physical CoC/Puncture/Lightning Arrow) Guide


This is an aura support build that has been optimized for skill interchangeability and maximum map clearing speed without going low life CoE/Shav's, etc. I don't take Acrobatics because the other defensive nodes outshine it when running in a party. If you primarily solo and find you're too squishy, there are several alternative variations available below.

Example(s) of Buffed Ridiculousness:


Current Setup:

Level 85 Tree*

*I get asked a lot about my current build. Remember, this is very specific to my gear setup. Please keep scrolling down for the base and goal recommended trees. There is also an IR + Vaal Pact option for Lioneye's users. I use Ghost Reaver to maintain full ES and Life Gain on Hit or flask(s) to regenerate life. I've kept the Heavy Draw and Deadly Draw clusters because the hybrid nodes give more bang for your buck than single stat nodes, and the physical damage synergizes perfectly with Leech and my 50/50 elemental damage to make me reflect immune. Check out Mathil's or Space's threads if you are looking to go more of the elemental route. Also, Herbalism is a massively underrated skill that gives increased damage via Atziri's Promise and 100% uptime on defensive flasks.

Main Attack:

Vs. "Allies Cannot Die" Packs:

Rogue/Boss Kill Move:

Oh-Crap!/I-Win! Buttons:

Other Stuff:

Apex of Sacrifice/Atziri Setup:

My Old/Budget Gear:

What and Why:

* Using a bow instead of wand or dagger for potential dual 7-links. If you're broke, Voll's Protector will turn any 4-link into a 5-link. You'll be able to hit the crit cap with Power Charges (see below).

* Level with a Doomfletch or Death's Harp. At level 68, switch to a Harbinger Bow. (It is possible to roll up to 9.4% base crit chance.) If you're very patient/lucky with Chance orbs, either of the unique Imperial Bows work amazingly well for this build.

* Voll's for the Power Charges. Alternatively, you could use a Tabula Rasa or any 5-link (or weapon switch) with Power Charge On Crit. With this build, it gives you an added, pretty much permanent +250% chance to crit. (5 maximum number of charges if you help Merc Alira.)

* Buffs: Blood Rage (for Frenzy charges and life leech), Hatred (for added damage and Freeze), Wrath (for added damage and Shock) and/or Grace for added survivability. Level up one of each Purity in your off weapon(s) for end game map partying. 4-link Reduced Mana with one of each color to be able to trade auras in and out as needed. (Optional: Reduced Mana + Blood Magic + low level Clarity + 1 more aura.)

Gems for CoC:
* Barrage. (Machine gun effect and lowest mana cost. Easiest to sustain.)
* Split Arrow. (Has built in LMP/GMP. Works best with Chain and/or Ethereal Knives.)

For Party Support:
* 4-Link: Arc + Chain (for shock stacking) or Cold Snap (requires Power Charges for perma-freeze) or Ethereal Knives (if running Hatred aura).
* 5-Link: Chain + Arc + Ethereal Knives with Hatred (most party friendly combo due to highest damage, shock stacking and least graphical lag).

For Max Elemental Damage:
* 4-Link: GMP + Fireball or Arctic Breath.
* 5-Link: LMP + Chain or add another Projectile spell (Fireball + Arctic Breath works best for Elemental Equilibrium maps).

For Soloing:
* LMP + Ice Spear + Freezing Pulse.
* Ethereal Knives + Cold Snap + Life Gain on Hit or Leech.

* For "Can't Die" Packs: Lightning Arrow + Weapon Elemental Damage + Chain + LMP/GMP + Mana Leech or Blood Magic + Life Gain on Hit. This skill's primary strength is hitting as many things as you can, as quickly as possible.

* Single Target: Puncture + Physical Projectile Attack Damage + Increased Critical Damage. To dual-purpose it for use with an elemental bow against Physical Reflect, add Weapon Elemental Damage and/or Added Fire Damage. (With the Infernal Mantle, this causes a triple DoT. Most bosses will bleed themselves out within 1-2 shots.)

* Reflect Counter: Use curse(s) instead of increasing base spell damage.

Cast when Damage Taken: (Set to trigger at 1/3 to 1/2 your unreserved life worth of damage.)
* Enduring Cry + Immortal Call + Increased Duration.
* Arctic Armour.
* Molten Shell.
* Summon Skeletons.
* Devouring Totem.

Other Defensive Options:
* Flame Totem + Blind + Knockback.
* Spell Totem + Enfeeble or Temporal Chains.
* Lightning Warp + Reduced Duration + Faster Casting.

* Normal: Oak for +40 Base Life.
* Cruel: Oak for +18% Physical Damage if you use a Harbinger Bow or Ethereal Knives; Kraityn for +8 Attack Speed or killing them all for the +1 Passive Skill Point are also comparable options.
* Merciless: Alira for +1 Max Power Charge.

Lowbie Leveling Guide:

Go straight for Soul Siphon. The 25 Mana Gained on Kill will make leveling much less painful. You can Regret these points later, when Mind Drinker alone becomes sufficient. The big Dex nodes allow you to use better equipment. By level 16-17, you should have a good base of all the big nodes, like this.

Starter Gear (my guildmates and I give these away often):
* Amulet - Karui Ward (level 5).
* Helmets - Fairgraves' Tricorne (level 12), The Peregrine (level 23).
* Armor - Briskwrap (level 9).
* Gloves - Sadima's Touch (level 11).
* Belts - Wurm's Molt (level 8), Perandus_Blazon (level 16).
* Ring - Blackheart (no requirements).
* Bows^ - Storm Cloud (level 10).
* Quiver - Broadstroke (level 5).

^Since the Storm Cloud does massive amounts of elemental but no physical damage, I found it easiest to level up using Elemental Hit and Poison Arrow. You can switch to CoC once you get over ~40% critical strike chance. (This is more than most Quill Rain builds have at end game, so should give you a good idea of how crazy you can be with 70-95%.)

Got some questions about what I meant by make sure Arc casts before Ethereal Knives hits. Your procced spells need to be linked in cast order starting from CoC, like this. (The main attack and other supports don't matter.)

Also, pick up every 4-slot or smaller blue item you find; ID the weapons and save up as many Alteration Orbs as you can. You will want these later for turning into Jewelers and Fusing Orbs.

And last but not least...

Passive Skill Tree(s):

Base Tree (functional for low level maps; 70 points)

Goal Tree (high base stats, physical damage, mana leech; 100 points)

Phase Acrobatics (drop Nullification and Charisma cluster; 102 points)

Vaal Pact and Iron Reflexes (for Lioneye's users; 102 Points)

By Request: High Life Version of My Tree (102 points)

By Request: Solo Version of Windripper Tree (102 points)

Depending on your party's dynamics, you can instead go for Conduit, Clear Mind, Spell Damage, etc.

Questions, comments, constructive critique and suggestions are all welcome.
Just remember Wheaton's Law.

Also check out CentauriSoldier's thread for more info on the other members of my dedicated party.

*** EDIT: ***

I started a new thread for those requesting a non-CoC version.

Gameplay videos will be updated here: http://www.youtube.com/user/feyith.

Thanks for reading! :D
Last edited by feyith#0081 on Jun 29, 2014, 9:21:13 PM
I like the concept of this build and the way its a cheap playable build for beginners (That's what missing in the shadow section of the forum) But when i looked at your skill tree it looked to me... I dont know, very strange. You didn't took all of the accrobatic phase, is mana on kill necessary on highter level? Isn't mana leach on gear enought?

You tooked Influence and aura effect, why? Isn't reduced mana enought?

I tried to revamp a little bit of your skill tree to what i would do (not saying it's better, it's just my vision) and that's what it looks like :


But still, it only gives5 126% Max life and 40% increased evasion rating. Of course you still have accrobatic but that's not enought i think. plus what i made in 15minutes is a 94 points uses wich is a little bit too much for beginners. (Do you wanted to make a build for beginners?) I usually try to go for 85points used for beginners or first try builds.
Thanks for the great questions! You may be right about the Soul Siphon cluster. My mana ball stays full most of the time, so Mana Gain on Killing Blow may be overkill. I think I will regret those points and see how I do running around without it.

The reason I took Influence instead of Spell Dodge is because Sellia, the support Scion I party with runs Purity of Fire, Lightning and Ice (which stacks with my Elements and gives us super maxed resists), so spells don't do much damage against us, so I went with Increased Aura Effects for the versatility.

Your modifications are great for soloing, I think (with a Decoy totem). You could also take some more points out of Spell Damage and Spell Crit nodes to grab the nearby life rings.

In terms of survivability, I just broke 1000 HP at level 55. My 75 who I solo maps with has about 1500 and does pretty well. I'll probably come back and put more points into the Acrobatics rings if it becomes a problem.

That's a lot to think about, though. Thank you for the nice input.
Last edited by feyith#0081 on Jan 15, 2014, 12:24:09 AM
You were right, Zepample. I don't need all those mana nodes. This frees up the base tree to only 83 points. Perfect for a beginner!

Just started Act 3 Merc at level 57 and still not getting hit by much yet. Oak didn't even get one jump in, thanks to Sellia's curses. :)

Keep the awesome feedback coming! :D
Last edited by feyith#0081 on Jan 15, 2014, 12:24:36 AM
As a support I would assume your freeze is your greatest asset to the party (as well as your auras but those wont affect this comment). You will find that in later content chain will cause your spears to freeze less and less often and for shorter periods of time, due to 50% reduced dmg. You might try LMP instead. You gain and additional 20% dmg increase per spear. And you still get 3 spears out of it. As well as the fact that, with good positioning, you can often get all 3 to hit a target at once (specifically notable for boss/rare fights). You will loose some CoC procs, But that should be alright since your individual spear dmg will go up significantly as well as the freeze uptime will be much higher.

I am sure that for now chain works. But, if you start to see your freeze uptime drop I suggest giving LMP a try.

Just some thoughts.

Check out my Frozen Dagger build in the Shadow forums!!
Hrm. That's good to know. I'll level up LMP in my off weapon just in case. Would you still use Barrage with that or switch back to Lightning Arrow? Thanks! :)

I also just found that bosses are immune to fleeing, so any suggestions for a single target/boss attack would be appreciated.

I was thinking Puncture + Chaos Damage + Fire + Ignite, since burning enemies automatically flee?

Currently using Rarity + Culling Strike because I couldn't seem to find a good CoC combo.

*** EDIT: Just ran our first map, Dunes, at level 60. So far the only thing we have trouble with is Reflect mobs. ***
Last edited by feyith#0081 on Jan 16, 2014, 1:55:01 AM
Could you please show us your dps or/and post a video with ingame footage?:)

feyith wrote:
Hrm. That's good to know. I'll level up LMP in my off weapon just in case. Would you still use Barrage with that or switch back to Lightning Arrow? Thanks! :)

You are probably better off to stick to Barrage with the cooldown on CoC. LA will hit everything at once and only proc a maximum of 1 CoC per cast.

I also just found that bosses are immune to fleeing, so any suggestions for a single target/boss attack would be appreciated.

I was thinking Puncture + Chaos Damage + Fire + Ignite, since burning enemies automatically flee?

That is not true. Only specific types of mobs fell while burning (humanoids, monkeys, and something else i can't remember). And bosses are immune to all forms of fear/flee. As support your best bet is to try to slow a bosses attk/move speed. You wont ever do enough dmg to freeze or stun with massive bos hp. But something like Arctic Blast on switch would be a great help to your group.

Currently using Rarity + Culling Strike because I couldn't seem to find a good CoC combo.
I would say this is probably your best bet. It will net your party a lot more/better drops. As well as shorten the boss fights significantly.

*** EDIT: Just ran our first map, Dunes, at level 60. So far the only thing we have trouble with is Reflect mobs. ***

Reflect is a straight gear check for your dmg output vs. your defense. You will have to be cautious with reflect until your defenses are as strong as your offense.
Check out my Frozen Dagger build in the Shadow forums!!
Thanks for the suggestions, Juggla1570. I've been looking at Arctic Breath vs. Ice Spear for a while and am still trying to figure out the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

rahon96 wrote:
Could you please show us your dps or/and post a video with ingame footage? :)

First post updated. Barrage will take a little bit more playing around with to figure out final numbers.

Thanks! :)
Last edited by feyith#0081 on Mar 18, 2014, 11:20:00 PM
feyith wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions, Juggla1570. I've been looking at Arctic Breath vs. Ice Spear for a while and am still trying to figure out the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Here's a few thoughts.

Ice Spear
Higher base crit chance for more freezes more often
+600% increased base crit chance in 2nd form (14%)
The 2 above make for better burst and mob control.
Shotgunning (in 2nd form and with LMP) is AMAZING burst damage with enough crit chance/multi.
Increased chill duration.
Pierce allows you to hit many mobs with 1 projectile. With good positioning you can get a lot more hits with 1 spear.

Can be counter Intuitive with chain. Pierce overrides all other 'enhancements'. If a mob is to close the spear will pierce. If there's not another mob for the spear to hit as it travels in it's straight line you loose the chain.
No Splash damage.
Shotgunning (lmp) takes some time to figure out and good awareness and positioning.

Higher base dmg allowing for more sustained dps (depending on your crit chance)
Ground slow effect. Does not require you to do a specific amount of dmg to get the slow.
Splash dmg making each projectile more effective against tight packs.

lower crit chance. Making high burst less likely. As well as making for less freeze uptime with higher HP mobs.
The ground effect only lasts as long as they stand in it.
Lower burst dmg means anything less than a boss fight will likely take longer to kill

All in all I would say that AB is probably better on chain and IS is better with LMP.

Edit if you wana to checkout my CoC thread there's been some decent discussion and a lot of info there. It's typically on the first page here (don't want to link it and be rude). The wonder wander thread is also a good resource for info.
Check out my Frozen Dagger build in the Shadow forums!!
Last edited by Juggla1570#0315 on Jan 16, 2014, 11:44:37 PM

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